Santa Sprint 2021 Challenge!



  • russellholtslander1
    I'm doing well having 4 eggs for breakfast, and GB, green chiles, and 1 Roma tomato for lunch. My dinner today though is perch and green beans. That's 16 NET carbs, which is below 20.. so I am on plan again.

    I lost another 1.4 lbs., down to 237.4. My blood sugars are between 80-100 now, which is down from when I was on Carnivore, by about 15-20 mg/dL.. less protein??
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member

    Logged: check
    Net carbs: 62, so within my goal
    Protein: 100, so just hit my goal
    Movement: did yoga, planned walk didn't happen due to icy rain. Steps and movement were under my goal, but I also felt like it was a catch up on rest day.
    Journal: yes
    Sleep: pretty good while I was sleeping, but woke up earlier than I should have again.
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Day 6 - 185.4 lbs. I keep yo-yo ing between 185 & 187 since Thanksgiving! I just want to see 184 on the scale dammit! LOL! My goal for the end of the month is to get below 180 and I'm beginning to doubt that will happen! Whine whine. Okay, done. LOL!

    Keeping with the plan. Although today may be harder to do. I have to work late for storm duty and we always order in. I ate at restaurants all weekend and it's hard to log those calories. Here's hoping I can find something that will fit my macros and be low carb. I wonder if my supervisor will buy me a steak! :)
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Day 7 - 185.2. Well, at least it's going down! Ordering in was harder than I thought. I did order a Caesar chicken salad, but then I blew it and ordered onion rings! LOL! But, I did not eat the whole order. I did eat all the chicken pieces and most of the lettuce, but not the croutons and only used half of the dressing. The onion rings, I had 5 with no sugar added ketchup. So did the best I could with the logging, and even with high guesstimates, I was still under in calories, and my carbs were only 67 g. So not bad.

    Today, more storm duty. I don't eat breakfast, so lunch will probably be another salad. Yay. LOL!
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    I’m doing a bit better with not snacking over the last couple of days. I had a salad for dinner last night and had a handful of pretzels because I still felt hungry but limited them and tried to distract myself. I really wanted to keep eating later in the evening but drank more water and went to bed. I struggle with getting my portions right and will under eat early in the day and then need a snack before dinner. Gotta get this worked out so I’m eating enough to satisfaction and then not mindlessly eating later out of boredom or because hubs is.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member

    Logged: check
    Net carbs: 65, so within my goal
    Protein: 111, comfortably above my goal minimum of 100
    Movement: did yoga and some spinning. Steps were low, and it was sufficiently cold when I got home that I didn't do the walk I was considering.
    Journal: yes
    Sleep: pretty good while I was sleeping, but once again woke up earlier than I should have. Wide awake in the morning but by evening being so tired was making me moody.

    Today is my birthday, but I don't intend to eat off-plan (I have a work party on Friday when I will, and had a goodbye party last Friday). Also, I finally got a good night of sleep and am so happy to feel so rested!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Yesterday was so hard, hungry all day, just incessant, but stuck to protein and veggies and kept it to poverty...also ran and times!!!
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »

    Today is my birthday, but I don't intend to eat off-plan (I have a work party on Friday when I will, and had a goodbye party last Friday). Also, I finally got a good night of sleep and am so happy to feel so rested!

  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Day 8 - 183.6!

    Finally!! Patience pays off! Well, okay. I haven't really been that patient, but in the past I would have polished off a whole bag of chips out of frustration! This time I didn't even though I was very tempted. So double win! I have today and tomorrow off so I think I will plan my next couple of weeks so I stay on track. If I want to get below 180 by the end of the year, I need to take a hard look at these past few weeks to see where I could improve.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Down to 158 this that's 2 lbs down this month so far...and lucifer's waterfall started, so I'm sure that's primarily part of the water weight from that finally kicking in and dropping off...hoping to see another pound drop tomorrow morning as the rest of the water drops off...assuming I can be good and stay away from all the salty things today.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member

    Logged: check
    Net carbs: 65 again.
    Protein: 101, so (barely) above my goal minimum of 100
    Movement: did yoga. Didn't make my move cals--I will today, as I am going to the gym, but on days when I don't I need to manage to walk more during the day. I'm still driving to work vs taking the L, and missing the steps from the commute actually makes a difference.
    Journal: yes
    Sleep: good, and I managed to get a reasonable number of hours.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Yesterday (12/8):

    Logged: check
    Net carbs: 75, so made my goal, but barely.
    Protein: 103, so above my goal minimum of 100.
    Movement: weights at the gym plus an extra walk. Closed all rings.
    Journal: yes
    Sleep: good, and I managed to get a reasonable number of hours for the second day in a row!
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Day 9 - 182.4 - Weight is finally moving downward again. My goal of getting below 180 by end of month is very possible! I have to learn not to doubt the process. Because when I have doubts, it makes it 10 times worse. Then I may sabotage all my efforts. I didn't this time, but the temptation was definitely there.
  • russellholtslander1
    Most people would LOVE the speed of your weight loss NYPhotographer.. it is never linear, but you should look back, and see how recently you were above 200. Daily, weight loss can seem glacial, but if you look at 30 days, you realize that it is going faster than it feels.

    Congrats on staying on plan on your birthday.. happy belated birthday!

    I have stayed on my plan.. and am down to 236.8.. my goal was 10 lbs., 242-232, so I am over halfway there in 9 days.. I have only lost .6 lbs. in the past 3 days though, and when I stay the same, it messes up my whole day.. I don't post, because I feel as if I have nothing to say.. I am still 237.4, and then i lose 6/10ths of a lb., and here I am.

    Honestly, it is probably more important to address the days we do not lose.. the " bad " days, because that is what makes us think.. is this worth it? I need to lose weight to have heart valve surgery, before my heart gives out, but it gets hard when you don't lose for 2 days. I LOVE the food I am eating. I had Feta stuffed olives yesterday during the game, and eating GB, green chiles, and mushrooms, fish and broccoli, with lots of butter.. 4 eggs for breakfast every day with ham or bacon.. etc. etc.... the food is great.. even better than the stuff I ate before, BUT, I feel as if this is eating DIFFERENTLY, so I feel as if doing it, requires results.. meanwhile I spent years eating junk, and the results were gaining 200 lbs. I never weighed in, or worried about what I put in my mouth. If I gained 5 lbs. in 3 months, I didn't care.

    Now that i am eating properly, I am seeing normal blood sugars, and losing 10 lbs. in a month is simple.. BUT, every day i get a blood sugar over 125, or fail to lose weight, I feel like a failure.

    When I look at my charts here on MFP ( awesome feature ).. I can see that on 9/4/21 I was 284.8, and now I'm 236.8.. so I am down 48 lbs. in 96 days.. exactly 1.2 a pound a day!

    We all need perspective.. we will have " bad " days, especially as we get closer to goal.. they are necessary, because the body has to balance at times, before it can lose more. I need to do the same.. on those days, look at how much good I have done, and not ruin my day, because some number wasn't good that day.
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks Russell! That is true, it wasn't that long ago that I was above 200 lbs. Keto is probably the best WOE out there, but it is very restrictive. If 3 days of carbs can sideline me, it's scary thinking of what happens if I finally reach goal and start introducing carbs back in. BUT...I did hover between 185 & 188 for the week after, so that is like maintaining. Hopefully, if I do reach goal, I can keep it around that weight and not just go back up again. Carbs have their place in our diet, but I need to figure out the best way for me to ingest carbs and not go back up.

    I've read too many times on here that it's the calorie deficit that causes weight loss. I've been at a deficit but had too many carbs and have gained. So for me, it's not just the deficit that helps me lose weight. When I eat low carbs, that's when my body responds best.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    down another pound and a half...156.6 is the new number to's nice to see all the monthly water finally slide right off...I'll be sad when it halts, but happy when it's real fluff being lost after that!!!
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    edited December 2021
    I understand what your saying also. I love Carbs(& I love to bake which I don't do much anymore) but my body doesn't seem to know how to burn them and holds onto them as fat. So for me, like you, Keto low Carb is working better for me than any of the numerous diets I have tried over 40+ years!
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    I’m still maintaining like a champ and have been very cognizant of my snacking so it has definitely decreased this week. In the meantime, I had an NSV I thought I’d share. I put on a new pair of pants I’d purchased over the summer in the smaller of the two sizes I waffle between, depending on the brand. A work meeting in person called for something other than athleisure wear. Lo and behold they were looser than when I’d bought them. So change is happening, regardless of what that devil scale says.
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    WTG @taylock23! Ya gotta love it when that happens!!!
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Day 10 - 182.8

    Slight uptick but I was expecting it. I go down and then I go up. Rinse - Repeat. It's the dance my body and I like to do it seems. Staying on plan. My goal is still in reach. At the 1st of the month, I weighed 186.6. So I think I'm doing pretty good!

    Have a great day everyone!