ed recovery?

is anyone here in recovery from an eating disorder? i would love to hear some tips or maybe to just know I'm not alone. what's the hardest thing? if you're gaining weight, what's your "set point" that you assume you'll get to (or perhaps overshoot) n how tall are you? how long did you struggle? any advice? my anorexia is destroying my life :( my poor partner thinks I'm getting better,, and I want to for him but I can't bring myself to. please,, any advice?


  • xelsoo
    xelsoo Posts: 194 Member
    Hi there! I can assure you you're not alone if you're on MFP :) I searched on the main Forum 'ed recovery' and found quite a few threads where you might find friends to add that are on your same journey: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/search?Page=&adv=&author=&cat=all&comment_comment=1&date=&discussion_discussion=1&group_group=1&search=ed+recovery&subcats=1&tags=&title=&within=1+day

    Personally, I struggled with bulimia during my early twenties, now in my late twenties I am happy with myself and leading a balanced life (feel free to add me). I never went extremely down the ED rabbit hole, however it does take a few years to fully reset your mindset; even then, you need to always be aware if 'restrictive eating' thoughts pop up and nip them in the bud. I think the hardest thing is regaining control of your life and owning your ED, not the other way round. We only have one body and you need to take care of it before the negative effects from anorexia have a long-term impact on your health -life is beautiful and you deserve to enjoy it. You need to do this for YOU!

    I would recommend you seek professional help if you haven't already, and if that is somewhow unavailable to you currently, do your online research on anorexia recovery books on Amazon, podcasts, YouTube videos...there's a million resources to help you. Start trying to implement little changes day by day from the advice you read, and don't get descouraged by setbacks, they are part of the healing process. One day you'll realize you've come a -slow- long way to recovery!