Marcy's Fresh Start (OMAD)

Hi, everyone!

I've actually been a lurker in this group for over four years. I have been secretly inspired by a lot of your stories and experiences. As a brief introduction to me: my name is Marcy, and I have actually been doing IF (and occasionally OMAD) for over ten years. I have ulcerative colitis, and IF helped me eliminate medications from my life. I'm very happy about that!

I am 4'10" and my usual healthy weight is between 105 and 110 pounds. I had a series of miscarriages over the last few years, which really sent me into a bit of a depression. I have gained 20 pounds due to my lack of drive for exercising or eating well like I am accustomed to. But I realize as I end another year of this situation that I must begin taking care of myself physically and mentally for my own sake.

I am starting this thread for personal accountability. I already lead a pseudo-healthy lifestyle (I do not eat takeaway meals much at all out of habit from being raised in a cooking-heavy Asian family), but I want to improve my exercise, water consumption, and balanced eating in general to return back down to my pre-depression weight and take back control of my wellness. I am pre-hypertensive and would like to help control that by getting this extra weight off my very small frame.

Starting Weight: 131.2 pounds (as of yesterday)
Goal Weight: 110 pounds (with stretch goal being 105)

I will try to take pictures of meals, but at the very least I aim to update frequently to at least note if I stuck to OMAD, did a bit of exercise (even if only 15 minutes of walking), and drank all of my water for the day.
