Monthly Post for February 2022

Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
Good morning!

Hello from cool and sunny Florida. We kicked off our meeting last night and today is the first full day. Going well so far. :)

Hope all is well by you.

See you soon.


  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    Meghan, you are always on top of things so early! I just sat down and realized it's February and we need a new thread. Bam! You already have it done!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning!

    LOL @KateNkognito!! I just happened to remember when I logged in early that it was Feb. 1. Checking in again from Florida today and tomorrow. When I am here, I have to be downstairs in the conference room for 7:00am each day. :o

    Not much happening here. Not really sticking to my WOE due to business travel, but definitely trying to make smarter choices. Had some nice salmon last night. Do I need dessert at lunch? Nope. :)

    Hope everybody is doing well. See you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    Snow day! I have never needed one so much in my life! Just one day to catch up with everything.

    @Meghan509 Enjoy the warm weather and the dessert!

    Have a good one, y'all!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning!

    When Thursday totally feels like it should be a Friday. Ugh! The good news is I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Departing this afternoon to return home. Can't wait. Been a long week, for sure!

    Hope you enjoyed your snow day, @KateNkognito! Well deserved.

    We are due for some iffy weather today too. It appears to be rain, rain, and more rain for our area. Just hoping that we don't have any travel issues due to a good chunk of the country getting a storm. Fingers crossed. Positive vibes, please! LOL The good thing is it will help melt all the snow we had last weekend!

    Hope you have a great day and see you all soon. :)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    Another snow day! <3

    @Meghan509 Safe travels!

    @mamainthekitchen I hope you are doing well!

    Everyone else, have a good end of the week!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    Third snow day! Honestly, I think they are giving us five days to quarantine and try to bring down the COVID numbers. But, hey, I didn't have to get up at 5 am, so I am all good!

    @Meghan509 I hope you made it home, safe and sound!

    Going to clean the house today. The sun is shining. It's going to be a lovely day!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning!

    Wow, @KateNkognito that is crazy about the snow but it does make sense for everybody to have a little time to get healthy again. Ugh. Stupid Covid.

    The good news is we successfully held a meeting in Miami, FL with 75 people from the US, UK and Europe, and nobody got Covid! Yea!!!

    I was able to get home safely last night with no travel issues. Phew! Our airplane was really empty and quiet. I was in an isle seat up towards the front of the plane and there were rows in front of me and in back of me that were completely empty. Not to mention nobody in my row. Got to spread out and read my book without being cramped. It seems crazy but I will take it.

    We managed to just get A LOT of rain here yesterday and more today. Ice is coming later so we will head out to the grocery store soon to grab something for dinner tonight, etc. We are going to a friends house tomorrow night for dinner. Looking forward to that!

    Work has been totally and completely crazy and stressful. Not going to lie, this morning I was in tears. :'(

    I sent a note to HR to see if we can look in to hiring someone to help. So we are going to discuss on Tuesday. Fingers crossed...

    Background on me - I am an Executive Assistant and I have pretty much been doing the jobs of two to three people since May of 2020, when our company experienced a huge layoff due to the pandemic. Time to re-staff again. Before I completely and totally lose my mind... :(

    Okay, sorry to end on a negative note. Planning to get back on track with my WOE and get back to the gym next week. The infection rate has gone back down again so a gym feels safer now.

    I hope you have a great Friday and a nice weekend and I will see you soon.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Holy cow hello all….
    I’ve been so busy and every time I sit and go on my phone I’m distracted by this stupid game called Triple Match… stupid really, but I may need counseling :# each game starts by throwing out a bunch of toys and you have to match three of them to disappear. Matching all of them clears the board. The further along you get, different types of toys are added making it harder. Yes, I’m sadly addicted. If I could only clean up my house as good as I do this game!

    We heard about the snow storm Meghan… eastern states and Halifax got it pretty bad, glad you weren’t affected and got away to see some sun! Glad you’re back safely now and all went well and best of all, no one caught Covid!!!!! Crossed fingers for your company to hear your pleas!!

    Glad you’re able to enjoy catching up on things during your snow days Kate!! Must look very pretty where you live! Wow, sleeping in must really be a treat for you! 5 am each day is brutal!!! Omg cannot imagine! Hope you’re doing well with your fasting still and am wondering, do you use a tracker? I like the achievement in print, that’s why I like using one.

    Well, over this last week & half, I’ve really tried to be mindful of what I’m eating, as per usual my only downfall is the “treats” I’m buying sugar free items for my son, so I am trying to buy a few more for myself to try to ween myself from the real stuff. (Yes I must confess I buy the real treats & hide them in my girl cave while I watch chick movies >:) ) These days they are making a lot of good products that hit the spot! I’ve also cut down quite a bit on the alcohol and sub with ginger kombucha, but still use my wine glass cause it looks pretty and feels like a treat! Still eating with my 16:8 eating window, but sometimes have a handful of nuts around 10pm. I have not weighed myself for little over 2 weeks now and won’t until I feel my pants are looser. Ugh. Our anniversary is coming up end of Feb and not sure what we’re going to do, I’m still nervous about eating out. I’ve also been trying to organize 32 years worth of photos!!!! Yikes!

    Off to clean up and get some laundry done etc…. Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning!

    Happy Monday... *grumble grumble*

    Hope you had a nice weekend. Mine was good. Mostly relaxing. Had dinner with friends on Saturday night which was nice.

    Still feel pretty stressed and burned out with work. Tomorrow I meet with HR about it. Sigh...

    @mamainthekitchen that game sounds cute! I see a lot of people on Facebook playing Wordle. Only thing I play once in a while on my tablet is solitaire. I like things that require little to no thought. :)

    Planning to eat clean and try and get to the gym a little this week.

    Hope you have a good one. See you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    @Meghan509 I am glad you made it home safe and sound. Your flight sounds nice! I really hope you are able to get some help in your job. It is always stressful to work where you are understaffed. I will keep you in my prayers.

    @mamainthekitchen We won't talk about my game addiction... :D I use a tracker sometimes. Honestly I find it both motivating and demotivating. I like to achieve the goal, but I find myself not fasting sometimes because I don't think I can make the goal. I am probably going to uninstall it and see how things go. I am just in a blah place lately. I need a kick in the pants to get me going seriously again. Happy impending anniversary! 32 years? How have you done it?! I am at 20 and it is touch and go some days! LOL

    Going to bed soon. It was a long day. Not bad, just long. I realized that we are running up to the end of the year. I am really going to miss this group. They make me insane, but I love them all dearly.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Happy Tuesday !!

    Meghan I hope today’s meetings go well and the ‘powers at be’ are able to hire more staff to give you some relief!! Being overworked is exhausting… mentally & physically!! Hope today ends well :)

    Thanks Kate… yes 32 years?? Haha I’ve been married so long I’ve forgotten that it’s actually 33 years this year!!! Married in ‘89! Bahahaha…. Omg. Seems like yesterday we celebrated our 25th! Or 30th even… which makes me realize I better get this weight off now cause pretty soon it’ll be 35 years and I’ll still not be able to zip up that nice winter coat of mine!!!!!!! Learn from me folks!!!

    Sipping tea so far today & thinking of doing a few days (maybe a week) of Keto just to kick start my enthusiasm. Also Kate, I hear ya on the trackers!! Overall though, mine does help me!

    Have a good day
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Hi guys...
    One of those crazy days where I literally sat on this page all day in another Chrome tab. Sigh...
    My meeting with HR is on Thursday. She wanted to do it face to face. That's fine. Fingers crossed.
    See you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    @mamainthekitchen I hope you can zip your coat soon! :)

    @Meghan509 Hopefully in person means that things will go in your favor.

    I am super tired this evening. It is only 7, but I am seriously considering sleep. Not a bad day or anything, just need some extra sleep. Have a good one!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning!

    Today is a tiny bit better since I am home and get to sleep an hour and a half more. Usually I am in the office on Wednesdays but I decided I needed a break. Just can't keep up at this crazy speed for too much longer before I lose my mind. :( Home today and in the office Thursday. Home again on Friday.

    My guy and I celebrated fourteen years together as of yesterday! Crazy how time flies. This weekend we are planning to make a nice dinner and celebrate our anniversary and Valentines Day. Looking forward to that!

    Sunday is the Super Bowl and I honestly don't care who wins. LOL Okay maybe leaning toward the Bengals since the QB is a young kid starting out. Good for him. :) Planning to make home made nachos for dinner. I am looking forward to that.

    Thanks girls! <3 Yes, I think the meeting should go okay. I am pretty much asking for a new Assistant role to be assigned. Based on the job description it is one that kept an old colleague busy and employed for six plus years, before she was let go in May of 2020. We need more boots on the ground!

    Going to go back to my project here. Have a good one and see you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    I started to type a message twice today and got distracted both times!
    I am probably going to fast tomorrow. I haven't had a proper fast for a while and my system is all wonky.

    @Meghan509 Glad you got to sleep in a bit! And happy anniversary! Will say a prayer for you and your meeting tomorrow.

    Off to bed. I have been really sleepy this week and I don't know why. Maybe fasting will help. Have a good one! Stay healthy!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member

    Hey… happy anniversary Meghan!! And you mentioned ‘yesterday’ … being Feb 8th?? That was our first date! Feb 8th 1986!! Got engaged feb10th ‘88 and married Feb 25 ‘89! What a coincidence!!! I celebrated them all! Hope you two have a wonderful weekend!!! And also routing for the young QB for the Bengals…. Although I’m only watching cause it’s an event!

    Kate sometimes I think the weather and change of seasons gets us exhausted! Although, you ARE busy, so I wish you uninterrupted sleep all weekend!!

    Very foggy here this morning and can barely see the house across the street! Good day for sweats and hot fresh ginger water and catch up on some Olympics! This fasting sucks sometimes but it WORKS! Trying to remind myself of that fact!!!! Making hard boiled eggs for snacks... wow how dull, but they fill you up! Then off to the Vet… again!….$$

    Have a good Thursday you employed people!!!! ;)
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Hello!!! Happy Thursday!!

    Meeting with HR went well. We wrote out job duties for an Assistant role we'd like to hire. We will discuss it with my boss tomorrow and then hopefully in time and with a little patience it gets through the approval process. Fingers crossed!

    Thank you for your prayers, @KateNkognito much appreciated and I think your positive vibes worked.

    Yes! February 8, 2008 @mamainthekitchen isn't that funny!? My guy and I met online and went out on our first date the Friday night after the Patriots had lost the Super Bowl. That was supposed to be the perfect season and we were 17-0 but then the NY Giants sigh... Never mind. LOL
    Looking back he's like I am surprised that you came out! Thank God I did. <3
    Hope you guys have a great celebration!

    Happy early Valentine's Day to you both as well!

    Today is busy but going well. Like they say, this too shall pass. The good news is even though stress has not been fun, I have still managed to eat clean all week. :)

    Have a good one and see you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    Well, it just happened. I said S*!# in front of a whole class of students. In my defense, all of them were crowded around my desk and one of them spilled my water across my desk. That about sums up my day. HOWEVER, I am successfully fasting today. I am planning on some rice and a few shrimp for dinner.

    @mamainthekitchen Good job on the fast!

    @Meghan509 Glad the meeting went well!

    Stay healthy, y'all!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Happy Friday!! AKA Fri-yay!!

    Hope you are all well.

    LOLOL @KateNkognito that's okay. It happens!! Reminds me of when I was a toddler. I must have been listening to somebody say naughty words... One day my straight laced maternal grandfather was over and I dropped something, opened my hand and said "f**k". My Mom said she wanted to die. LOL He completely ignored it and moved on! Phew!

    I have good news on the job front! My manager called me today and spoke to me. She said, "we hear you loud and clear". "We support you". She said they are going to meet next week to discuss a new hire for an Assistant role. I feel like a weight has be lifted. Feeling better already!

    Going to take a vacation day next Friday and make it a longer long weekend. Monday, February 21 is the President's Day holiday (US). :) We are having friends over to stay for the long weekend. Can't wait!

    Not much else goin' on here. Looking forward to the weekend! Hope you guys have a nice one and I'll see you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    FRIDAY! I had a really good fast yesterday and I was down almost 2 pounds this morning. :o I have been really bloated lately, so I am sure it was all water weight, but my tight jeans fit better today, so I will call it a win. We will have a little Super Bowl party this weekend, so I will fast tomorrow. Next week I have professional development on Friday and then a three day weekend. :)

    @Meghan509 That is FANTASTIC news! And a really funny story :D

    Going to read for a while and enjoy a weekend with nothing pressing to do. Have a good one and stay healthy!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member

    Meghan, great story of on-line successful love story…. Sell it to hallmark! I love those movies!!! <3 Still astonished our first dates were Feb 8th just years apart! And great news of your manager words…. Awesome relief for you!! Have a great anniversary/valentine’s/super bowl weekend!!

    Kate! Bahaha omg that’s hilarious! At least it was water and not coffee!! Have fun on your Super Bowl weekend and enjoy your time off!

    Not sure what’s on the menu today, since it’s Super Bowl today… routing for those bengals! Been busy with our dog… she goes in Monday morning for an aspiration of a mass on her arm… she’s limping really bad again and the drugs seem like they’ve stopped working idk, it’s sad cause her mind is working you can see it in her eyes!
    I’m also sad cause tomorrow marks 10 years of my sisters death so I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day…. But I will want some chocolate! I’ve had some long fasts unintentionally (but I’ll take it), although I made some poor choices after one 21 hr fast, Hubs stopped at the Dairy Queen and bought us a soft ice cream cone for the drive home after a long busy day then came home only to “talk” about grilling & salads but actually had a bottle of red wine instead! Omg…. Ya, I know, I missed some of the food groups that day!! Hopefully this week will be better food wise.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    @mamainthekitchen Prayers for your pupper! It is so hard when pets are suffering. You can't ask them what they want or how they feel.

    Today is a lovely day. I should be cleaning house, but I've fallen and I don't want to get up. :D This is going to be a busy week, but I get a three day weekend next weekend.

    Have a good one, y'all!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning!

    @KateNkognito congrats on your awesome loss!! Hope you guys had a fun SB Party! I was rooting for the Bengals and the young QB, but I am happy that the Rams won too and Matthew Stafford got a SB ring. He spent so many years on a crappy Detroit Lions team so he totally deserves it!

    We had a nice relaxing weekend. Saturday was really nice and sunny and warmer! Went for a nice walk around the park. Then on Sunday it snowed again but it was mostly on the grass and not on the roads. Lots of snow on our grass so it looks pretty! Cold here today but that's okay. Winter is winter! Supposed to warm up soon.

    Going to get some work done here and hopefully have a stress free Monday. See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    I am old and fat and tired today. I am just going to leave it at that.

    @Meghan509 That is my favorite kind of snow! It is supposed to be in the 60's the next couple of days, then winter for a day or so, and back to 60. Crazy!

    Going to go eat my feelings and regret my life choices.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning!

    Awww, hang in there @KateNkognito
    Ahh yes the winter roller coaster ride of temperatures! LOL Spring is coming soon. :smile:

    Happy belated Valentine's Day to you gals!

    Things are good here. Busy as usual. Grumble grumble. :( In the office today but getting stuff done which is good. Can't wait to have a few days off.

    Almost time for lunch and thank God because I am hungry!!

    Have a good day and see you soon.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning!

    Hope your Wednesday is going well. Busy here sigh...

    See you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    I am torn on whether I want a snow day tomorrow. I have things we need to do, but then again, snow day. Plus professional development Friday and then a three day weekend. Either way, I have everything ready, so whatever. I hope everyone is doing well! Stay healthy!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi guys,
    Kate you sound like you’re really ready for a well deserved 3 day weekend! It’s almost here!!! <3

    Meghan my daffodils are about 8 inches above ground! So spring is coming, that’s a fact!! Hope the sun peeks out for you over the weekend!

    Well, sad news of my dog…. Cancer is confirmed now, most likely all throughout her. She’s limping all the time now, mass on her front forearm and she’s not a candidate for amputation since her back end is also not strong. :'(:'(:'( Sigh…. Sorry this isn’t the space for this kind of comment but there ya go. Hard to watch what & when I’m eating but bought some baby spinach today and I like that with a poached egg, avo & sriracha… so tomorrow morning that’s the plan!

  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning all!

    @KateNkognito I see that storm coming this way!! Hope it is kind to you guys. Looking like we are just getting a good amount of rain and some wind late tonight in to early tomorrow and then we are out of the woods. Right now, talk about the calm before the storm! It is sunny and 56 degrees F. Maybe I will take a little walk today if work is not so crazy!!

    @mamainthekitchen I am so sorry to hear about the doggie. Please know that you can post about her anytime you want. I hope all goes well. Difficult to talk about for sure, without bringing up emotions.
    Eating better will come in time. Be kind to yourself. I am in a similar boat. Stress is a sure fire way to derail my healthy eating. Doing the best I can. That's all we can do.

    Had a little "drama" this morning with a colleague making a comment in an email. When I arrived this morning it was the first email I read and let me tell you, it set me off. I was ready to fire back with a response but then thought better of it. Spoke to another colleague about it and we agreed to take the high road for now. Sometimes it is hard to be silent but sometimes that is the best way. Deep breaths.

    So so so glad to be off Friday and Monday. :s

    Have a good day and speak to you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    @mamainthekitchen So sorry about your dog! We went through the same with our cat two years ago. You can always post why you need to.

    @Meghan509 I hope you enjoy your long weekend. It is hard to be the bigger person. May your rude coworker step on a Lego and then get wet socks!

    Day off was nice. Waiting for my kids to get done with a school event. They were going to drive themselves, but with the bad weather and me having the day off, I get to play chauffeur. Have a nice Friday and stay healthy!