I need more therapy

rjason1986 Posts: 29 Member
So after visiting the doctor, I was told I need 12 more weeks of therapy but there has been a massive improvement from May to now regarding my strength as well as my weight. The doctor told me to continue doing what I have been doing with the gym, IF and fasting. That the improvements speak for themselves.

I am currently fasted for 36 hours(roughly) my current weight is 253.4 down 1lb since my Sunday weigh in of 254.4(before binging lol) I am going for a 5 day fast this week or 120hours of no food other than water, tea or coffee. I know from experience that by day 3 I cannot have green tea since it makes me very sick. I will play with it again and see if I just drank too much or steeped it too long or if I just can't handle green tea while fasting.


  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Physical therapy? Glad things are going well.

    Does the tea upset your stomach? Coffee doesn’t? Hope it goes better this time.
  • rjason1986
    rjason1986 Posts: 29 Member
    Ya Physical Therapy for my leg injury. It's gotten stronger but it's not quite there yet.

    Yes Tea upsets my stomach. It has something in it I forgot what it was called though. It's beneficial but some people do experience nausea when drinking green tea while fasting. I got really sick after drinking green tea on my fast. So I stick to coffee and water.
  • Rhiannonmueller5599
    Funny story. Thought I was pregnant for a little over a week. Nope. It was the green tea.