Where to go from here...

OK, so I have posted before in regards to worrying about my lowr stomach/waist in general, which is still a problem that is plaguing me.

I want to move into maintenance, because 90% of me is the size that I want, and I really just want to work on fitness levels more so than weight and losing a lot of inches at this point. I am getting confused because there is so much information out there, I dont know what the next step should really be. My goal= sexier, flatter, leaner stomach which keeping inches in my booty and gaining more muscle in my legs and arms.

I enjoy the type of workouts that I do: I like running, because it is relaxing to me, and a time that I think about my life problems and work on solutions. I run 2-4 times a week, depending on schedule. I like the HIIT style strength training that I do, because it gets me pumped up and i feel strong and just pretty much AWESOME after a great circuit. I circuit train about 3-4 times a week. (I create my own circuts based on the equipment that I have available. I can occasionally go to the YMCA to workout, but I prefer to do what is comfortable and makes me happy, so I continue on with what I can do at my work gym, which is where I fell in love with working out in the first place.) I also do power yoga on Mondays, which I LOVE.

I am willing to change up my routines if I *Have* to, although I feel that I see many other people get to where I *want* to be doing similair training. That leaves it to diet being the problem, which I do think is the problem, not eating enough after so many years of intense dieting and also, if I am honest, yo-yoing during stressful and depressed periods with happy periods, which makes my weight go up and down by about 10 pounds.

So, I am trying to determine what I should do, diet wise, to tighten up all over, gain muscle, and lose fat, but not lose weight. Do I need to cycle bulking and cutting? Do I need to read up on recomp, and is it really possible to do both at once? How should my macros REALLy be set? Becuase I keep getting conflicting info.

Honestly, I am at that part in this process where things are getting harder to figure out, and I just reallly want to finish this! Its been 3 1/2 years in the making, I am ready to get where I wanna be!

I am 5'5". currently 134-139 pounds, fluctuating throughout the week. I can provide any info you need regarding my stats, but also all is on my profile. The Bodyfat percentage is done by a trainer at the Y, which Sara has already said is probably higher than what they have told me, and I agree seems way off to me.

Sorry this is so long, I tend to be long winded and overexplain. I am just determined that I make a lot of progress this fall/winter, and I dont want to waste any more time doing the wrong things.


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Can you link your prior thread. Thanks
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member

    Took forEVER to find this, sorry... Not sure if I am asking the right questions, I just need some guidance. I looked up my TDEE last night and decided to start at TDEE -20%, and add on about 100 cals a month to work up to maintenance. I dont know if that is a good plan, though...
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    Have you tried weight lifting? If sounds like you want to reshape your body. Weight lifting 3 days a week and eating at maintenance really helped me build muscle. I also focused on trying to hit my protein macro first and then letting everything else fall into line. When I increased my protein that is when I saw the biggest change in my body.
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    Also when I do my circuits I am doing compound lifts with dumbbells, for example Deadlifts, squats, bench press, rows, goodmornings, and whatever else I can include with dumbbells. I have not been able to increase weight recently, and I think that is because of such a deep calorie deficit, if thats posible? I do all crunches and ab work with weights (10-15 pounds) as well.

    I do have access to one of those all in one type weight machines that I can do like, pec flys, calf raises, leg press, etc on (two sides each side with difference exerciese) but dont use that very often, maybe 2 a month as I prefer the dumbbells.

    ETA: the heaviest dumbbells I have are 50, so my deadlift max is 100 and I know I will need to go to a barbell soon just no access right now...