Live Love Laugh

How are you feeling right now? Today I was reminded to do all 3 L’s. Focus on living more fully. We celebrated my mom’s birthday and I enjoyed the moment. My brother and I cooked. We had lots of nutritious foods, salads, beans, but for dessert I enjoyed a fresh fruit salad and a cupcake. Why am I sharing this? How many times do we punish ourselves and feel the need to do some excessive purge when we have a slice of cake or a cookie. I don’t over indulge in sweets, and we provided one cupcake per person so we didn’t have excess and extras laying around for tomorrow and the next day. Make a conscious effort to celebrate the moment during the moment, while being mindful so unhealthy foods/snacks don’t continue permeating into your week. Today, I gladly partook because it’s my mom’s birthday and how blessed I am to celebrate this moment with her. Cheers to you as you journey towards living consciously!