January 2022

Farback Posts: 1,088 Member
edited January 9 in Social Groups
Much like January 2021 but now with added variants!


  • JuliaGirl132
    JuliaGirl132 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi, New to the group and excited for a new year! 3 days into 2022, in the southeast part of the USA, we've already had record high temps and a first snow. Kind of excited to see where the year can go from here. :o
  • Bowiek00k
    Bowiek00k Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hi also new to the group. I will be 61 in Feb and live in Ontario Canada. I have arthritis and movement is difficult. Also digestive issues as yet 'undiagnosed' that really impact my life. trying to help both issues with weight loss and better eating. happy to get to know new people! feel free to friend me as well.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    Hi, new folks @Juliagirl132 @Bowieko0k (and longer-timer friend @Farback)!

    I'm Ann, and I'm old here - to MFP, the group, and at age 66, to lots of other things as well. 😆

    Seems like our weather (Michigan), always a bit of a roller-coaster ride, has been even more variable than usual. A week or so ago, temps hit 50s F (lower teens C), bare grass (some still green) and dead foliage everywhere, plus some mud. Last night we were around 8F (-13C), and there's probably 6" (15cm) or so of snow on the ground and some on trees and such, more due tonight. 🤷‍♀️

    Me, I'm staying in, mildly grumpy because the river I row on is too frozen for that kind of fun, trying to stick with a routine of machine rowing/stationary biking and a little light weight training/core exercises so I don't need to start over from square one in Spring . . . but willpower and determination are definitely not my long suit, as an aging-hippie hedonist. I'm also in the phase of seeing how much of my holiday scale jump is water weight (most of it, I predict) and how much is fat regain (probably some). Not too worried, though, as I've been in maintenance for a few years, know I can lose a few pounds if necessary, and I set my mind to it.

    Hoping for a great 2022 for all of you . . . at least an improvement on 2021, which set kind of a low bar, I guess.

    Best wishes!
  • Revlish
    Revlish Posts: 62 Member
    Hi there! I'm Calleaghn (but Rev is fine) and I've been on myfitnesspal off and on for a long time.
    I just finished a year of Noom and loved it! Ready to transition out of there and into a more ongoing support system for continued fitness and weight loss. And just general lifeyness. :D

    I'm new to this group. Live just South of Seattle, a grad student, musician, avid reader, scifi fan and gamer. Dancing is my favorite work out, but I also do HIIT and weights, and whatever else catches my fancy. I love to skate and am currently looking for some local folx to do it with. Though I will definitely go by myself and make new friends there if that's how it goes down. lol

    I'm 58 and still recovering from a long term chronic illness. Just diagnosed with COPD last year and been having some joint issues for awhile. I keep modifying movement to work for me where ever I am. When I don't, things just get worse. Last two years were rough, starting before COVID, and this past year I've been coming out of it finally. I've lost 40 pounds and want to drop another 30, at least.

    The thing I most proud of from the past year is that I've gotten hooked on exercise in a way that's made everything better- my mood, my energy, my body, my joy level. Even when I'm hurting and fatigued, I find some way to move joyfully, even the littlest bit, and it feeds my everything.

    Thanks for being here! I hope to get to know some of you as the days roll on... <3
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