Daily Bible Reading and Thoughts Shared



  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    Theme: Walking in Faith: Online Bible Study Plan by Tony Evans

    Bible Reading:

    1 Corinthians 1:20
    Genesis 7


    Like Noah, we’re all called upon to exercise faith in the most inconvenient of times. Noah had never seen rain and yet he was to act based on what God said, even though it made him look very foolish.

    Not only that, but faith is often anti-cultural. Noah had to go against the whole community in which he lived and the world in which he existed. Faith will make you seem like a loner sometimes. It will make others think that you are a fool, but we see at the end of Noah’s story that he was not the foolish one. Those who rejected him were actually the foolish ones.

    So, you walk with God even if it makes you odd in the culture. As long as you are obeying God, even if it’s something you’ve never experienced before, you will be walking the right path.

    God cannot be put in a box. He will blow your mind. Let Him blow your mind. If you have to build an ark on dry land, or something else outlandish, let yourself be led by faith. It’s okay, because when you obey Him by faith, you set yourself up for not only a miracle, but the covering up of your own family, even when there is destruction in the culture taking place all around you.

    Obey by faith, and watch God work..
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    New Devotion Started:

    Theme: Sarah; Waiting for God’s Promise
    By Tony Evans

    Bible Reading:

    Galatians 6:9
    Jeremiah 29:11


    “As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name. I will bless her, and indeed I will give you a son by her
    (Genesis 17:15-16).

    Now, the promise of a son doesn’t seem like a big deal unless you take into account the potential parents’ ages. By then, both Sarah and Abraham were advanced in years (Sarah was 90), neither of them still in the normal childbearing years.

    So this promise from God simply didn’t fit the facts of their lives. What He’d promised wasn’t practical.

    Not only was Sarah old, but she’d also been barren her entire life. She’d never conceived or given birth to a child. Her physical capacity to do so was absent, and time was no longer on her side.

    It’s possible that Sarah’s story resembles your own but in a different way. You could be barren in other forms. Your capacity to experience what God has for you just doesn’t seem to be there. It’s not working out. You’re not producing what you thought you would be at this stage in your life.

    You’re not delivering on the destiny you believed to be yours. You’ve heard Jesus’ promise in John 10:10, when He declared, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” But you don’t see the results of that promise in your everyday life.

    If that’s you, you may be stuck in emotions of disappointment, despair, and hopelessness. But, like Sarah, if you are patient, you will receive God’s promise.

    What promise are you holding onto that requires patience?
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    New Devotion Started:

    Theme: Sarah; Waiting for God’s Promise
    By Tony Evans

    Bible Reading

    Psalm 37:7-9
    Hebrews 11:13-16


    Why does God sometimes put us in a situation that seems hopeless?

    God does this so that when He does what He wants to do, only He gets the glory. He may not change your scenario or your struggle until He sees you are waiting well within it.

    To wait well as a kingdom hero is to not go outside of God’s prescribed ways in order to bring something about. It also means waiting with hope and expectation, not sarcastic doubt.

    The first time we saw Sarah laughing, she was mocking the promise God had given her (Genesis 18:12).

    But the second time she laughed; it was out of awe at God’s ability to pull off the impossible (Genesis 21:6).

    Sometimes God puts your back up against the wall—not to be mean but to let you see He is truly God.

    Sarah had to grow and mature to the point of waiting well. She made mistakes along the way.

    We all do. But the good news is that even if you’ve made mistakes, and even if you have your own set of Ishmaels running around as a result, it’s never too late for God to intervene.

    Sarah had made a mess of things. Then to make matters worse, Abraham had gone and lied—making even more of a mess of things.

    Yet once they both witnessed God’s power to both close and open wombs, they discovered just who they were dealing with.

    What has been the result when you have tried to manipulate the situation to try to fulfill God’s promise? What has been the result when you have patiently waited upon Him?
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    Theme: Sarah: Waiting for God’s Promises
    By Tony Evans

    Bible Reading:

    2 Peter 3:8-9
    Ecclesiastes 3:1


    As you’ve grown older, I realize some of you may have had the thought cross your mind that you’re wasting your life. But I want to remind you that when God comes through for us with His blessings, like He did for Sarah, He can also give us the years to enjoy them.

    Nothing is too hard for God.

    Some of you may be midway through life, having invested most of your adult years in caring for a family, yet feel you still have personal dreams deep within. But you believe it’s too late for those dreams. You may believe it’s too late to enter a career field of your hopes and make something of it. Maybe you look at your résumé and wonder how you could ever attain the career you desire.

    If you’re wondering if it’s too late, I want to assure you that when God is in the equation and you learn the skill of waiting well—waiting in faith with a heart of hope, surrender, and honor—God can not only bring about your promises and your dreams but also bring them suddenly. You don’t have to climb a career ladder when God is involved. He can usher you straight into where you’re supposed to be if you’ll look to Him to do it according to His will and His ways. He will do this if you look to Him in faith.

    Are you willing to trust God to fulfill His promises even when they are delayed in arriving?
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    New Study: by Tony Evans

    Study on Faith

    We have multiple markers that identify us, and verify we are who we say that we are, such as a driver's license, social security number and birth certificate. But sadly, identities get stolen and exploited.

    In a recent study on identity theft, it was reported that over $107 billion dollars have been stolen in the past six years. The victims often face difficult challenges in reclaiming their identity.

    As Christians, we receive a new identity that is essential to our spiritual growth. It is vital to know who you are, how you have been changed and the purposes God now has for you in Christ.

    2 Corinthians 5:17 says our old lives are gone, which means spiritual growth presupposes that new life has begun.

    When a sinner places their faith in Jesus Christ alone for the forgiveness of sin and the gift of eternal life, a new birth has taken place, and a new identity has been given.

    That identity places us with Christ, giving us everything we need to grow spiritually.

    According to Ephesians 1, we have blessings, holiness, redemption, forgiveness, grace, revelation, an inheritance, hope, assurance, power and victory in our new identity with Christ!

    Unfortunately, many Christians either don’t understand their new identity or have allowed Satan to steal it.

    This is why Paul prays that the eyes of our hearts may be enlightened. That is, he prays that we can recognize or reclaim our identities in Christ.

    Once you understand who you are in Christ, you will begin to experience spiritual growth like never before.

    How would you describe your old life before accepting Jesus Christ versus your new life in Christ after your conversion?
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    edited November 2022
    New Study: 5 Day Study on Spiritual Growth

    Bible Reading:

    1 Peter 2:2
    Hebrews 5:11-14
    Matthew 4:4


    Most people I know love solid foods—whether it’s bread, steak, vegetables, fruit, potato chips or even candy bars.

    However, I’ve never seen somebody trying to feed a 3-month-old baby a piece of ribeye. Why? Because a baby can’t process solid foods like steak at that age.

    Instead, a baby needs milk. Everything required for the baby’s growth and maturity is found in the milk. It’s built in.

    A similar rule applies to believers regarding how we process spiritual food. Food is fuel for growth and health. God's Word provides the nourishment we need to grow and mature. In other words, Scripture is our spiritual food.

    Therefore, the Bible is indispensable for spiritual growth. Reading, studying, internalizing and digesting Scripture strengthens the soul, encourages the heart and transforms the mind.

    If you go to the store and look at baby food, you’ll notice a “stage number” somewhere on the label.

    This number tells us, based on the baby’s level of maturity, what foods it can handle. We don’t start babies off on steak because the baby isn’t mature enough to handle it.

    Likewise, every believer should begin with a spiritual diet that fits their level of maturity and progresses from there.

    For the new believer, this means you should start with the basics of the faith, including core doctrinal truths and spiritual disciplines like prayer, worship and service.

    This is your milk. As time passes, you should progress to what Scripture describes as solid food.

    This points to not only more difficult doctrines and teachings, but also to the application of Scripture to your daily life.

    Either way, this suggests that Christian maturity involves a movement “from milk to meat" as we grow spiritually.

    Just like the baby, everything required for our growth and maturity is found in the Word of God.

    It’s built in. The question is, are you eating enough of the spiritual nutrients you need to grow and mature?

    Do you have a regular "feeding schedule" for Scripture? What schedule should you develop for sitting down and reading God’s word?
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    New Study: 5 Day Study on Spiritual Growth

    Bible Reading:

    Hebrews 10:23-25
    1 Corinthians 12:4-13
    Ephesians 4:15-16
    1 Peter 4:10


    In school or on the job, many of us hold mixed feelings toward group projects. On one hand, they are great because everybody contributes to the overall success of the project. Different members of the group possess different skills that advance the project along.

    Because there are more people in a group, the task gets divvied up among the members so that no one person does all the work alone. On the other hand, sometimes members of the group fall off.

    They don’t participate or add any value to the group, adding extra burdens and workloads to the other members. When they depart from the group, they no longer receive the benefits from the group.

    God didn’t design our spiritual growth to occur apart from other believers. Spiritual growth is a group project, and that group is called the church.

    The word church means "the called-out ones," and is used over one hundred times in the New Testament, primarily referencing gathered assemblies of believers. It never meant a building. It never meant a program.

    Instead, church always referred to the body of believers who congregated to celebrate and worship the Lord Jesus Christ.

    We receive certain benefits as members of the church and as members of God’s family. God gives every member of His family, every member of the church, a spiritual gift.

    These gifts are to be used to serve, build up, encourage, and strengthen the family as a whole.

    When believers who are indwelled by the Holy Spirit come together for worship, praise, teachings, encouragement, and service, God shows up in a special way, and we grow spiritually as we experience His presence.

    But this only happens in the context of corporate worship. Meaning, you won’t experience God in this way on your own.

    Without the church, your spiritual growth will be impeded. You need the church, and the church needs you!

    In what ways have you found your spiritual growth "stirred up" or "stimulated" by the community of the church?
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    New Study: 5 Day Study on Spiritual Growth

    Bible Reading

    James 1:2-3
    John 16:33
    2 Corinthians 12:7-10


    All of us know what it’s like to take a test in school. You get taught specific lessons throughout the semester. At a certain point, the teacher will administer a test to the students. The test is designed to reveal what the student knows.

    They are never designed by the teacher to hurt the student. Instead, the teacher desires and takes joy in the students’ ability to pass the test. However, when you fail a test, you won’t progress to the next grade. Some of us have experienced moving up a grade in school, while witnessing a friend having to repeat the grade. Why?

    Because they failed too many tests, meaning there was no retention of information, no growth and no development. So, they had to repeat the lessons.

    God is the perfect teacher. He develops us spiritually through His Word and through trials.

    A trial is an adverse circumstance that comes into your life designed to develop you spiritually.

    They don’t come on our timing when we’re ready for them.

    Instead, they typically pop up when we least expect them to. Sometimes trials involve pain and suffering.

    Trials may be unpleasant, but they nevertheless teach and transform.

    God always has a purpose in permitting trials because through them, He moves the believer towards spiritual maturity.

    Tests are slightly different. A test is a situation that comes into your life and forces you to apply spiritual resources to determine the best course of action.

    In other words, a test evaluates if you know the right answer. God uses trials to develop us, but eventually, He will administer tests in our lives to reveal what we know about Him.

    Have we retained the information that we learned through our trials?

    Is there any real growth and development in our spiritual walk?

    And if we fail the test, we must repeat it.

    God will only allow us move forward when we pass the tests because in passing the tests, we
    become more like Christ.

    What are some trials and test that you have experienced in your life that God used for your spiritual growth?
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    Every Christian is in a battle.

    New Devotion Series on the Armor of God: by Tony Evans from YouVersion Online Bible App.

    Bible Reading:
    Ephesians Chapter 6
    Key Verse: Verse 11


    The Christian life is not a playground; it’s a battleground. God wants us to be victorious and not defeated in this spiritual war zone that we find ourselves in. He has provided armor for the conflict. It has to be appropriate for the fight.

    If you use fleshly armor in a spiritual battle, then you’re going to lose, because it won’t be appropriate for the enemy that you are fighting.

    Satan, the demonic world and the realm of evil are the sources of attack.

    Everything physical and visible is preceded by something invisible and spiritual.

    So, if you want to be victorious over your struggles in the physical world, you have to learn to fight against these spiritual invisible forces coming against you, and that is why it is absolutely critical that you know, understand and utilize the armor of God, so that you do not fight in defeat but in expectation of victory.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    New Devotion Series on the Armor of God: by Tony Evans from YouVersion Online Bible App.

    Bible Reading:

    John 16:13
    Ephesians 6:14
    John 14:17
    John 14:6
    John 8:32


    Truth is the absolute standard by which reality is measured. Let me say it another way; truth is God’s view on any subject. He is a God of truth.

    The Bible says the Spirit of God is “the Spirit of truth (John 14:17)”. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6).

    God only functions in a realm of truth, whereas the evil one is the father of lies. The spiritual battle in which we are engaged is a battle between lies and the truth.

    If you want to see victory in your spiritual life, you’re going to have to start with God’s view of a matter.

    Many times in our spiritual war, we get everybody else’s view on a matter, including our own. We may even have the facts, but you can have the facts and still not know the truth.

    Jesus said in John 8:32, only the truth can set you free.

    You can have information and not have the truth.

    You can have emotions and not be responding to the truth.

    If you and I want to have spiritual victory in this spiritual war, that means we have to identify the issue—the subject at hand, the attack that we are experiencing, the evil day that seems to be coming against us. Then we’re going to have to rush to find out what God says about that matter.

    Once you know that, His truth will inform the facts, and then you will know how to feel about it.

    When you start operating on God’s view of the matter truthfully because you are operating on the truth, you will begin to see the supernatural enter into the circumstances of your conflict and of your battle.

    Go to war with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God, so that you can free God up and make Him comfortable to intervene into your circumstances with what He knows is the real deal.

    Our scope of knowledge is very limited. If all we see is what we see, we really don’t see all there is to be seen, since it is a spiritual and invisible battle. Focus on the truth and watch God use it to bring you victory.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    New Devotion Series on the Armor of God: by Tony Evans from YouVersion Online Bible App.

    Bible Reading for Today:

    Matthew 6:33
    Ephesians 6
    Key Verse: Verse 14


    Righteousness is the standard that pleases God.

    You and I are righteous when our actions seek to conform to the truth. Coming from a place of truth, we’re told to have on our heart righteousness, i.e., a set of actions that are implementing what God has revealed to be true.

    When we act right based on the truth, we protect our heart from being captured by the enemy. A blow to the heart is death because the heart pumps blood throughout our body.

    Well, what the physical heart is to the bloodstream that brings oxygen and life to the body, our spiritual heart is the pump that brings the life of God throughout the soul because we are living in right relationship with Him, i.e., we are seeking to please Him with our decision making.

    As truth bearers, we then seek to please God in our actions based on that truth. Think of your spiritual heart as the guidance of God, the will of God, the presence of God, and the power of God pumping inside the believer’s soul. The body only does what the soul dictates to it. You need a good pump, delivering the right nutrients through the spiritual blood stream.

    The breastplate of righteousness is critical because demons are drawn to unrighteousness.

    So, when unrighteousness prevails in our lives, we not only have the problem with the issue, we have the problem with the demonic influence we’ve invited.

    Therefore, guard your heart, act on the truth, and clean up the environment by the Spirit, so that God’s victory can be yours.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    Bible Reading:

    Hebrews 11
    Ephesians 6
    1 John 2:13-14.)

    Commentary: by Tony Evans;

    Theme: The Armour of God!

    In an ancient battle, it was common for a soldier to have a shield. He used it to block or thwart the weapons that the enemy was using, lest he get hit.

    We have a shield that is designed to block what Satan is shooting at us.

    We don’t get to stop him from shooting, but we do get to stop him from reaching his desired goal.

    The Bible calls it the shield of faith.

    The Roman soldier’s shield was so big that his entire body could hide behind it. God has given us such a shield, so big that it can cover all of your life.

    The Bible also refers to the “fiery darts” of Satan.

    They’re not just arrows; these are arrows that have been dipped in oil and set aflame. It’s like when cowboys and Native Americans were fighting and the Native Americans surrounded the wagon.

    One Native American would take an arrow and light it to burn the canvas of the wagon. That would leave the cowboys exposed.

    What Satan wants to do is create spiritual distraction. A fiery dart, to expose us to his frontal assault and frontal attacks.

    Fortunately, we have the shield of faith.

    Faith is acting like God is telling the truth. It’s acting like it is so, even when it’s not so, in order that it might be so, simply because God said so.

    When you act in faith based on what God has said, trumping your feelings and even trumping fact, then you have erected a shield of faith, and the Bible says, “we will overcome the evil one” by our faith. (See 1 John 2:13-14.)

    When God sees you believing in Him in spite of the attacks coming against you, then He will erect a barrier to cover you.

    Hebrews 11 tells us what was accomplished when men and women acted out in faith.

    The same faith that worked for them works for us.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    Bible Reading

    2 Corinthians 10:5
    Ephesians 6:17
    Romans 12:2


    Simply put, a helmet covers the head, which is in itself, a helmet for the brain—the physical matter that houses our mind.

    When the Bible talks about the helmet of salvation, it’s talking about taking thoughts captive, controlling what penetrates our mind and informs our brain.

    It’s called the helmet of salvation. 

    Since Paul is already writing to Christians, when he says the “helmet of salvation,” he’s not talking about going to heaven.

    He’s talking about decision-making on earth.

    God wants you to allow Him to control your thinking.

    More accurately put, He wants us to link into His thinking for the purpose of deliverance. 

    The word “salvation” means to be delivered.

    We’re delivered in eternity from eternal judgment. But God also wants us to be delivered from satanic attack and defeat.

    For that to happen, you have to have your mind right.

    That’s why the Bible calls it in Romans 12:2 the “renewing of the mind."

    Second Corinthians 10:5 says that 
    “We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”

    It also says in 1 Corinthians 2 that we are to think spiritual thoughts, based on spiritual words. Therefore, go to God’s Word, learn what He says, make those your thoughts, and then you just put a helmet on.

    In football, they wear a helmet because they are getting hit. Satan is trying to hit us, as well.

    But God doesn’t want us to have spiritual concussions or brain damage. He wants us to be able to think clearly based on the truth of God. 
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    Today I read Psalm 91

    No Commentary today
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    edited November 2022
    Bible Reading

    Matthew 4
    Ephesians 6
    Key Verse: Verse 17


    The Sword of the Spirit is the written word of God. The word “sword” here is very critical because it’s not referring to the long sword that a Roman soldier would use, but more of a shorter dagger. These were used for close-quarter battles. This is a frontal assault on your life, your world, your family, your mind and your circumstances.

    This is the only offensive weapon in the armor of God, because Satan is allergic to Scripture.

    Remember Jesus in the wilderness in Matthew 4, where He is attacked by the devil? What was Christ’s counterattack?

    He quoted Scripture.

    Many Christians have Bible study with each other and talk to the Lord in prayer, but in spiritual warfare, God wants you to have Bible study with the devil!

    That’s what Jesus did. He quoted Scripture to the devil because He knew he couldn’t handle the Word of God.

    If he’s allergic, we need to make him sneeze. We need to give him the flu. We need to give him some chills by actually using the Word of God. When you do, you stick a dagger in him.

    In fact, when Jesus was tempted by the devil, he quoted three passages. Three strikes and you’re out. The point is that the fuller your command of God’s Word, the more effective you can be in battle.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    Bible Reading

    Psalm 46


    Dealing with Fear

    Hezekiah the king faces an imminent calamity that causes dread and fear in everyone’s hearts. The danger that they are experiencing is sudden and terrible. Imagine receiving terrible news as you are going about your day–news of a loved one in the hospital, or loss of a job, or a child in trouble, or a crisis back home. When trouble strikes, our world falls apart, our hearts sink, emotions plunge, and we are thrown into chaos.

    Are you afraid?

    How is it possible to be calm, courageous, and confident in the midst of such fears? The Psalmist reminds us of the promises of God.

    God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. God Himself is in our midst to protect and preserve us. If God is for us, who or what can be against us?

    Where do we get the confidence to overcome this kind of fear? The Psalmist calls for us to be still and know that He is God. He calls us to cease from striving and panic. Knowing God intimately keeps us still. And it is when we are still that we begin to know and experience the power of God.

    In 1 John 4:18, the Bible says that perfect love casts out all fear. And in Romans 8, Paul reminds us that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. We experience the full extent of God’s love in Christ Jesus. He was thrown into the darkest hour and was abandoned in His greatest trouble.

    Why? It was because of His deep love for us.

    Jesus did not flinch during His greatest fears so that I can experience His love during my worst fears. The perfect, constant, and loyal love of Christ casts out all fear.

    Our Father in heaven who loves you is now by your side because of what Jesus has done on the cross as your substitute.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    edited November 2022
    Bible Reading:

    Psalm 51


    Dealing with Guilt

    While playing with his grandmother’s duck, a young boy accidentally killed it. As he was trying to cover it up, his sister caught him. This began a cycle of guilt and shame which was taken to good advantage by his sister.

    Every time she needed some chore to be done, all she had to do was mention to this young boy, “Remember the duck…”

    We all struggle with guilt in some form or the other. Guilt is a result of not living up to God’s standards and breaking His commands. Guilt is also a result of not being able to live up to our own standards. How often have we given up on our own resolutions. Guilt conjures up shame, and we do our best to hide both.

    The best way to deal with guilt is to resolve it.

    When we sin against God or against others, we have to admit our sin. Even when we seem to be innocent, there is always something wrong from our side which may not be clear at that moment.

    When we acknowledge our own sin and realize it, we then repent of our sin.

    True repentance is not just a feeling of remorse.

    We don’t give excuses, defend our actions, blame, downplay, pretend, or compare ourselves with others.

    True repentance involves owning up to our sin and seeking God’s mercy.

    When I realize and repent, then renewal follows. God cleans our heart and makes it new. He renews our Spirit and restores fellowship and joy.

    When we repent, we remind ourselves of the gospel. God is gracious according to His loving kindness, compassion, and grace. How is it possible for God to blot out our transgressions, but not blot us out completely?

    It was because Jesus took our sin upon Himself.

    God’s face was hidden from His own Son when He cried from the cross so that the Father’s face can be hidden from our sin when we cry to Him through Christ.

    We resolve our guilt by going to the cross where our sins are hidden in its shadow so that we can be found in His light.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    Bible Reading:

    Psalm 62
    Key Verses: Verses 1, 2; and verse 8


    Dealing with Oppression

    Ever cried out, "How long O Lord? How long will You let it happen? How long should I endure? I cannot bear this anymore".

    Our immediate tendency is to find strength and refuge in people, friends, riches, and success. But the Psalmist reminds us that when we are oppressed, God is our comfort and salvation. However, we find it hard to trust God during troubles.

    Jesus says in Matthew 11:28, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”

    When we are weighed down by the burden of oppression in this world, Jesus invites us to lay our burdens down and rest in Him.

    The Psalmist calls those oppressed to wait in silence for God. Your hope is in Him. He is your rock and your salvation. He is your fortress and refuge.

    As you wait in silence, know that God is not silent. Power belongs to Him. In our silence, we will know that He has spoken.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member

    Bible Reading

    Psalm 73


    Envy results when we compare ourselves with others and conclude that they are better than us. Envy desires what others have and resents that one does not have it. An envious person cannot stand the success of others and always assumes that others have superior life or things than they do. Envious hearts murmur about fairness and that we should have what others are having.

    The Psalmist is real when it comes to his emotions. He is not hiding behind a spiritual façade. He complains and questions God about the prosperity of the wicked. But in his doubt and frustrations, he seeks God. He does not run from God but runs toward God.

    And the antidote of his envy is his delight in the presence of God. God is with you holding your hand and guiding you toward glory. The solution to our envious heart is not to possess the things of this world, but to possess God Himself. The healing balm to your envious heart is God. It is God that your heart is longing for. The things we pursue can give us temporal and fleeting joy, but true lasting joy is found only in Christ.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    Bible Reading:
    Psalm 91


    Dealing with Worry

    How do you live with peace and poise in the face of life’s worries?

    The Psalmist has a profound understanding of who God is.

    He calls Him the Most High in verse 1, referring to the supreme and sovereign character of God.

    He calls Him Almighty, referring to His power and omnipotence.

    In verse 2, he calls Him Yahweh referring to His personal and covenant keeping nature. And finally, he calls Him Master and Lord referring to His authority.

    We see a portrait of God who is powerful, yet intimate; strong, yet tender; and sovereign, yet personal.

    And this God is on your side. He powerfully protects His own. This does not mean that God will spare you from the sufferings of this world. It does not mean life will be smooth and nothing bad will happen.

    But it does give us the assurance that God is with us when we go through trials and suffering.

    Even our worst circumstances are under God’s loving control, and He allows situations in our lives for a purpose, for our good and for His glory.

    God brings His power to bear upon all things in our lives to work out His beautiful purposes for us. He is protecting us, preserving us, shaping, and forming us into His own image.

    We can be certain of His powerful protection even during the worst times in our lives. He is powerfully working all things for good.

    The Psalmist concludes the Psalm reminding us that God knows us personally. He knows our name, and He answers us when we call.

    When you worry, remind yourself of this personal promise of God for you.

    Take your worries to Jesus, who gathers us like a mother hen gathers her little ones, so you can find shelter and comfort from all your worries.