SANTA’S TOY HUNT CHALLENGE starts tomorrow 11-29-21

Lopeyp Posts: 1,316 Member
edited November 2021 in Social Groups
The holidays are fast approaching and Santa’s elves needs some help gathering those last few special items for Santa’s sleigh.
This is an individual challenge. Use a pedometer or cardio equipment to determine the number of steps that you’ve traveled.
In this challenge, you will accumulate 8,000 steps and then make a pick. Your pick could be an activity, exercise, or an item for the sleigh. If you pick the item, you will move on immediately. If your pick is an not the item, you will complete the activity, post that you’ve completed it, and make another pick here on the challenge thread. You could have to do two activities at each stop before you pick the item.
There are 10 items to gather to fill Santa’s bag.
Santa’s got a long ride ahead of him and has to get going. The sun is glistening off the snow at the North Pole. Elvis, the elf has a lead on a handsome toy soldier in Germany, so let’s get moving.
When you’ve accumulated 8,000 steps and then make a pick (1,2, or 3) and post here on the tracking thread.