Prayer Requests for 2024



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,846 Member
    Judith - as your surgical complications increase, it is all the more apparent that only the Great Physician can heal you completely. Our earthly surgeons can try to do their best but they are human with small human abilities. I beg, God, in Jesus' name, to heal Judith back to full health. She has been served you tirelessly for many years. She is such an example to those around of her love for you and serving others as Jesus did. We do not have abilities to see the future and we all know that you, God, are the one who holds Judith's health in your hands. We know you have a plan - please keep us close to you and your will. Help us to join you in your plan and not to try to direct you with our ideas. Your plans are always the best for all involved. Keep us (this group) close to you that we may be effective for you. As James 5:16 states "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." Thank-you God for this promise.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    I thank God for His Healing power that flows through my body. God is Good! We serve a Mighty and Faithful God! ✝️

    Thank you JC, Susan and Linda for your prayers! You are so appreciated, I thank God for your love kindness and valued friendship!

    God’s abundant blessings upon each of you ladies. ✝️🙏❤️
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Good Morning 🌅

    I’m Heading to the Cancer Clinic soon to my follow up appointment!
    I am seeing the Pathologist regarding my jaw and mouth issues, preparing me for the next treatment schedule!

    Will keep you in the loop and bring you an update later today! The treatment is to repair the damage that has been done from the cancer and multiple surgeries I’ve had.

    Thank you for your prayers!

    I was here last night and Posted yesterdays Devotional and Bible Reading, it was good connecting with you. I will be back tonight to work on our threads and connect with you all!

    Have a blessed day! ❤️🙏😇
  • JC_Willow
    JC_Willow Posts: 4,129 Member
    Dear Judith I am really sorry to hear about your continual health challenges. ❤️

    Dear Heavenly Father, I (we) pray that Judith will be surrounded with a supportive network of friends, family and expert health care professionals during this difficult time. Lord, we know that you are with her today and that we should not fear tomorrow because you are already there.

    We ask that Judith have the best possible care and that her treatment plan going forward will be successful in treating the damage done from the cancer and surgeries. Lord we pray for a miracle healing. We are her friends, sisters in Christ from all over the world, friends she has not ever been with in earthly life but we have come to love each other through You, Father. You are all powerful and all knowing. You are everywhere from beginning to end, our eternal Father. You are good and just, You are full of mercy and compassion, You are our Creator, the Holy One, the Great Physician. You are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Our One God. Thank-You for hearing our prayers…and Lord may we also ask for healing prayers for our sisters and our loved ones. You know each and every one of us, you know our pain, our sadness, our worries, help us to drop them at your feet and look for You in the Light. We confess You as our True Savior and ask for healing and wisdom, in the Name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. AMEN
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    JC, thank you for your beautiful prayer for us all and for Judith in particular. Judith, thank you for your update. May God go with you always. Will check back here for your next update on your health care plan.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,846 Member
    JC, thankyou for your prayer that was so eloquently written.

    Judith, we know Jesus loves loves so much and has plans for his special daughter. In the midst of circumstances we do not know what the plans are but we an be assured that what ever they are, they will be the best. I pray that our faith and love will be stong as we gather around you and support you in these times bolstering your faith when needed and praising God for all that He is and does.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Thank you JC for the beautiful prayer, and for your love care and kindness. It’s so appreciated!

    Thank you Susan and Linda for standing with me encouraging me with your kindness and love!

    My appointments were extremely difficult. Got disappointing news from Pathology. I have been trying to digest it all and take it all in.

    I will come back tomorrow and try and put it in words of what happens now.

    Thank you all for your prayers! 🙏❤️

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Evening Hello

    I had 2 appoints on Tuesday past starting with Dental Oncology then I was at my Pathology appointment.

    Both appointments were difficult.

    My Dental Oncologist said my Trismus and TMJ conditions were so severe that it was making conventional treatment impossible to treat as both conditions are conflicting with each other and both have caused such dysfunction with the jaw and mouth opening.

    For the most part I got my difficult news from my Pathologist which I was not expecting. As you know I was prepared for an appointment that would prepare me for upcoming treatment.

    The news I received Tuesday took the wind out of my sails so to speak. As a consequence I’ve had to process it all the last couple of days. I am ok now as God has strengthened me and helped me through it all.

    At my appointment I was told Pathology can’t offer me any further treatment they would normally offer their patients. My condition is so severe and the damage done from the cancer surgeries can’t be managed by Pathology who initially diagnosed me with Trismus. I was told if they try and stretch out the jaw and mouth opening they would do more damage. That was so hard to digest!

    However, one thing for sure I’m going to keep fighting and move forward in God’s Strength.

    When the Pathologists can’t treat the condition they look to the Dental Surgeons and Dental Oncologists to offer the intervention they no longer can.

    So as a consequence my treatment is being referred back to a Specialized TMJ and Trismus Surgeon, my Melanoma-Derma Oncologist and Neurologist all at BC Cancer Vancouver.

    I will still be followed up with my Cranio-Facial Surgeon ongoing at VGH as I am still recovering from my last surgery.

    My Jaw oncology appointment has been scheduled for December 6th and then I will be followed up with my dental oncologist the following week!

    Thank you for your continued support and your prayers as I navigate thru this new journey.

    I serve a Mighty God; one thing I know, God is Good and He is watching over me and He will carry me through and give me just what I need! All Praise to God! ✝️
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,846 Member
    This is definately hard news to hear but you again amaze me with your trust and faith in God's provision. This has been a hard road for you to walk but you are not walking alone! God is always by your side strengthening you and protecting you. As people watch you battle through, you are having a huge impact on their lives also. God will win in the end and we will be there with you every step of the way as much as we can. Thanks for sharing this with us and allowing us to participate in your life. As in our game thread, there are hills and dales in life but God is faithful!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    Oh, Judith, that IS a lot to take in and process. No wonder you need some time to think about it and get it straight in your head. I am going to have to read your messge several times to let it sink into mine. Once again I am so glad for your salvation and faith! We do serve a mighty God, the Only One. He knows each of us inside and out. His love and promises never, ever fail. Praise Him for His plans for each of our lives! Sending prayers, love and support as you navigate this next stage. Love, Susan xxx 🙏💖
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Thank you Linda and Susan for your kind comments and most of all I thank God for your Love, Support, Prayers and Valued Friendship!

    God is Good! He is Faithful and as He has walked beside me these years battling Cancer Trismus TMJ and Multiple Surgeries I know God will continue to walk me thru the next Phase of Treatments! Praise God! ❤️✝️
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,515 Member
    Judith I am praying for you as you are on a difficult journey. A favorite song I have from a musical but which applies ( my sister plays it on the piano for me everytime I see her) is When you walk through a storm hold your head up high and don't be afraid of the dark. If you don't know it see if you can listen to it - it has helped me many times on the journey I am on.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    One of my favourite songs, thank you Marilyn, haven’t heard the song in a while, for sure will be playing it over the next couple of days. Appreciate your prayers. I am praying for you my friend as your journey has not been easy! God Bless you my friend, appreciate your friendship and your prayers! ❤️🙏✝️
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    edited January 3
    Good Evening All,

    This is my latest update:

    Would appreciate your prayers: as always in spite of the grim news I chose to Trust Jesus as He knows all about it: there is nothing too hard for God to do, all things are possible to those who believe and know Healing is in the Hands of God! I leave it with Him! He is Able!

    On Tuesday night December 12th I had a CT Scan and Contrast Dye was used:

    Had my follow up with Neurologist regarding my CT Scan of my Neck Head and Face.

    With so many surgeries from the cancer I have battled that has caused mouth and jaw damage and having severe nerve damage in neck and spine the Scan showed more damage to the neck relating to nerves that are being pinched.They saw increased curvature to the neck and spine that is why the tingling numbness and weakness on the right side that I have been having. Right now they don’t think I should see a neurosurgeon or have injections to the nerves.

    Correction: physiotherapy was talked about but Neurologist said with recovering from surgery they wouldn’t take the risk in treating me. So Instead my neurologist will watch me very closely. She said if things progressively got worst she would refer me to a neurosurgeon.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    Oh Judith, again I am so thankful for your unwavering faith and trust in the Lord. Tha k you for updating us. I will vr praying 🙏 about these specific matters. Sending big virtual hugs which can be as tight or as gentle as you wish! 💕
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,846 Member
    I am so sorry that you have more nerve damage in your neck along with the prior damage caused by the multiple surgeries. Our God is powerful and is the Good Physician. I pray that he intervene for you in these physical problems. Of course, He knows what is best and His will will prevail for you - His precious child. 💖
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Thank you Susan and Linda for your Love Support and Encouragement. I feel those Prayers and Love flowing over me!

    I thank God for sending “you” my dear Friend’s who are supporting me.

    You all are so Appreciated! ❤️
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,846 Member
    I am reminded of a song we used to sing when I was growing up that emcompasses my feelings for you.

    "I love you with the love of the Lord. I love you with the love of the Lord; I see in you the glory of my King, And I love you with the love of the Lord". It brings tears to my eyes of the memories this song brings back to me.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Thank you Linda, I too remember this song, our Church back East always sang this and it too brings back beautiful memories of all the people I remember in those days that played a huge role in my walk with the Lord! Praise God!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Good Evening All,

    I had my follow up appointment on Thursday February 15th. Thank you for your prayers.

    Surgeon removed the excess skin over suture line areas and upper and lower lips.

    The pathology report instructed my surgeon to keep a good watch on the area and said I may need a deeper biopsy for better analysis but will hold off for now as they want me to see the “referral specialist” first my surgeon is trying to get me into see.

    The report said the appearance of the skin that was removed and sent to pathology could be a Rare Form of Cancer that I currently have (Malignant Spreading Type Melanoma)

    They don't know what Rare Form it is until I see the specialist that my Surgeon is referring me to who “specializes” in these types of Rare Skin Cancer diseases.

    So for now they watch the areas closely and remove the excess skin that is pooling and bubbling along the suture line area from last surgery and over both upper and lower lips as it presents itself.

    I'm back to VGH to see my Surgeon in 2 weeks for further procedures on Thursday February 29th.

    My Surgeon’s assistant let me know the Specialist who I was referred to from 3 weeks ago got back to them and said he was fully booked for this year, they could only get me in 1 year from now, January 2025.

    My Surgeon was so disappointed but has given 2 more names of Specialists to his Assistant in hopes I can see at least one of them quickly.

    His assistant said to call in a few days, (next
    week) and they hope they will have found a Specialist to see me.

    Will keep you informed as I know further! Thanks for your prayers! 🙏