August “I Will” and Re-post of “Summer of Sleep”



  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,004 Member
    Checking in - I find turning off my screens makes it difficult for me to update all my fitness apps. 🤣 Still, it keeps me from spending hours on my iPad that won’t help me sleep.

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @77tes your tracker looks awesome! You chose a really tough habit this month. Congrats on steadily working on it! Did you find a replacement activity?
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 You are on a roll with the decluttering! I'm glad to hear it's getting easier. All those baby steps have added up!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    @MadisonMolly2017 You are on a roll with the decluttering! I'm glad to hear it's getting easier. All those baby steps have added up!

    Marie Kondo saves sentimental for th e last for good reason. No way I could have done this 6 years ago!!!

    Thank you @nebslp.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    Checking in - I find turning off my screens makes it difficult for me to update all my fitness apps. 🤣 Still, it keeps me from spending hours on my iPad that won’t help me sleep.


    @77tes Sane for me- off screens 12 our of every 24 hours. I am being much more efficient in posting (and figuring out which posts keep me maintaining 😂🤣😂)
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Rejiggered my sleep routine & have had 3 ultra successful nights in a row 🌸🎉🌸

    Switched stitching/macrame for reading. Much less thinking & overthinking seems to be what keeps me awake!

    I shoot to be off the phone by 9;30 as I usually over by 20 more minutes.

    Cut all decaf & chocolate our after 3-3:30.

    By waking earlier & doing my 90 min walk first thing in the AM, I can relax into the evening…I used to walk @ 7 or 7:30 pm to avoid the heat. Now that I’m
    Up early, I can avoid even more heat in AM!!!

    Side benefit- very little eating after dinner- food consumed earlier in day :)

    So relieved to have my sleep much healthier. I knew I needed to do it, but it took 2 really good nights sleep over 2-3 weeks AND my doctor’s taking the insomnia so seriously & the info it’s TWO HOURS without screens before bedtime to improve sleep for folks like me.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,004 Member
    @nebslp I AM doing my journaling on paper after screens-off and I'm reading real books then too. ;)

    BTW, I've been listening to the audio book Decluttering at the Speed of Life and it is great! I'm trying to do some decluttering inside my house.

    @MadisonMolly2017 I'm so glad that you are finding ways to make your sleeping better. 2 hours is tough, but that is what I'm trying to do. I need to try taking my morning walk earlier.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    @nebslp I AM doing my journaling on paper after screens-off and I'm reading real books then too. ;)

    BTW, I've been listening to the audio book Decluttering at the Speed of Life and it is great! I'm trying to do some decluttering inside my house.

    @MadisonMolly2017 I'm so glad that you are finding ways to make your sleeping better. 2 hours is tough, but that is what I'm trying to do. I need to try taking my morning walk earlier.

    The 2 hours was tough in the beginning, but now I see the time as quiet art & fiber art making 😃 pretty sweet way to end the day. The key has been to pop up in the morning & get all the “have-to’s” done!

    I will check out that book. I figured out how I will eliminate almost all of my saved teaching curriculum, photos, and notes from students.

    I’m going to simply photograph it all & sort into albums on my computer.

    I will just keep photos that I absolutely LOVE as hard copies.

    I’m excited to have a plan.

    Aug 21 will mark 1 month if earlier bedtime. Like all my habits, just took a bit to figure it out & PRACTICE. 💕
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    Hi habit builders. 😂

    August Focus: Get to grips with all the clutter that has accumulated in my cupboards and drawers over the years. It has been out of sight out of mind for long enough.

    For August:
    After I have finished my breakfast .....
    ..... I will Declutter 5 items.
    I have been continuing to Declutter, usually way over 5 items. 😂 19/31
    Sun 1: I sorted out my every day glassware cupboard. At the back of the cupboard I found a stack of small yoghurt/dessert tubs that I had been using for small amounts of ingredients when I was cooking. I hadn't realised how many of these I had gathered up. I have kept half a dozen and the rest have gone in the recycle bin.
    Mon 2: I sorted through the clothes that were lying on my bedroom seat. I mended 2 items, put 3 of them into the donate bag, and several more into the recycle bin. The rest of the items I put away where they belonged.
    Tues 3: I did some more paper decluttering of my filing cabinets. I am gradually filling up my upstairs paper recycle bin which I will put into the outside bin before bin day next Tuesday. Downstairs, I have a recycle box in our lounge, and I have a routine for dealing with junk mail each day when it arrives. Today, I also filed all the papers that had been piling up on the dining room table.
    Wed 4: Decluttered fridge, binned 2 out of date jams, and several chutneys. Used leftover veg to make soup for lunch.
    Thurs 5: Sorted through some old makeup. Binned several lipsticks, a couple of old nail polishes, and an almost empty tube of foundation. I haven't worn any of them for over a year.
    Fri 6: I went through some more old paperwork and put some more into the recycle bin (a lot more than five Items).
    Sat 7: I went through my sock drawer and put seven odd socks into the recycle bin. I’ve no idea where their matches went. Three of them had holes in them, and I never darn. 😂
    Sun: 8 Today, I Decluttered some more of my hair ornaments which were cluttering up,the bathroom counters. I made pretty origami containers for them and sorted them into different colours et cetera. The containers stack into a pagoda shape on my bedside table. My bigger items are in the stripey box underneath.
    Mon 9: Isn't it annoying the way clutter builds up! I had to give my writing desk another spruce up today. I binned a bunch of used post it's, several dud pens (why do we keep these? 🙄), and tidied away some small odds and ends into a couple more of my little stacking origami boxes. Making them feels very Zen. That should keep it tidy for a few days, surely! 😂
    Tues 10: 1 kitchen cupboard dealt with. Binned about a dozen out of date packets/jars of foodstuffs.
    Wed 11: Fridge clear-out. This is one of my regular decluttering tasks in preparation for my weekly food shop. Usually nets 6 or 7 items.
    Thurs11: I did a decluttering sweep of the downstairs and picked up an armful of empty envelops, newspapers, and junk mail that DH had been eating, which I,putmin the recycle bin, plus several of his coffee mugs (thankfully empty) which I washed and dried. I think this sweep is something that I will do in the future.
    Also keeping up with my Habit Tracker. It's a great motivator, as I don't want to spoil the developing pattern.

    I've had an eye infection, and the meds have made reading/typing a real trial, so minimal comments for now.

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @TerriRichardson112 what a pretty tracker! I hope your eye heals up quickly.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,901 Member
    I agree a beautiful tracker! I have ordered a new tracker tho. My math brain really would like to have one which is not circular I think. Because the smaller squares at the bottom make things seem less important somehow? So Sept will be a new chart. Right now I am struggling a little bit with the thought that if I can't be perfect why do anything. It's sort of a cycle. Happens to me every Aug after my birthday. Sort of an end of summer coming and how did I get another year older blues theme... I recognize it but really would wish for that Joie de vivre I used to have when I was younger when I would wake up singing. Now I am glad to wake up and not feel any new aches and pains (out of the blue) but I don't feel that excitement for some reason... sigh.

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    Re-trackers: You can google trackers and there’s lots of other ones come up apart from the circular ones.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 well done conquering the sentimental category! Thank you for sharing how you are reworking your before sleep routines.

    @77tes great tracking, and I like how your tracker is colored and decorated for this month's habit. Very creative
    I liked the book "Decluttering at the Speed of Life" also!! It is a very good read/ listen.

    @TerriRichardson112 I really like your colors and especially the spiders on your tracker!! Excellent how you are keeping up with your decluttering. I am very sorry about your eye infection. Sending you special get well wishes 💐.

    @SummerSkier I've lived with many math brain people over my lifetime, so I get what you are saying about the circle trackers. I'm so very NOT a math brain person, so the circle ones do appeal to me and are fun. So I believe that you are being very insightful there. I will be waiting to see what you come up with when you want to share.

    OK I had to do a search on "Joie de vivre" and found that it "is a French phrase often used in English to express a cheerful enjoyment of life, an exultation of spirit" (from the Wikipedia segment that often comes up on a search). I do not know who the very cheerful fellow is in the picture/ painting that is included, but he is definitely enjoying the moment.

    Happy Birthday to you 🎈. You do have very good insight into the how and why of your feelings. And it is especially good that you recognize it for what it is and know that it will pass. And it will 🌼.

    I needn't say much more because @nebslp truly had the best way to explain what I was trying to convey, and more. I do not have the gift of being able to explain things like you both have.

    So yes, @nebslp I totally understand what you and @SummerSkier write because I have also been struggling since December 2019 when I suddenly could barely walk for a couple of weeks and finally had X-rays taken on New Years Day 2020, and had the diagnosis of severe arthritic ankle that seemed to have come out of nowhere. I just hadn't noticed because I always thought the discomfort or low level pain meant I needed new shoes or over did things etc, but I was determined not to "get old", but the pain in December was excruciating and enough that I went to my doctor. My doctor said he has not seen such a long x-ray report for an ankle. We do not know why it became so severe suddenly. So I'm also struggling with my physical activity because I used to exercise or walk outdoors for around 60-90 minutes easily, or work in the yard/ garden for hours at a time. Now I can hardly walk up the cul-de-sac. When I post what I do as exercise here on MFP groups it might look on the surface good because I move better for now, but at a less than a quarter what I used to do in that same time. But I am very grateful that I can do what I am learning to do, and for pain free times or days. I have struggled greatly to not be sad during the lock-downs, with all the isolation and so forth because of the pandemic, and also because I couldn't go outside to walk or to the parks to hike like I used to do and was one of the few 'safe' activities available. And I still can't.

    I also had a milestone new decade birthday in September 2020 and I had not expected to have lost so much physical ground, and I am still struggling with that. I had been determined in 2019 that when my new decade birthday time came that it would be all good because I was doing great most of the time and exercising and was in maintenance. I am still in my weight range when I weighed last, but lost so much strength and stamina and still have to fight off the emotional free fall of 2020 continuing still in 2021.

    So I also am very grateful for both of your honesty. It is hard to be vulnerable. I suppose @SummerSkier, what we are both saying in our own way is that you are not alone. And we care about you, and understand the best that we can, from our own experiences, even though we all have different ones. Hugs 💐💗 to you.

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,901 Member
    @nebslp you are too sweet... I am sorry you are struggling as well. But so glad you got to go visit your daughter in Tx this summer!
    Maybe we need to change things up a bit. Try something new, let up on ourselves a little. Just enjoy this time without expecting anything great. I don't know what will help, but if you figure it out, let me know! We all need support and your honesty is much appreciated, so thank you.

    I agree. I feel like I am stuck in routines and can't get out. It's not that they are bad or things I don't want to do but sometimes it is like "is this it?". One thing I have decided to do this morning is listen to more music when I am drinking that first cup of coffee. Upbeat and energizing music. ! Maybe your meditation which you restarted for the end of the month will also help you to begin some more small changes again to lose a few pounds or get more active?

    @texasgardnr maybe it is all those milestone birthdays which get to us? I am not sure. I am so proud of you for getting the exercise that you DO get even if it's so much less due to the arthritis. It is exactly those types of things which blind side us out of nowhere as we age that get me feeling so hopeless.And the loss of strength and stamina just heartbreaking. Thank you for your honest post as well. I probably should not have read them last night as my eyes were leaking a bit..

    I do have a tracker on order which I am going to use for Sept and have decided that instead of a small habit my tiny change will be to gather some data during the month. Maybe I need to change up something (like you both said!) and if I can figure out what causes some days to be "floating on air and strong " and others to be "I feel so fragile that I might break if I go outside" perhaps I can have more of the former ones?

    I think SLEEP is critical and maybe the macros in my diet are some of it? But it will be a good opportunity to gather some actual information. Or maybe we just need to stop having birthdays?

    thank you ladies again. I appreciate the emotional support more than you know..


  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,001 Member
    I've just read through all your posts and would like to send you all a great big hug 💗
    I hope you get over the downtimes and maybe use them as a time of reflection to give you direction for the coming year.

    Have a lovely weekend
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,001 Member
    This is my Fitbit sleep chart for August - 10+ hours last night 💃 I don't like when I can't get to sleep but I always make it through each day and try again the next night 😊
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,001 Member
    My goodness! I was actually tired this evening and lay my head down for a nap - I fell asleep for another 2+ hours 😱
    I'll not sleep tonight I suppose 🤭
    I feel blooming good though.
    I took an antihistamine last night as I was getting itchy eyes and had been rubbing them quite a bit. I then took a melatonin tablet when I went to bed. Maybe this helped me conk out.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @BodyTalking You're taking this "summer of sleep" very seriously (LOL)! I would be feeling great all night long and into the next day and loving every minute of it! You must have really needed that sleep. Glad you were able to catch up!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @texasgardnr Thank you for your kind words, but I beg to differ. You have a remarkable way of putting into words so many of my thoughts but in so much more thoughtful way than I ever could. I remember when your ankle problems started and you were feeling disheartened by having to change your activity level. You have done so well with going on to do what you can, and even though it's less than before, it's still a lot! I hope you've figured out how to keep the pain to a minimum.

    We here are a bunch of non-quitters! (unless we count quitting the sitting thanks to @themedalist :) I have been so inspired by every one who has struggled with something... facing the hard decluttering tasks, working through pain, sleep issues, and other things, and have watched how you never give up. It's OK to pause for a minute, I guess (or a year :# ) but then it's time to get back at it again.

    A few months ago I decided if my husband wouldn't honor my requests to keep certain foods out of the house, I would have to restructure my environment. So I cleaned out a top cupboard and put the chips up there where they're out of sight. I am pleased to report that since then I have only taken the chips out one time and had one serving. I don't even know if they're there or not. Out of sight, out of mind! YAY! Now my dilemma is the 1-3 1/2 gallon ice cream containers that nudge me every time I get ice for my water...about 6 times a day. I tried reading the label every time ... 14 grams fat, 27 carbs, 25 sugar... OH WOW! I tell myself every time "this is poison". If that doesn't keep me away, I have a back up plan.

    Now I'm going to dust off the weights and start feeling empowered again. My camera has been feeling heavier these days so I'm going to work on regaining my arm strength.

    Enough heavy thought for a Saturday. Let's go play! I did make another pillow cover today with one of my mother's blouses. It's starting to get easier. I'm going to play with my Cricut today, too. Fun times! Enjoy the weekend!