


  • ideas2
    ideas2 Posts: 1,261 Member
    @Summerskier I stopped playing tennis for more than 20 years and then took it up again. I found there were two tennis centers near me that offered tennis ¨drills¨ groups that you could drop in to practice tennis together that included drills and then playing that rotated partners frequently. Participating in those drills first to get back my skills and meet current active players opened the door to me to find people to play with easily. You can also look for leagues through the USTA.

    If you like tennis and are near retirement age, I recommend that you try pickleball, reportedly the fastest growing sport in America. Older tennis player usually love it-- it´s a little easier on the body and overall just easier than tennis, but tennis skills makes you ¨good at it¨ almost from the beginning. It is also usually organized to be easy to find people to play with and is usually much cheaper to participate in organized play than tennis is. You don´t have to run as much and hand eye skills can compensate for not being in full shape-- I even saw one person playing it with the portable oxygen tank strapped to them.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,909 Member
    @ideas2 thank you for the thoughtful response. I am just going to go with the flow when the time comes. If my body will cooperate than tennis and waterskiing it will be. If not then pickleball perhaps altho I am sort of a classisist and slalom waterski vs wakeboard. Downhill skiing vs board etc.. Years ago before I got Bandit I did ALL the leagues and had a great rolodex of gals to play with as well as some mixed doubles teams. It will just take some minor effort to get back to it and it WILL be nice not to have to play "after work" under lights etc.