Piriformis issues

I ran my first 5ks last years, so I'm not new to C25k. At 210#, I am not your typical runner, and had to stop this past November due pain in both buttocks from, what I believe to be irritation of the sciatic nerve from the piriformis muscle (think railroad spikes being driven right under the buttocks where they meet the back of the thighs). I haven't seen good information on causes, but one reference suggested imbalances in the musculature.

Over the last 4 months all the pain is gone on one side and 98% gone on the other, through stretches and hard foam rollers (this was especially useful). I also started adding more posterior chain, and other hip/leg, work into my regular workouts with: SLRDL, reverse hyper back extensions, glute bridges, lunges, hip abduction, etc.

I have a bulging disk in my lower back, so I'm concerned that may be aggravating the situation. However, I'm eager to get back on the horse, so to speak, even though running isn't my preferred workout. What I'd like to know is if others have had similar issues and what worked for them.


  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    I’ve had lower back pain a few months ago. It was bad enough that I was barely able to sit or stand for a couple weeks. Then through massage, heating pads, ice packs, extended rest, things got better. I finally started walking again after a few weeks. Then I started slowly rebuilding my running base.

    C25k is a great program. But if you have an issue with a disc, talk to your doctor and keep up those core strength exercises you’ve added. Also, when doing c25k, run VERY SLOWLY on the running segments with good form. Don’t worry about speed at all. That can come later after you have a good running base.

    Another thing that helps me is adding Leslie Sansone YouTube videos a few times a week (even just the 15 minute ones). Her videos are simple but include a lot of lateral movement that I’m not getting from running.