Whole 30 Progress

climberchic Posts: 83 Member
Hey all!! Well, tomorrow is Day 10 for me on the whole30 and I must say it is going great!!I feel great and I've really enjoyed the cooking so far. I don't usually do a lot of cooking, even though I enjoy it, mostly due to time constraints but lately I've made the time. I feel great and I can definitely see a difference. Of course I have no idea if I've lost weight, because I cannot weigh or measure, but my clothes fit differently.

The first couple of days were tough getting in enough calories but I'm doing pretty good now. I am going to start running again now that I think I can take in enough calories. Looking forward to even more results!! Wish me luck.


  • bradlette
    bradlette Posts: 8 Member
    Hey that's great! Good luck! I have just completed 4 weeks of fairly strict lacto-paleo (though I "cheated" today). I was interested in the whole30 philosophy, but didn't investigate it too thoroughly. No weighing or measuring? That's a great idea. How do you stop yourself from doing this, though? I keep "checking." I know it's a bad idea, but haven't figured out how to stop. Hmm. Give the scale away?
  • climberchic
    climberchic Posts: 83 Member
    Hey there! Nope! No weighing or measuring. I weighed the night before I started and that was it. It's hard, I won't lie. I usually weigh myself everyday. The scale is in my room I pass it every morning. I just keep telling myself that it IS changing because with my food choices it HAS to change. I know everything that I am eating is good for me and within days I could tell a difference in the way some of my clothes fit. Another bonus is my skin looks great!! I got a compliment yesterday and I know it is partially due to my eating. I've never had horrible acne but I get breakouts occasionally. Well, not now and it has only been 10 days. Can't wait to see what happens in the next 20. I may not stop there.
    My original plan was to start the Paleo lifestyle. I kept seeing comments on the whole30 so I checked it out. It seemed like a great way to kick it off. I like it though. You should try it. :)
  • Tophermak
    Tophermak Posts: 69 Member
    Doing a month of whole 30 is definitely the best way to starting to eat Paleo. Helps with any and all cravings and lets you see the full benefits of the lifestyle right from the get go. Sometimes within days even. Stick with it Chic and you will be amazed at how sweet an apple can taste after a month of restricted sugars. Wife and I do a couple week sugar detox every 3 months or so. Just as a reminder and to help keep us on track!!
  • climberchic
    climberchic Posts: 83 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Here is the latest update on my progress. The eating aspect of the whole30 is going great! It really has been much easier than I thought it would be. I haven't really experienced any cravings and there are alot of sweets that I like. I'm really proud of myself with that. I did however slip up and broke one of their rules. I was suffering slightly from distorted body image and broke down and measured and weighed myself at 15 days. I guess if you are going to slip up, that is better than eating a donut. (at least that is what I'm telling myself) I feel bad about it but it helped with my image issue.

    When I first started the program I was eating about 200-500 calories less than what I needed. Now I find I have no problem eating enough calories and wonder if I'm eating too much. Its all good food though so I'm happy about that! Lots of fish and chicken and asparagus. I don't think I'm adhering to the rules as strictly as I should (meaning I'm not eating olives and coconut with every meal) but I think that I may do another 30 adhering EXACTLY as it is written. Feeling good though!!! Recommend to anyone looking to feel better and boost energy. It has definitely helped with my energy levels!!
  • Please keep updating your progress, climberchic. Monday is my start date for the Whole30 and it is nice to read about what to expect!
  • Here is the timeline of what to expect on the whole 30
    Almost finished my 30 days and it's been a breeze(more or less)
  • climberchic
    climberchic Posts: 83 Member
    DAY 30!!! They say that it will change your life and I truly believe that it has. I have a great relationship with food now and I crave food items that are healthy for me. The other day someone referred to me as a "clean" eater and I felt really good about that. It is nice to know what you are eating and exactly what you are putting into your body. Now to get my little one on the bandwagon. (That may be a little trickier!) Good luck to everyone trying it!