Still Around

timhoch50 Posts: 11 Member
I pray your 2020-2021 school year went well, and you are prepared/into this year. Is anyone still active here? The point of this group was for accountabilibuddies. Who needs one?


  • rungirlrun500
    rungirlrun500 Posts: 14 Member
    I just joined, but it looks like there isn’t much activity here. Anyone care to join a new group for the new year?
  • ninamm3
    ninamm3 Posts: 107 Member
    I also just joined! Anyone here?
  • travelbug002
    travelbug002 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi. I just joined so I hope the last few of us on this thread can help support each other on our weight loss/healthy lifestyle journey. I am, obviously, a teacher. I teach French as a Second Language in Manitoba, Canada from Grade 5-Grade 12 as well as Psychology 40S and Grade 2 French. I have been trying to lose weight for a while and am not doing too bad; however, I keep backsliding or plateauing. I am seeking friends to help me stay motivated and focused on my journey. I am hoping to lose 30 pounds this year.