Countdown Activity 3 - Healthy Eating & Nutrition Plan



  • renaedar
    renaedar Posts: 626 Member
    Do you know what diet you will follow? Yes I will eat my 5 fuels each day with a lean and green meal. I can mix it up and have my Lean and green at breakfast and my 5 fuelings for the rest of the day.

    Have you followed this diet before? Yes for the past 2 years

    Found some recipes? yes on the optavia Facebook group and on Instagram, Pinterest.

    Grocery list? Always and really plan everything on the sales I have a garden for a lot of the greens I eat.

    Do you have the food on hand to get started? Yes I have my fuelings and all my lean and greens

    Shop? Yes at the grocery store that has the best prices.

    Did you clean up your kitchen? It's always clean I don't buy anything that can trip me up.

    Did you post your 5% Challenge Diet Commitment on your blog or here? Just here.
  • metaphysicalstudio
    metaphysicalstudio Posts: 293 Member
    I joined this challenge one week into what I am calling a "soft cut." For me, this means that I am focused on whole foods, staying in range, and eating a bit more protein right now. I am also not eating sugar or drinking alcohol. My first week was really good, and I am not on Week 2. So far, so good!
  • nbruns83
    nbruns83 Posts: 2,075 Member
    I think I did this in my answer to Activity # 1 as a goal step to the bigger goal of losing inches and/or weight. I have already stumbled with tracking by eating in restaurants on Sunday and Monday. It's so complicated to track food when you don't know how it is prepared, etc.
  • beabria
    beabria Posts: 541 Member
    edited June 2022
    Do you know what diet you will follow? low calorie; ~1/3 each macro
    Have you followed this diet before? for the past month
    Found some recipes? I've recently "discovered" the website SkinnyTaste!
    Grocery list? ongoing
    Do you have the food on hand to get started? Yep!
    Shop? I do this weekly
    Did you clean up your kitchen? scheduled for later this week
    Did you post your 5% Challenge Diet Commitment on your blog or here? here
  • mlkdud
    mlkdud Posts: 147 Member
    I’ve been aiming to follow a Mediterranean diet. I track every bite I eat and drink at least a gallon of water every day. It’s working well!
  • hayds342
    hayds342 Posts: 1,216 Member
    edited June 2022
    Do you know what diet you will follow? MFP high protein diet.
    Have you followed this diet before? Started 3 days ago.
    Found some recipes? Yes the have introduced several lunch recipies for follow this week.
    Grocery list? Yes they list everything you need.
    Do you have the food on hand to get started? Yes I keep a good supply of salad, veg, protein, healthy fats and fiber.
    Shop? Yes I regularly shop online or go to store time depending
    Did you clean up your kitchen? Yes, in the evening my DH helps out
    Did you post your 5% Challenge Diet Commitment on your blog or here? Here, not blogging atm
  • Marileighea
    Marileighea Posts: 1,506 Member
    edited July 2022
    I’ll be following the traditional low carb/low cal diet, including 64 ounces of water. I have been following this diet for years (but augmenting has become my downfall). I love new and old recipes. Thurs is shopping day. Kitchen is clean and ready. I am a lousy blogger, so don’t do it. I use mfp food diary, and will post here.
  • epivan
    epivan Posts: 467 Member
    Zone macros and calorie cycling.
  • ThursLins
    ThursLins Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hubby and I are cutting our carbs and sugars. It means that I'm not baking very much (keeping the sweet tooth at bay. Out of site out of mind.) Choosing low carb, healthier breads options; going to finally try that almond bread recipe I was given; eating less bread, in general. More from scratch cooking, when at home; when eating at a restaurant, I usually always eat half and bring the other half home.
  • ohnogoldens
    ohnogoldens Posts: 490 Member
    Check list

    Do you know what diet you will follow?Nutrisystem
    Have you followed this diet before? Yes, with success.
    Found some recipes? Yes for days off!
    Grocery list? Yes, just salad fixings and vegetables this year without my garden
    Do you have the food on hand to get started? absolutely.
    Shop? Only if absolutely necessary
    Did you clean up your kitchen? This house is a fixer and the kitchen needs replacing I am using only a couple plates and a coffee cup so have to clean up after me every time I eat.
    Did you post your 5% Challenge Diet Commitment on your blog or here? Here

  • marg750me
    marg750me Posts: 2,949 Member
    Do you know what diet you will follow? mine
    Found some recipes? I have a recipe box of favorite recipes and a bunch of things I just know how to make.
    Grocery list? Shop? Have most on hand
    Do you have the food on hand to get started? YES
    Have you followed this diet before? Yes but didn’t stick to it
    Did you clean up your kitchen? Yes
    Did you post your 5% Challenge Diet Commitment on your Spark Page? Not yet
  • DawnGW26
    DawnGW26 Posts: 122 Member
    Do you know what diet you will follow? Mediterranean diet, portion control, intermittent fasting.
    Have you followed this diet before? yes, it's pretty much how I eat all the time, only now I'll be more strict.
    Found some recipes? yes
    Grocery list? yes
    Do you have the food on hand to get started? yes
    Shop? Yes
    Did you clean up your kitchen? yes, I did!
    Did you post your 5% Challenge Diet Commitment on your blog or here? yes
  • hicim705
    hicim705 Posts: 5,354 Member
    Do you know what diet you will follow? Mostly eating lean meats and fresh veggies. I need to break the junk food (carbs/sugars) cycle that I have been on lately. I know that when I sustain myself with MOSTLY fruits/vegetables (freggies) and some meats, I have done best in thee past. Of course, portion control comes into play here as well.

    Have you followed this diet before? Yes, I did - years ago and it worked quite well when I buckled down and made sure to stick to the plan.

    Found some recipes? I go out to work and DH does most of the cooking. We've discussed.

    Grocery list? Yes

    Do you have the food on hand to get started? Yes - since I like starting things at the beginning of a week, TODAY is the day that I'm starting.

    Shop? Yes

    Did you clean up your kitchen? Working on that

    Did you post your 5% Challenge Diet Commitment on your blog or here? Yes

    MFP Signature / Challenge Community Team:
    Heidi (hicim705)
    2022 Summer 5% Challenge
    Overall Co-Leader, 2022 Summer 5% Challenge hosted on MFP