Oct 27 - Nov 2

Lastchancelj Posts: 1,382 Member
AVGLW – 228.9
AVGTW - 228.6
LW – 229.1
TW 229.1

Well, with travel and everything else, I'LL TAKE IT.

Super busy week. Neck and back are still tight (it's been the past couple of weeks) and now my head has been hurting the past couple of days. Not much more happening. I'll check back in a day or so and see what's happening. Sheesh you enjoy that little nugget...she's precious and I'm glad she'll be closer for you to enjoy and spoil.


  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,155 Member
    LW: 122.8
    TW: 122.2

    Wow, I'm surprised. I had a week of only 2 workouts so far, but soooo busy with baby and daughter care! So, I guess not a lot of intake was what got my reduction.

    I didn't have trainer on Monday, but I got 2 cardio workouts this week and I'll have trainer tomorrow morning. Lots of driving to and from daughter's home, housework, and caregiving. It's very, very, very fun to see Loa every day. ;) Hubby wanted to go with me today and he got lots of baby holding time <3 He's playing golf with his group tomorrow, so he got his baby fix today, lol.

    Lois, I hope your week settles down for you soon. It's hard when you take time off . . lots of catching up I'm sure.

    We also had zoom tonight, so I'm pretty tired and off to bed soon.
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 704 Member
    Oct 14: 157.1
    TW: 157.1

    Holding steady. I'll take it.

    Busy this morning at work, but I'll try read and post later today or tomorrow.
    Hope all is well.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 2,010 Member
    LW: 130.0
    TW: 130.4

    Darn! I lost a post again! Kelly, you are right. I need to block and copy just in case. I was ready to wrap up and wanted to choose a goal, and in order to do that, wanted to look back at my fitbit stats for last week. I must have just selected that site instead of opening a new browser first. Arghhh. :s

    Anyway, I apologize for not getting here yesterday. I did weigh yesterday morning and that's the weight posted. On Tuesday, hubby and I got our Covid boosters and both us had some side effects yesterday. His were more severe than mine. So after making a short trip to get some items for the garage revamp and making a Costco run, we both needed Advil and some rest. I also had a strange thing happen in Costco, and I'm not sure if that was related to the joint aches from the vaccine or if it was just coincidence. While hubby visited the men's room, I went into the super cold room where they keep certain fruits and vegetables. I was only in there a couple of minutes, but when I came out, I was hit with excruciating pain in my neck, shoulder and right arm. It felt like the nerve pain I had on the other side after the "chipmunk fall" several years ago. Thankfully, it only lasted a few minutes because I was not sure how long hubby would be and I knew that I couldn't make it out of the store on my own unless the pain diminished some. I sure hope it does not return!

    Hubby was pretty much out of it all afternoon, but I got antsy after a while, so I headed out to give a thank you gift to my neighbor who watched the house last week. I actually met her as she headed out to walk their dog, so I walked a few blocks with her to chat. And when that did not make the aches any worse, I decided to contact my newer walking buddy to see if she could meet me at the mall. She could, and I managed to get in my 10k steps despite the aches. :)

    Today, when I took a look at my fitbit stats (and lost my post!), I noticed that when I walk with Toni, I burn about 200 calories more during the same timeframe than I do when walking with Azi. So speed really matters. Steps do not always translate into the same burn, so for the coming week, my goal is to burn at least 1700 kcals a day. My fitbit goal is 1800 and I seldom make that. Typically I'm somewhere around 1600, so I just need to push a little harder. Once I get that, I can focus on making the 1900.

    Lois, you're right. I'm a Nats fan first and then a Braves fan. So I do hope that they can beat the Astros. But if the Dodgers had won instead of the Braves, I'd be pulling for the Dodgers. I just cannot forget that the Astros were cheating during the 2019 World Series, and even though our guys figured it out and worked around that to win, there are still Astro players on the field who were part of that. Braves won the first game; Astros the second one. But I am so hoping the Braves can pull this off.

    Sheesh, I am so happy that you now have grandchildren close by. I know you're probably exhausted, but it sounds like you and your hubby are really enjoying time with them. You are very blessed my friend.

    Kelly, sometimes staying the same is progress--at least for me. In the past, when it got cold and things got busy, I did not stay the same. My weight would start creeping up, and I'd think--a half pound is not so bad. But then that half pound would turn into 3 or 4 pounds, and my waist band would be tight and I'd get discouraged. But if I can maintain during a busy time, I can get back on track again.

    Well, time to push along into the day. I have spent far longer than expected since my post went poof! Looking forward to hearing more from everyone.
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 704 Member
    Happy Friday all! It's a busy weekend for us (not that it's different than any other day :D ), as we're heading to a town 2 hours away for a couple of hockey games for Ella. One tonight and one tomorrow afternoon. Tyler is staying home with the 3 dogs and his Mom, as he also has hockey. It's also his birthday on Halloween (he's turning 14) so we celebrated last night by going out for supper with him. Jodi and Tyler are going to stay at our house to watch all of the dogs and Tyler is going to have a friend come over. We won't get back until later tomorrow night and then it's Halloween on Sunday. Shawn works, so it'll just be me at home. We have decided to hand out candy this year, as we didn't last year and Ella is going out Trick or Treating this year too. I'll just wear a mask and make sure to wash my hands lots, just in case.

    We've had a bit of a rough go lately with our old dog Diesel. He's a black lab and he's 15.5 years old. We have noticed some issues with him lately, like his legs are sore, he had a problem with one eye, he has a sore on his neck (which they said is a sarcoma so cancer) and over the past few months has started to pee in the house (oh the pee smells sooooo bad). We know he likely has a ton of issues but we don't want to spend the money to find out at this point. So, a tough decision was made to set a date to say goodbye. We have it booked for November 12, but... ever since we set the date, he has been acting like a puppy! What the heck?! All of a sudden, he's not peeing, he's super happy and nothing seems wrong! Obviously we can't say goodbye when he's like this, so we're going to make the decision on November 10 and decide what to do from there. Apparently people say it's quite normal for dogs to act that way once they know life is coming to an end, but I don't know. Like I said, it's been tough in this house. Shawn crying, kids crying and Jodi crying (cause it was her dog too). I guess we'll see how the next couple of weeks go.

    Lois and Sarah - Wow.. sounds like quite the road trips for both of you! Fingers crossed that ours goes more smoothly lol

    Sheesh - I hope you're getting a lot of little Loa time <3
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 2,010 Member
    Oh, Kelly. I am crying, too. I know how hard it is when a pet's life is coming to an end. Sending hugs to him and all of you. My vet told us when we had an 18 year old cat that we would know when the time was right. And we did, and God bless that vet, she sent us a note and said "you did it right." (She also said that when she dies she wants to come back as a cat and live at our house!) I remain amazed at the wonderful relationship that you have with Jodi. That is rare and it's great to know that it's possible. I don't see my ex from many years ago, but I harbor him no ill will. I may have told you ladies, but if I haven't, I'll tell you the "would you like some peaches?" story sometime. I think I can do it now without strangling in a fit of giggles.

    Sheesh, I meant to say before that I so envy you the beautiful fall color. We still have a lot of green. Only the maples are turning. I think the oaks, birches, etc. will just eventually turn brown and fall off. We just have not had the cool weather needed for color. Part of me is loving the extra time to be outside and not be chilly, but going from summer to winter is going to be weird. The coleus on our patio, which goes at the first hint of frost, is a little leggy from lack of light, but still doing pretty well. So strange for almost November. I'll try to upload a pic.

    As far as my activity goes, I'm getting in my 10K steps by walking with Azi, but she is not a fast walker (she's probably 5 feet tall at the most, so short legs!), and for the past couple of days, I've been dealing with the post-booster symptoms. So I did not make my burn goal on Wednesday or yesterday. :(

    I am becoming a little antsy now that I've been unemployed for almost 3 months. I've had a few folks ask if I'm interested in going back to science writing/editing, but I prefer health communications work, and it seems there's little of that available on a part-time basis. I need to update my resume and make some contacts. I don't think I'll be lucky enough again to have a part-time job just fall in my lap. And as stressful as the COVID response team work could be, I do miss it.

  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,382 Member
    Happy All Souls Day or Dia De La Muertas! When I attended Catholic school, this was one of my favorite days that we had to attend mass. I loved the homily that was done...remembering our lost ones and finding calm and peace. And I LOVED the smell of the incense...

    We had an awesome Halloween with Rhea. She was dressed as Anna and had a great time walking with us and saying "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you" at each home. We only went to the homes that were decorated or people sitting outside, as a 3 year old has only so much stamina. There is a street in their neighborhood, we did not take Rhea through it, they are so decked out at Christmas, well they do the same at Halloween. Hubby and I drove down it on our way home, and about 90% of the houses participated in decorating and SEVERAL had firepits or gathering circles of family/friends. Definitely going to have go over there next year. That is what hubby and I strived to do, but felt like we were the only house on our street to decorate. We were always the "scary" house on the block (and we gave out great candy as well). Well, because we weren't going to be here to give candy (we didn't buy any either, so there is not a stash anywhere), we opted to not decorate either. Turns out, my neighbor said we had so many kids they ran out of candy - waaaahhhh. so bummed. ah well.

    For meals this week, I ordered meatloaf and stuffed peppers from Costco. Those will be our dinners (lunches too). I knew with being at Rhea's I wouldn't get to do meal prep. I'm hoping those were good choices.

    I had a 90 min massage Friday afternoon to help with my headache, neck and back pain. OMG...I think she spent 80 mins on my back and neck and the other 10 on the rest of me, but man do I feel better. My headache was GONE when we were done. My neck and back still felt somewhat sore, but I think it was more due to the work being done because by yesterday, I was feeling fantastic. It has been so long since I've had a massage that I'd forgotten how wonderful they are. I need a "spa day" sometime soon. Maybe even just a pedicure, with steam room time before... thinking thinking thinking when I can do this...hhmmm...

    Kelly my heart breaks for your family. I've shared before that we'd had four cocker spaniels the parents and two of their pups. Sadly pure bred cockers do not have a long life span and we lost all of them when they were 12ish. And because they were all two years apart, it was rough. So rough, we can't even imagine having more pups or pets. So I'm feeling for you all! Huge hugs!!! You'll know when the time is right.

    Sarah - you've mentioned your walks with Toni and how she pushes the pace...that will make a huge difference in calorie burns and weight reduction. Somehow you may need to be the one to push the pace with your new buddy and see what she can handle. It's a tough balance if she wants to "stroll". That's the pace my neighbors have when I go with them, and I kind of push them to go faster when I go with them.

    It's Report day Monday and it looks like it's just about done running all of my updates. Have a great day and I'll check back.

  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 704 Member
    Well our weekend definitely didn't go as planned. On Friday afternoon, Jodi's Dad was found unresponsive in his room and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. He passed away on Saturday. Such a whirlwind weekend. When all of this started happening, it was decided that I would stay back with the dogs and Tyler and Shawn would take Ella to her hockey games out of town. One of us needed to be here for her and to help her out with whatever she needed. I ended up watching Jodi's dog too, so it was crazy in the house for a couple of days with 3 dogs and a teenager. Tyler also had hockey on Saturday, so it was a lot and by Saturday night, I was exhausted. Sunday was Tyler's 14th birthday, to top it all off. Jodi's Dad was 85 years old and he had an amazing life. He was diagnosed with heart disease years ago and was only give 6 months to live at the time. He lasted over 10 years! So needless to say, he fully enjoyed life after that. The funeral is on Thursday, so we'll all be going.

    Thanks for the kind words about our Diesel dog. He's still being amazing. I don't think we'll be saying goodbye next week. It doesn't feel like the right time now, especially with the passing of Jodi's Dad, but we'll see how this week goes.

    Halloween was weird this year. We tried for over a week to try and buy candy, chips or chocolates to hand out, but EVERYTHING sold out super early this year for some reason. My guess it's a mix of people buying extra cause they didn't know how many kids to expect and the stores not having as much in stock as they weren't sure what the restrictions were going to be. So, we were forced to turn off our lights this year.

    Sarah - I'd love to hear the peach story! lol Jodi, Shawn and I do have a pretty amazingly awesome relationship. We consider her family and I really don't understand why more split parents can't be like that. Once you remember that you're doing it for the kids and get passed all the anger of your passed relationship issues, then it's not that difficult. The kids are so happy that we can all hangout and do things together. Obviously there are some tense times between us, but they've been pretty minor issues that we always get past.

    Lois - oh that massage sounds lovely. I haven't had one in years, but I remember how much they used to help me too. And mmmm love stuffed peppers!
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,382 Member
    Kelly - I'm so sorry for your family's loss. It's so kind of you to be there for Jodi during that difficult time. I'm happy to hear Diesel is still being amazing. It may not yet be his time and love on him as much as you are able. Happy belated birthday Tyler!

    Sarah - I'm hoping that pain stays away and that you're not feeling the "chipmunk" effect again. Scary!
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,155 Member
    Oh Kelly, I'm sending my condolences to Jodi, you, Shawn, and the children. I'm so sorry for the loss. It's hard even when the person is old. . somehow it always feels surprising and sad. Over time, their memory becomes the blessing.

    Sarah, I also want to hear the peaches story. I didn't know you had an ex. So many untold stories, lol!

    Lois, I'm so envious of your 90 minute massage! Sounds amazing. It got the wheels turning in my head to plan a day for myself soon. I've been so busy with Loa and my daughter. My Oregon daughter is coming into town tomorrow to visit her sister and new baby. She'll stay with us some of the time, and at their house some of the time (when their 9 year old with her mother for the weekend so she can take her bed). I'm looking forward to all the girls time I'll have with them and Loa! But, I know I'm going to need a massage soon, hahaha! I had to cancel my last hair apt, so my hair is out of control too. Oh well.

    I'm so sorry it's late Wednesday . . almost Thursday . . to check in here. I'm caught up on all your posts, and I did weigh this morning. So, I'll go start the new week's thread.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 2,010 Member
    Kelly, before I post for this week, I wanted to post here to say that I am so sorry to hear about the kid's grandfather and I'm also sending good thoughts to everyone in the family. The weekend had to be tough and you are such a kind-hearted person to step in to help Jodi. I know she appreciates you. That's why we also love you from afar.