Daily Check In



  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,259 Member
    Oh gosh Becky, I have been thinking of you. You are dealing with so much right now. Is your mom going to eventually go to some sort of senior living place? You had mentioned before that there aren't any places available. It sounds like she needs more care than you can handle on your own.

    My job is going fine, the other accountant comes back to work in a couple of weeks (from maternity leave) but I have been handling things just fine on my own. I am struggling to have time to do things outside of work (my house isn't as clean and organized as I like) and I am tired of course, but all in all, it is going well.

    I had the Hot Chocolate 15K on Saturday. That was my ninth time doing it. I think in all of those years, weather has only been good once or twice. It is always so cold, or raining, or whatever. Sometimes it has been five degrees. One time it was 34 degrees and pouring. Just YUCK! So this time it was raining but in the high 40s. So not great but not the worst. My running is so slow right now, I swear, I keep getting slower and slower every time I run. But it went well, my back didn't hurt and my toes didn't hurt. I felt pretty good. The only problem really was that my hands were like ice. I had mittens but they were soaked. Luckily I wore some old retired shoes because by the time I got done, my shoes were so soaked and muddy. And there was thunder so I was afraid they would pull us off the course, but they didn't. Usually I pig out on the chocolate fondue and hot chocolate after, but I only had a little this time because I have put on about ten pounds and don't know why, so I am trying to avoid too much junk.

    Otherwise, my running is going okay. I have been doing hill repeats and speedwork with my friend Renee - every Monday night. On Saturdays we are running with a huge training group in Nashville. On Wednesdays I just run by myself, a short run, before work. I need to do a longer run on Wednesdays and then I need to do a Thursday short run, but usually I am just too tired by the end of the week. I'm doing strength training twice a week and HIIT once a week, and the rower once a week as well. So I am staying busy but somehow I just can't seem to ramp up my running. But I am still trying! I guess that is what matters.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good evening!
    Spring is just around the corner but you’d never know here. We keep getting snow. We’ll get snow and then most of it melts and we get dumped again. At least the temps are in the 30’s and 40’s.

    Gloria-Glad to hear you’re out running. Slow is better than not running. Hopefully you’ll get your pace back up there again. I started a slow jog on the treadmill this morning. Walk/jog. I feel awkward running. It’d be better if I were doing it outside but when I’m out I have the dogs. Once the weather changes for the better and stays that way I should be able to get out early by myself and then take the dogs later.
    We are trying to get my mom in a home. She really does need to be there. She requires a lot of care now. She could probably do more but she has the “I can’t” mentality. She’s been like that forever. Sadly she never wanted to listen to anyone about quitting smoking so now she complains about all of her health issues and the one thing they all have in common is smoking. That was still not enough for her to quit though. We had to just take them away from her. She has now been to the ER 4 times in about 2 mos. with various things. I’m tired. My head isn’t in the right place. I’ve been doing well with my exercise lately and I think I’m on a routine. I need strength training bad but I’ll have to try and figure out how to get that in. Right now I just want consistency.
    I hope all is well for everyone and I hope you’re seeing much nicer weather!

    Have a nice Sunday evening!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,259 Member
    Hello!!!!!! Becky, it is always so great to hear from you! I know things are hard right now what with you mom needing so much help - and goodness knows your weather is leaving a lot to be desired. It sounds like your mom needs so much care and that is not possible for you to do on your own. But it sounds like you have settled in and you are getting your exercise! That is so important and I know it is tough, so good for you!

    Our weather has been so very cold, way colder than normal. Our weather has been even colder than our usual January temps. This morning there were a few flurries, not enough to stick or anything, but still crazy. Yesterday I ran 3.5 miles and then went back to a meet & greet with our local running club, and during the ten minutes or so of the meet & greet I got so cold that I could barely stand it. I was supposed to do eight more miles. Well, I had to get in my car and run the heat at 85 degrees for 30 minutes. At that point I was okay but still not very warm. I got out and did six more miles, but I grabbed a warm hoodie and ended up walking those six miles. So not what I had planned, which was 11 miles, but goodness. Even after I started to walk I remained quite cold. Eventually the sun came out and I felt a little better but my feet never did warm up.

    Today I went to yoga. I've been doing a variety of things, some HIIT, some strength training, the rowing machine, and a little bit of yoga. My half marathon is in two weeks, of course I won't be ready, but I will just go and have a good time, as usual!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good morning!
    A lot has changed since the last time I was on here.
    My mom is now in a nursing home as of last Thursday. She is not happy and I really don’t blame her. She’s not in town. A lot to get used to for her. I know she feels like I put her far away so I wouldn’t have to deal with her. It’s only 30 min away and it’s a nice nursing home. She can come home when there’s an opening here for her.
    Spring has finally arrived here. Except for pikes, the snow is gone. My daffodils and crocuses are coming up along with my tulips.
    Now that the sweet temptations are gone, I can hopefully get back on track with my eating again. Exercise is going well. I need to get outside more. Running or jogging on the treadmill isn’t good. It’s harder on my hip because I can’t get my natural stride.
    It’s hard to believe that March is almost over. I remember when I was excited to turn the page on the calendar to March knowing that Spring would soon be here. Now it’s Easter. Then it’s going to be planning my garden. We have so much to do. Working on our house. Cleaning up my moms house to put on the market. I have to find a painter to paint the inside of my house. Been wanting to do that for a few years now.
    My favorite race is coming up April 1st. Wish I could participate but I’m not quite ready even to walk it. I may make it one of my goals next year.
    Gloria-sorry you’re getting the cold weather. Everyone seems to be getting extreme weather. Thursday night we could view the northern lights down here. Sadly I didn’t know about it until they were done. Your race is next weekend? I know you’ll do your best even if it means doing a lot of walking. I hope you have fun.
    I’m going to try and get to the lake this morning. It’ll just be a walk because it’s cold this morning. It should warm up by this afternoon though.

    Have a nice Sunday everyone!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,259 Member

    Becky, any word on an opening in the care center closer to home? But it sounds like your mom is in a good place and 30 minutes is not too far away! Is the weather still good? It's been mixed here, mostly colder than usual and one day when we ran in the morning I got so chilled and couldn't warm up. It has gotten warmer but then today was cold again. It's like winter doesn't want to let go. Are you ready to get started on your garden soon?

    Yesterday did my half marathon, yep, eighth year for this one. It's a good race, very community oriented and I love it because so many of my friends are there. My course PR for this one is 2:35 but yesterday it took me 2:21. It has this humongous hill, called Whiskey Hill, and it's a mile long. It starts out as a slight incline but by the time we get to the top, it is crazy steep and barely even walkable. The race shirt is awesome, they also give socks and a hat. The medal is made from old whiskey oak barrels. The food at the end is amazing. I really love it. I had to walk a lot but I ran a lot too and felt good, not too much hip or back pain. Thank goodness! It was pretty warm yesterday but the wind made it feel really nice.

    I'm thinking about signing up for some shorter distance races to keep myself motivated - and I want to work on my pace.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,046 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hi All. Sorry to have been MIA. Since I ran my race last month, I have been burned out. My heart rate has been all over the place. I will be having a stress test and ultrasound early May. I also have to go back for a follow up on mammogram. They spotted something that looks like a syst. I have had pain since last October.

    I need to catch up on all of your posts. I wish I could respond to them individually, like on FaceBook.

    Becky, I did read about your mom and hope all goes well. Is she back to the nursing care now? Does your Mom get a lot of UTI's or any type of infection. My Mom was acting like she had brain fog and one of her doctors automatically stated she had alzheimer's without doing any testing. I was quite upset because I did not think she did. She passed away from ulcerative colitis that became septic. It was too late to do anything. She was never diagnosed and I truly believe because her medical staff assumed it was dementia/alzheimers. Thinking of you and your family. It is not easy..

    Gloria, I did read you will be down in the Disney area sometime in April. I hope you have a great time.

    I am going to read all of your posts and try to respond. I have been doing a lot of work outdoors with landscaping, working on a new garden space and training for another Half Marathon 1st Saturday of June.

    Take Care and Have a Wonderful Weekend.
    Pictures from Tobacco Road Half Marathon


  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good evening!
    We’re having a taste of summer. 80’s yesterday and today. More tomorrow and Friday. It’s a little too warm today. At 86 I would typically have the A/C on but no way am I turning it on in April. The evenings are too warm for sleeping. But by the weekend we could see 40’s and a few snow showers. Typical MN! The grass is really greening up nice. Flowers are popping up. Garden centers are beginning to come alive again. Feels good.
    I’ve been doing early morning walks which helps curb the appetite. Slow but I’ll get there. Just so much to do.
    My mom is still in the same nursing home. I haven’t made any calls yet. I know she wants to be closer. She’s getting really good care right now. She came here for Easter. She hasn’t done that in years. It was nice to have her here.
    Gloria-way to go on your race. It is all about having fun. Sounds like awesome things you get for doing it. That hill sounds like the hill we’d do for one of our 5ks. It was a tough hill but you get to run down it too which really messed me up the 1st time I did it. Ran down too fast. Live and learn!
    Sharon-cute pictures. I’m sorry about your health issues. I hope the spot is nothing. I do worry about my mom because she will say she doesn’t feel good but really can’t say why. Nothing ever hurts. Her head is really off and that concerns me too because it seems like it’s getting worse and it has gone so fast. Her appetite isn’t the way it was. I’m just a little concerned about depression even though she’s on meds. I’m sorry about your mom. This is my fear that something is going undetected. She never had UTI’s. Her sister had them constantly and what I don’t like is that although her urine stinks they won’t do a simple urine test to make sure she doesn’t have a UTI. Her sister most of the time never knew she had them. My mom does not complain about pain and she could definitely be hurting and not want to say anything. I’m definitely going to keep an eye on her. This is why I wish she was a little closer.
    Time to go and settle down for the night.
    Have a wonderful week everyone!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,259 Member
    Hi Everyone! How is it going? Yes, Disney was last weekend, just a long weekend, and I didn't get to do the races as they were already sold out by the time I decided to go. I did go to the expo with my BFF and I bought a couple of awesome running skirts, love them both so much. So pretty. I finally figured out that if I buy this brand in tall, they will be long enough. My friend was on the shuttle at about 3:30 am for the 5k on Friday so I got up a bit later and went out and ran by myself around our resort. I went up to Epcot so I could watch the runners go by for a little while. Saturday morning we cheered on the 10k runners as they passed our resort. We spent a day at Animal Kingdom, a day at Epcot, and a day at Magic Kingdom. Went on a lot of rides, including roller coasters. It was fun.

    I am signed up for a 5k (a runway one at the airport) for next month. Will probably sign up for either the 10k or the 5k that they do here in my community on Memorial Day - just haven't decided which distance to do. Today I ran with my BFF - she ended up not running the 10k last weekend at Disney so we did 10k today to make up for it. We walked/ran and it was good - she is so much faster than I am but with the walking interspersed, I can manage.

    Sharon, your running is just amazing. So inspiring. Are both of you having cold weather? Our weather has been so up and down. Sometimes very cold, sometimes very hot. The other day it was 86 degrees. Becky, we aren't turning our A/C on yet either, not with the colder weather in the forecast. Now it is cooler again but pleasant. I ran the other morning and it was warmer, which to me felt so good. I don't seem to be able to manage getting my runs in as easily with my job, but I am still trying and so I guess the shorter distances are working better for me right now. I am still going to the Y, doing strength training a couple of days a week and cardio/core a couple of times a week.

    The tree guy is finally here cleaning up the huge mess in our backyard from the windstorm that we had (hurricane force winds in TN, just insane). That is going to set us back a lot of money. We did get a little from the insurance but will still be forking out a LOT. And since we had the flash freeze in December, a lot of our bushes and shrubs died, so I am trying to decide what to do about that too, ugh!!!!

    Okay, gonna head on for now, take care everyone, RUN HAPPY!!!!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good Morning!
    Our weather has been awful. We ended up getting 10 inches of snow but it was gone within a couple of days. We’re having a hard time getting out of this colder weather now. Plus we’ve had so much rain, sleet and it’s been windy. I haven’t been able to get down to the lake to walk or jog/walk. Hopefully one of these days the weather will turn for the better.
    Last night we were able to view the Northern Lights. It’s the 2nd time they’ve made it down this far South. They aren’t as cool as what you get way up North but they’re still something to look at.
    I’ve been trying to get in at least 3-4 5k distances a week. I’ve thrown in a little jogging when I can but that’s been mostly on the treadmill. Most of my walks have been with the dogs outside right now.
    Gloria-sounds like you had a fun time at Disney. I’m so missing my runs right now. Sorry about all the outdoor work you’ve got to do. People lost a lot of trees and branches this last snow storm. The snow was so heavy. We no longer have trees. One blew over and another one died. Hard to find hardy trees right now around here.
    Sharon-I hope all is well with you. I hope everything has checked out fine.

    Time to finish up here so I can get those dog walks in. Eating is much better. Got on the scale this morning and I didn’t gain anything over the weekend. That is a first in a long time. So frustrating to put on 2 or 3 lbs from the weekend because it takes me most of the week to get them off again. Only to repeat again.

    Have a wonderful week! Spring and summer will eventually get here! At least I hope so!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,259 Member
    Hello!!! Becky, wow, snow, but it has definitely been colder here lately too - no snow though. It was 34 degrees one morning this past week, with frost, crazy because we are well past planting season. This has been the weirdest weather but I am not complaining because before we know it, it will be so hot and miserably humid here.

    I got a couple of runs in this past week and this morning went with my BFF for a six mile run. She is faster but I can keep up with her since we take walk breaks and today we did about four miles like that and then the last two were more walking - fine with me. I can tell my stamina is improving because I can keep up with her on the running parts - I've been doing hill repeats and some speedwork each week, and I think it is helping. I just need to keep it up!

    Oh, and I am getting a kayak - I've always had to borrow one (or rent one) and I finally decided to go ahead and get one. Should be here soon. I got a kayak rack for my car last week. I hope I can use it enough to make it worth the expense.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good afternoon!
    Sun is shining but it’s so windy. Took the dogs for their walks. I hate IPhones! I wish the screens would lock. Somewhere along the way, my I stopped my walk so I had to walk extra to be able to log in what I needed. I got well over the 3.15 miles I logged. Oh well. My little dog got quite a workout.

    We’re supposed to start warming up again this week. Hopefully for good this time. There was a little snow mixed in with the rain yesterday but not too bad. It’s just been so windy here.
    Gloria-I’ve always wanted to try kayaking but I was always afraid I’d tip over and there I’d be stuck and I’d drown 😜. They do it a lot in the backwaters of the Mississippi here.

    I’m missing my running so much right now. I have so much on my plate right now. I need to get to the lake more. That’s where my running will start. Treadmill isn’t great for that at this point and out here I’m just walking the dogs. If I can find the time, I’m going to try and get out to the cemetery this week. See if I can get some hills in there.

    I hope everyone is enjoying this 1st day of May! Time is flying by.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,259 Member
    Hello!!!! Becky, you and I share the same fear about the kayak tipping. I have kayaked in my friend's kayaks and they are sit inside ones, but it seems like it would be easy to get out if necessary. I have read how to do it - and even though they are sit in, they aren't sealed in, like those fancy ones that serious kayakers use - so probably I would be able to get out, and of course I always have a life jacket. One of the state parks in Nashville teaches kayaking classes and I am hoping I can fit one in sometime soon. They teach how to get out in the event of a spill. But basically you put your hands on each side and push yourself out. Also there is a standup paddleboard class nearby - I might consider taking one of those classes too, for fun. I don't have a SUP but have always wanted to try that - only reason I haven't is that one must have a strong core, and I do not have a strong core at all! So I am not sure if I can do it or not.

    It has been windy here too, with below average temperatures, but it seems like next week it is actually going to get pretty hot. I am really wishing it wouldn't warm up so fast because I don't want to turn on the A/C just yet - in the south, it is on pretty much all summer long - never turned off. And usually we have to turn it on by mid-April, so we are actually pretty lucky this year that it is already May and we haven't had to use it. But next week, I am sure we will turn it on for the summer. Then I will also have to start acclimating to the heat for running!

    So running...as I mentioned, last weekend my BFF and I went to Nashville to run in our favorite area. So pretty, just the most beautiful homes and the flowers are always spectacular in the spring. Monday we did hill repeats. Then one morning I got up very early and ran at dawn. My runs have been much shorter lately and that is fine. I actually signed up for a Couch to 5K for the summer - the goal race for the C25K is called the Tomato 5K and it is part of the Tomato Arts Festival in Nashville - so the training is called Potato to Tomato - ha!!! So cute. I have a 5K coming up in a couple of weeks and then the 10K on Memorial Day. No long runs right now. I need to focus on my pace for a while. I ran this morning alone, did a 5K, then after that walked/ran another couple of miles. Felt good, even the hills! Just gotta keep pushing on!!!!!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good Morning!

    Spring/summer weather here now finally! I tried a little running yesterday. My knees have been sore so I probably pushed more than I should. Kept my distance down because we were doing outside work yesterday also. I ended up with over 17,000 steps yesterday and let me tell you, my body felt it! I really need to do more stretching especially in the thigh area. Pulled a muscle trying to pull a stalk of a large sunflower out!

    We need to do dog walks today along with cleaning. It’s also supposed to rain so the dog walks may or may not happen. My son also wants me to go to the garden center to help them with flowers for their deck. This time of year is a very expensive time of year. Can’t believe how much flowers have gone up in price. I really need to start growing my own plants.

    I am really struggling with taking off weight. I’m exercising but it’s hard to stay in my calorie range right now. I’m thinking I need to go back to when I first lost all of my weight and do things that way again. At least for awhile. I can always bump the calories up if need be.

    Gloria-we can rent kayaks and paddle boards here to use on the lake. Also canoes. I always wanted to try a paddle board but now I wouldn’t have the strength to pull my self up if I had to. Plus my balance is still a little off. I’m not going to go now but come Fall I definitely want to start going to the Y. I would’ve been there had my mom not come to live with me. Life can really throw things at you when you least expect it.

    Time to get moving here. So far no rain so I better get walking!

    Have a wonderful week!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,259 Member
    Hello!!!! I just got back from camping for the weekend (tent) with four of my friends! It was supposed to rain the whole time but the weather turned out to be great - a little rain yesterday morning and quite a bit this morning, but all in all, it was great - we kayaked for a few hours yesterday.

    Becky, I think starting out with shorter distances of running and building up very slowly is the way to do it! I know that is how I started running way back when. But when I have had to start over, I think that is hard because I am so used to running longer distances and so that is what I try - but then things do hurt, especially knees. I have been loving my shorter runs lately.

    I've wanted to try SUP too, but I am wondering if I can do it with my weak core. One of my friends and I are talking about getting boards anyway and maybe taking a class. I will say that in the past, I couldn't haul my butt out of a kayak without getting on my knees, but yesterday I did, so I think my core is getting stronger. I just need to keep working on that.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member

    Summer is finally here! We didn’t have much of a Spring but that was to be expected. 80’s and 90’s now and dry. I haven’t done much jogging. I’ve been walking the dog more.

    Well, the last couple of weeks have been interesting. My mom fell and broke her hip in the nursing home. Had to have surgery. They put a long rod into the top of her femur. Luckily she didn’t need a whole hip replacement but either way at 87 yrs old and 88 lbs, it’s going to be a long and painful recovery. I don’t know what else can go wrong with her. Because of the anesthesia, her memory is worse. It’s supposed to be temporary but not sure how long. I feel so bad for her. Things have gone downhill so fast. This is pretty much the reason I’ve put off trying to run. I’m behind on my dogs training. His next class I will be quite behind cuz I had to miss our class so trying to follow online isn’t easy.

    Gloria-camping sounds fun. I’m thinking more of a camper and bed for me though. I’m a baby. Well, my back wouldn’t like it. I’m glad the weather was perfect.

    Sharon-I hope things are going well for you.

    I miss Spark. It was much easier to keep in touch . Then again I was running so much more.

    I hope you’re all enjoying this last day of May! Hard to believe we flip the calendars again. Slow down time!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,259 Member
    Oh Becky I am so sorry to hear about your mom's fall - I hope she has an easy recovery. I remember when my mom had surgery (and she had sepsis too) and her mind was not right. Sometimes she is still off, and that was in 2018. Hopefully your mom's memory will improve over time.

    I did a 5k a couple of weeks ago, at the Nashville airport, on a runway. That is the second time I've done that race. It's kind of different! I did okay. I am certainly not running my pace from a few years ago, but I was still happy with how it went. Then Monday I did the Memorial Day race that I usually do. I always love that one because I see so many people I know, both doing the race, and volunteering. That was a 10k and again, I was okay with my pace. It was actually better than the 5k time (but I didn't walk in the 5K and I did walk a little during the 10k, so isn't that funny that I walked a little). So anyway, I talked to one of my old personal trainer/running coach earlier today and I am going to hire him for a month. He is totally in agreement about me doing these shorter distances for a while. Maybe later I can do half marathons again but he thinks if I focus on shorter distances, I can get faster again. He said I do have the ability, as that was my pace just a few years ago, but if I run longer distances, it will be harder to get faster. So....I start with him next week and I hope to be able to follow his plan to a T because if I am paying money for this, I want to get the most value out of it that I can!.

    Also, I am still shopping for a new Garmin. I have some money saved from gifts my DH, my parents, and from work. I had picked one out but then that one seems to not be available so now I am thinking about a different one. No need to rush to get one though, this one is still okay. It just doesn't hold a charge for very long.

    It is definitely crazy that it is already June. We are also having the heat, and the humidity too. It's so hard to breathe when it is so humid out! And the real humidity here hasn't even set in yet. Yikes!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good Morning!

    Summer has finally arrived! June is flying by so fast. It needs to slow down.

    I have been concentrating more on training my dog and less on the running right now. Plus we’ve had quite a bit of hit days and this air quality stuff from the Canadian fires.

    My mom isn’t doing great. She has some more tests coming up. We’ll be able to get an idea at the point of what’s going on. We do have an idea now which isn’t good but we’ll wait for the tests to confirm it.

    Gloria-That’s great you’re getting a trainer. I always thought distances made it easier to run faster. I hope you see improvement.

    Im still trying to get on my bike. It seems like there’s so much going on and trying to find the time gets challenging sometimes. We still haven’t started on my moms house yet. I keep putting off the inevitable.

    I hope everyone’s summer is going well. I just want it to slow down a bit!

    Have a great week!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,259 Member
    Hello! It has been crazy weather here, sort of cool, but so very humid, hard to breathe in it! We had some days with poor air and smoke but overall it hasn't been too bad. I'm 2 weeks in with the running coach, and I only hired him for a month. It is time intensive because he has me running five miles on weekdays and with my job, it is hard to get that in. He also has me doing strength training twice a week. Saturday I did my "long run" which was only five miles, and then I kayaked with my friends in the afternoon. I got my second shingles vaccine that morning too and yikes, that was terrible, it gave me body aches and my arm still was sore yesterday! I've been having these crazy nosebleeds and ended up in the ER one night last week - it wouldn't stop. They referred me to an ENT but I can't get in to see them for several weeks and so far since that incident I have had only one mild nosebleed, so hopefully that is getting better.

    Becky, I am so to hear your mom is not doing well. It's so hard to watch our parents as they age.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good Morning! Another hot day ahead!

    I haven’t really done any running. By the time I’m done walking my dog, I’m hot and sweaty. Where we walk there’s little shade and he’s a big black dog so I’m not going to run him right now. We’ll try when it cools down.

    Gloria-the smoke hasn’t been bad the last week or so. I’m glad about that. It was getting bad. Sorry about the nose bleeds. I hope you can figure out why they’re happening.

    My moms health continues to decline. I feel that she’s in the end stage of her life. She’s so thin now. She doesn’t eat much. Doesn’t really walk. The broken hip really did it which I’ve heard happens. I feel really bad for her. Things changed so much for her so fast and I carry a lot of guilt. I’m going to request hospice care now. I feel she’d get the care she needs that the nursing home I’m unable to give her.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. It’s going so fast. Hard to believe we’re almost to mid July already. Seems like the kids just got out of school and now they’re putting school supplies out at the stores.

    Have a wonderful week everyone and keep moving!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,259 Member
    Hi Becky! I am always so glad to hear from you. I am so sorry about your mom though. I have heard the same thing, broken hips can be so debilitating and it seems like people really go downhill after that happens. I've heard the smoke is starting to come back down from Canada, hope it doesn't impact you!

    I am doing fine, I actually ended up hiring the running coach for another three months. Sheesh, during the week I am running these four mile runs, which is all well and good, except right now I am still pretty slow, so it takes me a long time (each run has a warmup and cooldown component in addition to the four miles, so it is quite time consuming). I think it is going okay. I did a four mile race this morning, didn't have the results I was hoping for, but not the worst either, and given how humid it is, probably it is was okay. I'm strength training too - running coach gives me specific workouts based on my areas of weakness, and then I go to the Y twice a week for more generic stuff (classes). With my job I feel like I have gotten careless with my nutrition, so I am really trying to do better with that.

    On Thursday I got to the ENT for the nosebleeds. Crazy too because I haven't had a nosebleed in almost two weeks, so that makes me want to cancel, but I imagine that if I do cancel, then they will start again, so I guess I will go.