A Must Read

KBjimAZ Posts: 369 Member

Today's entry "My Weightloss Struggle" by Laurel Blackburn. A very compelling story, and one that most of us can relate to.


  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    Wow, I could have written parts of that. I consider myself 8 - 10lbs overweight. According to WW, I'm within normal range. i don't feel like I'm within normal range and I HATE, HATE my belly (which I only got in the past 10 years). I lost the weight with WW, but gained it right back as I went through my divorce. Now, I lose 5, gain 5. I too have done a lot of diets, including the KETO diet which I've been doing since January and have only lost 3lbs. There is a magic number on my scale that makes me feel good and until I reach that, I'll keep beating myself up. I never was a body builder and there have only been a few times that I can recall feeling good about my body - one of those times I had walking pneumonia and was probably 5 - 8lbs underweight. I keep hoping that someday I'll feel good about myself or that I won't think of myself as the "fat sister".

    Thanks for posting - it's an eye opener.