Introducing myself

Hi. I'm 68, and trying to lose weight on the advice of my GP. Only, I am not clinically overweight. My BMI is 23.7 and my body fat is 23.7%, so I am in the normal range, even if the high end of normal. I also have low blood pressure, low heartbeat, etc. But despite looking good on paper, I have a very noticeable sow's belly.
And I am not healthy. I have had Parkinson's for 4 years. I'd had some unexplained symptoms, more likely to be a side-effect of the Parkinson's drugs than anything else, but to be certain, my neurologist asked my GP to do a thorough
medical. So the GP noticed my belly and advised me to try to get rid of it.
I passed my medical with flying colours,and it looks as if my symptoms were side-effects from my drugs, but I've decided to diet and train anyway.I dont't just dislike the look of my belly, it worries me. It can't be a good thing health- wise. Also I am hoping to have brain surgery in the next year. The operation is not without risks, and I'd like to be fit as possible, to give me the strength I will need.


  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    Welcome @OldRedHen! You will find support of all kinds as we are all on a varyiety of fitness journeys here!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,110 Member
    Lots for you to think about and be concerned about - but you are correct, being your best/healthiest is only going to help with everything you've got going on. I know it's not easy, and sometimes it may feel like you can't, but sounds like you've got your reasons, which is the only "motivation" you may have some days.
  • ldaltonbishop
    ldaltonbishop Posts: 98 Member

    When I was preparing for major surgery my surgeon recommended that I build up my strength and stamina, which turned out to be helpful for me. I can see where Parkinson's would complicate this! But is there anything you can do to get your heart rate up for about thirty minutes a day? If walking doesn't work for you, can you pedal a stationary bicycle or use a rowing machine? Something is always better than nothing, so long as you don't injure yourself. All I did for a long time was walk and pedal a stationary bike (and watch my nutrition), and my waist did decrease about seven inches. They say you can't target fat loss but if you are trying to tone then exercise is worth doing.

  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member

    Your Parkinson's will likely affect your balance and muscle strength, so you might want to try exercise in the pool. Water walking or jogging in the shallower end or deep water run with a floatation belt on. This way you can strengthen your muscles, while not having to worry about your balance as much, and it takes less speed to get a good cardio workout due to the resistance of the water. If you are having a tough day (flare up) just gentle walking might be enough, on a better health day you can up the speed or range of motion. I used to be a physio rehab exercise specialist (before I got an autoimmune disease) and exercise in the water was just the ticket for most people. My Mom has Lewy Body Dementia (the flip side of Parkinson's) and my Dad has Parkinson's. My maternal aunt died with Lewy Body Dementia, and my maternal uncle died with Parkinson's. So I totally get it. Hang in there. Don't forget your belly's appearance is also affected by whether you ever carried a child. 🌻