May the Fourth Be With You - May Accountability Thread

HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,063 Member
Starting a May thread!

I won't lie, I fell off the wagon the later half of April - the new schedule really started to catch up to me, and I gave in the tiredness with eating too much and not sticking to my goals. Trimming down my daily task list at the moment to rebuild my focus while I keep moving ahead with my goals. Gained back some of my losses, but not an insurmountable amount. No more alcohol except on a moto day evening starting this week.

So here we go:

5'7", 43 years old
Starting Weight 1/3/22: 155.8
GW: ~128-132ish
2/23/22: 150
3/30/22: 147
4/22: Missed

5/4/22: 150.6


  • Batmanswife1
    Batmanswife1 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in need of a refresh and a recommitment. Here's my stats:
    5'6, 55yo
    SW (01.01.22) 172
    CW 165
    GW 145
    UGW 140

    By my numbers, I know it appears I am very over weight but honestly, I do carry my weight well so a 145 GW on a 5'6 frame sounds heavy but I do have quite a bit of muscle...or did. Since moving into my 50's, that muscle has started turning into fat and much more difficult to lose and tone up. Today I am recommitting to:
    45 minute workouts 4-5x's a week in my home/garage gym
    Sticking to a 1200 calorie per day goal
    Increase my H2O

    Please let me know what tricks, exercise, meals, and/or diet changes can help me meet my goals of toning up and losing the excess weight.

    Would love to find a twin with similar stats and goals. Ready to do this!!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,063 Member
    I'm in need of a refresh and a recommitment. Here's my stats:
    5'6, 55yo
    SW (01.01.22) 172
    CW 165
    GW 145
    UGW 140

    By my numbers, I know it appears I am very over weight but honestly, I do carry my weight well so a 145 GW on a 5'6 frame sounds heavy but I do have quite a bit of muscle...or did. Since moving into my 50's, that muscle has started turning into fat and much more difficult to lose and tone up. Today I am recommitting to:
    45 minute workouts 4-5x's a week in my home/garage gym
    Sticking to a 1200 calorie per day goal
    Increase my H2O

    Please let me know what tricks, exercise, meals, and/or diet changes can help me meet my goals of toning up and losing the excess weight.

    Would love to find a twin with similar stats and goals. Ready to do this!!

    I'm only slightly taller than you (just under 5'7") - while 145 on my frame (and where my weight goes) is still a bit much, I don't look or feel overweight at that by any stretch - just not where I want to be. With my current muscle not sure where exactly I'll end up, but into my mid 30's (last time around my goal weight) I was pretty strong - but may not have had as much muscle bulk, so it's going to be playing it by ear - AFTER the saddlebags are gone - until then, gotta keep on losing.

    HUGE thing for me that makes it so, so, so much easier to lose is eating low net carbs and higher protein/fat. Add in heavy-for-me weight lifting, and not a huge calorie deficit. I've started tracking steps since my current job is a lot more active at least several days a week (just started a month ago), so finding that balance has been tough!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,201 Member
    Early 60s, 5'-8" (ish)

    SW (02.10.22) - 150

    CW - 154.8 (05.04.22)

    MayGW - 148.8

    FinalGW - 125lbs

    I'm committed to getting exercise back into my daily routine. April was still very busy with new house and visit back to Jersey for a week, but things are definitely calmed down now so I can get a routine going. Two days into it and feeling great.

    Here's what I'm doing:

    AM yoga for some flexibility

    Cardio: Walking program working up to a 5K walk with cycling or golf as cross-training.

    ST challenges: Pull-up challenge in this group and challenges for squats, push-ups and planks.

    Hope everyone has a successful May!
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    edited May 2022
    My life is chaos, and I am late to the game this time, but y'all are still home.

    MFP starting weight (August 2020): 190
    May start weight: 124
    GW: My pants continuing to fit (Ie: I weigh in to keep an eye on things but I am basically at goal/maintenance at 123 give or take a couple of pounds)

    I basically didn't track my food in April. To my surprise it has also made basically no difference, but I'm trying to get back to that at least loosely. I like to keep an eye on averages and *protein*.

    May 6: 124
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    5'3" 48yr old
    GW: strong fast flexible 125lbs

    CW: 130lbs?

    My life has been chaos too and I've missed this place! I suddenly had to fly out, back to my hometown, on May 1 to care for my elderly father. Since then I've hit a max of only 2,000 steps a day as I've just been stuck at his bedside. Ugh. So bad. So sedentary. My hat is off to any full time caregivers! It is one tough job!

    But thankfully he is doing better and the sun came out today and....I went for a run! My first run in a long time! I am going to be sore tomorrow but it was worth it.

    I've been eating pretty well though - there's no junk food or time to get bored here so at least that's good. And I'm not usually one to eat when I get stressed.

    I can report I crushed the 30day Pushup challenge (sort of). In the last week I was supposed to be doing 50 pushups a day building up to 60 on the last day. My problem was that I kept forgetting and losing count! But whatever. At least i know i can definitely do between 50 and 60 pushups every day if I want to. And my arms looked pretty good! Gotta keep it up once I'm back home.... maybe the plank challenge. Anyone else in?
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,201 Member
    @k8richer Glad to hear your father is doing better.

    I started a plank challenge last Wednesday along with squats and the push up challenge. I'm not doing the Livestrong planks though, just regular forearm planks for now. I found my start point (25 seconds) and am doing 25 seconds, 4 sets. Each week I'll add 5 seconds to them. (I'm also doing back extensions to strengthen my back muscles while working on my core).
  • Orsolla
    Orsolla Posts: 9 Member
    Hey all! Been lurking here for ages but then stopped accessing MFP. I seem to spend my life never quite hitting my goals which is silly because how I feel about my body has such a big influence on everything else about me (level of confidence, sociability, even whether I run with other people or not!)

    CW: 143
    GW: 126

    My GW is the weight at which I feel amazing and confident…my weight has very slowly crept up over a number of years and I carry it round my middle which I hate. I would love to feel good enough to run in a crop top again, not hide in baggy running tops.

    Other goal is strength training 3 x week. I run 6 x week but need to make weights consistent.


  • RaquelFit2
    RaquelFit2 Posts: 208 Member
    Starting a May thread!

    I won't lie, I fell off the wagon the later half of April - the new schedule really started to catch up to me, and I gave in the tiredness with eating too much and not sticking to my goals. Trimming down my daily task list at the moment to rebuild my focus while I keep moving ahead with my goals. Gained back some of my losses, but not an insurmountable amount. No more alcohol except on a moto day evening starting this week.

    So here we go:

    5'7", 43 years old
    Starting Weight 1/3/22: 155.8
    GW: ~128-132ish
    2/23/22: 150
    3/30/22: 147
    4/22: Missed

    5/4/22: 150.6

    I'm pretty new to MFP and just joined this group today. Nice to meet everyone!

    I've started my weight loss journey in January when I weighed 142 pounds (my heaviest.) I'm pear-shaped so most of the weight was on my thighs and butt and it did NOT look good.

    Height: 5'3 inches
    Current Weight: 134.1 lbs.

    By the end of May I'd like to weigh no more than 132 lbs.

    By July 1st I want to weight 125 pounds. This will include losing fat but gaining muscle. I'm not sure if this goal within this timeline is realistic but I'm going to try. ❤️
  • Batmanswife1
    Batmanswife1 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in need of a refresh and a recommitment. Here's my stats:
    5'6, 55yo
    SW (01.01.22) 172
    CW 165
    GW 145
    UGW 140

    By my numbers, I know it appears I am very over weight but honestly, I do carry my weight well so a 145 GW on a 5'6 frame sounds heavy but I do have quite a bit of muscle...or did. Since moving into my 50's, that muscle has started turning into fat and much more difficult to lose and tone up. Today I am recommitting to:
    45 minute workouts 4-5x's a week in my home/garage gym
    Sticking to a 1200 calorie per day goal
    Increase my H2O

    Please let me know what tricks, exercise, meals, and/or diet changes can help me meet my goals of toning up and losing the excess weight.

    Would love to find a twin with similar stats and goals. Ready to do this!!

    I'm only slightly taller than you (just under 5'7") - while 145 on my frame (and where my weight goes) is still a bit much, I don't look or feel overweight at that by any stretch - just not where I want to be. With my current muscle not sure where exactly I'll end up, but into my mid 30's (last time around my goal weight) I was pretty strong - but may not have had as much muscle bulk, so it's going to be playing it by ear - AFTER the saddlebags are gone - until then, gotta keep on losing.

    HUGE thing for me that makes it so, so, so much easier to lose is eating low net carbs and higher protein/fat. Add in heavy-for-me weight lifting, and not a huge calorie deficit. I've started tracking steps since my current job is a lot more active at least several days a week (just started a month ago), so finding that balance has been tough!

    Thanks so much for your suggestions. I'm working on my diet right now. I agree with the lower carbs and higher protein. This girl loves her carbs so it is difficult but I need to do what needs to be done.

    I'll add more walking and set a step goal, thank you!!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,063 Member
    Long week with lots of new and uncommon activity. Burned a ton of calories, but my body is sore and reacting to all the activity - I had a couple major muscle groups VERY sore for 2 days, feeling better today, but I know I'm still recovering for a bit - generally adding new activity takes about 3 weeks for my body to adapt to, and the new weekend gig is a ton of activity my body is years out of the habit of doing. Oh well, it'll make judging my calories difficult, but it's good for me in every other way!

    5'7", 43 years old
    Starting Weight 1/3/22: 155.8
    GW: ~128-132ish
    2/23/22: 150
    3/30/22: 147
    4/22: Missed

    5/4/22: 150.6
    5/11/22: 152.4
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    5'3" 48yr old
    GW: strong fast flexible 125lbs

    May 6: 130lbs?
    May 11:???

    Flying home, waiting at the airport. Taking the overnight flight which will kill me but at least I will be home. I will weigh in tomorrow and I admit I'm a wee bit scared. Ive had so little time for exercise for the last 10 days. Ugh.

    It's so good to see new peeps here! Welcome lurkers, runners, carb-lovers, pearshapes and all!!

    @HoneyBadger302 I hope you feel less sore soon. Sounds like the activity will pay off once your muscles catch up!

  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    MFP starting weight (August 2020): 190
    May start weight: 124
    GW: My pants continuing to fit (Ie: I weigh in to keep an eye on things but I am basically at goal/maintenance at 123 give or take a couple of pounds)

    May 6: 124
    May 13 - 123

    I think I'm going to have to actually *gain* a few pounds. This is weird for me to say but while my pants still fit they're getting baggy and I haven't much liked how I look in some recent photos. Will ponder and see where I am re: thinking and numbers by June.
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member

    Would love to find a twin with similar stats and goals. Ready to do this!!

    I'm a bit shorter at 5'5" but currently hovering in the 145 range as well.

  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    5'3" 48yr old
    GW: strong fast flexible 125lbs

    May 6: 130lbs?
    May 11:???
    May 16: 131lbs...ugh

    I did gain a pound or two while on my trip. Not the end of the world but still not great news, especially since i also know I've lost muscle from the lack of activity. Bleck.

    Meanwhile I've also managed to injure my achilles tendon. Argh - it's a recurring old injury (tendonitis) but this time it's not going away. I've been in denial for months. My physio says I need to take 4-6 weeks off running/soccer or anything that will aggravate it. I'm so mad / sad - summer season is literally just starting! I will keep up bootcamp and weight training and just modify those exercises but cardio is my thing. I like my outdoor workouts and hanging with my team and and and.... 😩 😠 😡 😤 😣
  • Batmanswife1
    Batmanswife1 Posts: 22 Member
    5'6, 55yo/F
    SW (01.01.22) 172
    GW 145
    UGW 140

    05.10: 165
    05.18: 164.2
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    5'3" 48yr old
    GW: strong fast flexible 125lbs

    May 6: 130lbs?
    May 11:???
    May 16: 131lbs...ugh
    May 25: 131

    Maintaining my weight while injured....I figure that's a win! I could do modified routine of strength training where I don't tax my achilles but I think I'm kind of losing motivation. I've done a bit but basically I suck at being injured. Im a big whiner. I just want to get back to what I love (running, soccer, HIIT). Right now i even need to go easy when walking the dog - seriously!?!?

    It's ok. I've rebounded from waaaaay worse than this and I know my body has excellent muscle memory.

    Feels like this is a quiet spot these days - are there friends out there !? 😉 how is everyone doing for their last week of May?
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,341 Member
    5’3. 57. 129.0. Was 113.6 just a few months ago’

    Trying to get back at least to 118. Had a blast with hubby after reuniting post Covid and ate and drank up a storm. Now - over 15lbs later - I’m at it again. Truth be told, everyone told me I was looking a lil too skinny at 120.

    @k8richer - sorry to hear about your injury. Don’t rush it! Hope I can drop a lot by mid June! Wish me luck!
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    I'm still around and still bouncing around 122-123 which is about where I intended to maintain and honestly where my activity/diet balance seems to just kind of fall and moving either direction seems, at least, to take a lot of work. That said my intentional exercise is falling off right now because my general activity is through the roof and I just cannot do both. Summer's just kind of like that. Also why I haven't been around very much.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,201 Member
    edited May 2022
    I'm still around, but slacked off a bit last week. As of yesterday I'm back to daily exercise and eating in my calorie range.
    As for my May progress:
    AM yoga for some flexibility - I haven't been doing this every morning but at least a few times a week.
    Cardio: Walking program working up to a 5K walk with cycling or golf as cross-training. - I've been consistently staying with this. Today is bike and tomorrow I'll be walking 2.5 miles.
    ST challenges: Pull-up challenge, and challenges for squats, push-ups and planks.
    Aside from a few slacker days last week, I've been keeping up with these.
    Pull-up challenge - I'm up to dumbbell rows at 17 1/2 # (can't wait 'til I'm out of level one :s )
    Squats - Will be doing 180 today
    Push-ups - Today will be 24
    Planks - today I start 40 seconds
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    Pull-up challenge - I'm up to dumbbell rows at 17 1/2 # (can't wait 'til I'm out of level one :s )
    Squats - Will be doing 180 today

    Apologies if you've said it before but I (obviously) must have missed it - what's the "level one"?

    Also, are you doing 180 reps of bodyweight squats or are you squatting 180 pounds? Either way, I'm sure your legs are lovin' it :)

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,201 Member
    @JBanx256 The pull-up challenge can be found here:
    There are seven levels (really six, level seven is advanced pull-up moves). You progress through the levels to work your way up to your first pull-up (or chin-up)
    Level one is working up to doing 3 sets, 8 reps of dumbbell rows with a 25# dumbbell. Once you can do that you move onto level 2 and so on through the levels.
    I'm doing 180 reps of body weight squats (four sets of 45) and, yes, my legs are loving it. I'm into the fourth week and can feel a lot more strength in my legs already.
    Here's the squat challenge if you're interested:
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    @JBanx256 The pull-up challenge can be found here:
    There are seven levels (really six, level seven is advanced pull-up moves). You progress through the levels to work your way up to your first pull-up (or chin-up)
    Level one is working up to doing 3 sets, 8 reps of dumbbell rows with a 25# dumbbell. Once you can do that you move onto level 2 and so on through the levels.
    I'm doing 180 reps of body weight squats (four sets of 45) and, yes, my legs are loving it. I'm into the fourth week and can feel a lot more strength in my legs already.
    Here's the squat challenge if you're interested:

    Ahhhhhhhhhh OK that makes sense, thanks for clarifying!

    I'm on a program right now (only bodyweight stuff for me currently is dips and a bit of mobility work) but thank you though!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,063 Member
    I kind of dropped off the detail wagon the past couple weeks - just have been very overwhelmed with all the work stuff going on - not a great excuse, but I let that feeling overrule my 'doing.'

    5'7", 43 years old
    Starting Weight 1/3/22: 155.8
    GW: ~128-132ish
    2/23/22: 150
    3/30/22: 147
    4/22: Missed

    5/4/22: 150.6
    5/11/22: 152.4
    5/31/22: 149.4