October 6



  • tdrjustus3
    tdrjustus3 Posts: 542 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? ✅
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? ✅
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? ✅
  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,191 Member
    October 6

  • znaoiec
    znaoiec Posts: 1,988 Member
    Yes, yes and yes

    Thanks for the intro topic. I have found it interesting reading everyone's posts.
  • Jillygirl0220
    Jillygirl0220 Posts: 73 Member
    Good day today
    Exercise: 60 minutes (stationary bike/stretching & toning/lifting)
    Tracking: yes
    w/in budget: yes

    I used to really buy into the whole "you must lose weight mentality" in my younger years - must lose weight to fit into a certain size, to please my man, to not feel so blobby when out in public, etc. . I found success when I focused on my need (for health) and how much I love physical movement. 130 lbs of weight loss later (8 years later), I still love working it out. I just want to lose 20 more then keep my focus on healthy living as I have just entered my 6th decade this year - yay me!

    Thanks all for this forum and all the great & positive support - - you all rock! B)
  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,191 Member
    Good day today
    Exercise: 60 minutes (stationary bike/stretching & toning/lifting)
    Tracking: yes
    w/in budget: yes

    I used to really buy into the whole "you must lose weight mentality" in my younger years - must lose weight to fit into a certain size, to please my man, to not feel so blobby when out in public, etc. . I found success when I focused on my need (for health) and how much I love physical movement. 130 lbs of weight loss later (8 years later), I still love working it out. I just want to lose 20 more then keep my focus on healthy living as I have just entered my 6th decade this year - yay me!

    Thanks all for this forum and all the great & positive support - - you all rock! B)

    Fantastic success Jilly! So glad you are here. 💛
  • biketheworld
    biketheworld Posts: 2,270 Member
    I found success when I focused on my need (for health) and how much I love physical movement. 130 lbs of weight loss later (8 years later), I still love working it out. I just want to lose 20 more then keep my focus on healthy living as I have just entered my 6th decade this year - yay me!
    WOW - 130 lbs. is incredible. I'm in my 6th decade too and feel GREAT - although I do need to lose some more weight. But I feel really good.
  • calvin20874
    calvin20874 Posts: 1,201 Member
    Oct 6

    Exercise: 82 minutes mountain biking, 50 minutes stretching and PT exercises

    Tracking: yes
    Calories: under

    Pass days: 0
  • taurie
    taurie Posts: 225 Member
    Oh I don’t know where my comment went so apologies if this is a duplicate!

    After nearly 4 weeks of having a cold/sinus infection I’m feeling much better. I was able to ride my bike and take a body pump class. I took it easy as it feels like im starting all over again plus while I do feel better I’m not 100%.

    ✅exercise - bike & bodypump
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,105 Member
    36gc5je8squm.pngMany of us here on the UAC are fans of the Half Size Me podcast, hosted by Heather Robertson. If you’re not familiar with her, I put a short bio in a spoiler – along with some personal reasons why I am such a fan.
    Heather Robertson is the mother of 3, who at one time weighed 340 pounds. She spent years yo yo dieting, using all the common and readily available fad diets. In high school she lost 80 pounds in 6 months time, only to put it all back on plus more.
    She realized that although she was great at losing weight, she was terrible at maintaining and vowed to try a new approach – which was do lose it in a slow, sustainable way, and learn to maintain along the way.
    It took her about 5 years (including 3 pregnancies) but she reached her goal weight in January 2012 and began her podcast in February of 2012. I couldn’t find how many subscribers she has – but she has 1900 reviews with a rating of 4.8. She’s coached hundreds of clients, and also has a YouTube channel with almost 8,000 followers.
    The first couple times I listened to her podcast, I thought “big deal.” And then I listened to Episode #469 on a week when I was discouraged and considering quitting (yet AGAIN). It was a game changer for me. My approach and attitude about losing weight and becoming healthy was transformed. I’m losing weight really slow, sometimes I sit in a 3 pound range for a month or more at a time. But, I’m CONTENT with losing it slow because I understand THIS is sustainable. I’m not starving myself, I’m not setting goals that are impossible to achieve. If I never lose another pound, I’ll celebrate the 30 I’ve lost and celebrate that I didn’t yo-yo up and above where I started.
    She recently recorded her 500th episode and to celebrate, put together six “golden nuggets” that she believes to be the most important truths she’s learned both personally and professionally. They are her observations of the commonalities and pitfalls that cause people to self-sabotage or be knocked off course.

    I think these nuggets of truth are helpful no matter where you are on your journey. Hopefully, they’ll either strengthen your resolve to continue. OR, if you’re in the slumps, discouraged, and thinking of quitting – these truths will encourage you to stay the course.

    So….we’ll spend the next six days looking at these nuggets of truth.
    “Having” to do something implies an obligation, debt, vow, or contract. It implies that losing weight is a debt that you MUST fulfill. She heard the phrase “you have to lose weight” both from others and her own brain for years – and it sounded like “you have to lose weight in order to be worthy.”

    An “ah-ha” moment came when her children were young and she was stressed trying to attend every playdate, every party, every activity. Her husband told her “you don’t HAVE to do all this” and it freed her from the false idea that being a good mom meant meeting someone else’s expectations. And then she realized if she had that flexibility with her children why couldn’t she extend that to herself.

    She realized that losing weight isn’t a prison sentence. Her attitude changed from being forced to do something by someone else’s standards, to finally being able to create standards for herself.

    And then, because she removed the phrase “HAVE TO” from her vocabulary, it freed her to CHOOSE to adapt a healthy lifestyle. And then, because it was no longer a burden – it gave her 100% responsibility for her choices. She was free to WANT to lose weight.

    I’ll admit, this first “golden nugget” was a little hard for me because I can think of all kinds of reasons I “have” to lose weight. But the bottom line is that losing weight and getting healthy is always a choice. No one holds a gun to our head and says “hand me 50 pounds or I’ll shoot.”

    We are all on different phases of our “get healthy” journey. Has the “have to” belief played into your reasons for your story? How do you feel about this first nugget. Is it a game changer? Old news? Agree or disagree? I’m anxious to hear what you think and how this one truth may affect how you look at this process.

    I want to thank you again for these Nuggets.
    When I read this one about 15 days ago, I thought no..I have to..health etc.

    But last night & this morning, I realized my BMI is under 24.9. I walk 10K steps daily. I’m healthy.

    Then the “ah-ha”…because of your post…
    I want to be a bit slimmer. Prior to eating today, I’d say to myself, “I just wanna be a little slimmer.” I’ve set a 99-day period to really internalize this & Lose a few pounds because I WANT TO. It’s so freeing!

    Thank you,
  • biketheworld
    biketheworld Posts: 2,270 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 - thanks for letting me know. You have been a true source of inspiration and encouragement and I appreciate you so much!