Words Pronounced the Same but Spelled Different
Discreet - discrete1
Lay - lei1
Greece - grease1
I - eye - ay - aye1
Penni - penny1
Coward ~ Cowered1
Peek - peak - pique1
Its - it's1
See- Sea0
Lays ~ Laze1
Ray - Wray1
Choose ~ Chews1
Mow - MO - moh - mot1
Cell -sell1
Nappe ~ Nap ~ Knap1
Bear- Bare0
Sleight - slight1
Blue ~ Blew0
Least - leased1
Slay - sleigh1
Tic ~ Tick1
Ate- Eight0
Oui - wee - we1
Mane - main - Maine1
Wow, good job Susan and Linda with your 3 word choices, Well Done! 👍
Veil- Vale1 -
Prays ~ Praise1
Wrap - rap1
Bear - bare1
Pain - pane1
see - sea1