July 20-27

Lastchancelj Posts: 1,312 Member
Returned from San Diego vacay Had a great time. Up a couple of pounds, but that was to be expected. Though the temps were "lower" in numbers than AZ, it was soooo humid. We were at Sea World on Saturday and I was getting a bit nauseaous just before we left. We didn't get to any "waves" as we were staying inside Mission Bay, but Rhea had some sand time and a bit of pool time. She loved the splash pool as it was only 1' deep and could practice her kicks with her hands on the ground. We visited mom's sister for dinner both Friday and Saturday, that included several nieces and cousins as well. We made it an early bday for me and Auntie and celebrated my niece's 30th. Ate too much. I overbooked us so that added some undo stress but we still had a fab time. I walked around the resort at night as they were putting Rhea down, though Rhea was out quite quickly every night as we did what we could to exhaust her. I was the only one of our group to make it to the beach to watch Sea World's fireworks show across the bay. Came home on Sunday to excessive heat - and my son - without realizing it, had turned off the ac in the car so I thought the ac had gone out (we rented a van).

Vertigo is still here, though not anywhere at the level it was, I am still very cautious.
Back/hip still going out and add upper back this past trip. gosh this stinks.

Sheesh - so glad you had a great time with the family. I only wish I could have made our get a way a couple of days longer. But hubby didn't go so I was a bit anxious to get home to him as well.

Sarah - I am so proud of you hitting the fitness center at the hotel! Our resort had a great big center and I just looked in the windows as we drove in and out... I'm glad you were able to make it for the services and had some sister visit time as well.

Kelly - your cabin pics looked like a lot of fun was happening. I can't believe you came home to a down fridge/freezer. Hoping you got it fixed or a new one quickly.


  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,939 Member
    LW: 132?
    TW: 132.0

    Hello, all. I had hoped that being home and back to walking would start the scale going down. But here I am, still at 132. I so do not want this new extra weight to think it can stay here! :#

    So, I am just going to make sure that I Iog everything I eat (I didn't do that on the road) and I'm also going to try to do better at weighing and measuring, too. That makes such a difference for me.

    Here at my 7-day averages, and as I anticipated, they are all down. :(

    Steps = 10,830
    Stairs = 8 floors
    Kcals burned = 1,660

    I do have one slight obstacle coming up this week. Hubby is treating me and another couple to dinner at a Latin restaurant we like as a late birthday celebration for me. I'll need to plan ahead for that. I've checked the menu since we haven't been there since the Covid shutdown, and although they don't serve the trout that I used to always order, they do serve red snapper and a few other seafood options, so that helps.

    Did I mention to you that I ended up taking dress slacks and a nice blouse for my aunt's funeral because I discovered too late for shopping that all my work suits now just fall off of me? I tried on the navy pinstripe I last wore to a funeral and hubby started laughing and said, "You are NOT wearing that. You look like Charlie Chaplin!" Fortunately, almost none of the women I saw had on a suit, and only older men did. The south has really changed. So I was fine, but it made it evident that even though I don't like to shop for clothes, I am going to be forced to do that and sooner rather than later!

    Kelly, I am so sorry to hear that you lost all that food! Food is so expensive now anyway. I don't know if you remember, but back in March we had that couple of weeks where the wheels fell off everything, and one of those things was the thermostat in the freezer part of our frig, which is only about 4 years old. I think I mentioned that when we got that one, we gave our older one to some friends, and it's probably 12 or so years old now, and it's still working like a charm. They just don't make them like they used to. And it seems these new "higher end" models of both ranges and refrigerators are particularly troublesome. One of our neighbors had her range go belly up while we were away, and I think she bought her new appliances about the same time we bought ours. Boo, hiss!!

    I did enjoy the lake pics. Thanks for sharing them. I understand why you might want to do something different next year, though. Hubby likes to keep doing the same things, but I like to change to things up. And this is a shock, because overall, I'm the one that has problems with change.

    Well, the day is getting away from me, and I need to get some things done. Sheesh, I hope you are doing better than me at getting the scale moving. (And if you are, tell me how!) And Lois, I'm glad you enjoyed your time in California and my fingers are crossed for the vertigo to go away completely. You have dealt with enough!

  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
    LW: 132.2
    TW: 131.6

    Sorry I missed yesterday, this is today's weight. A little progress . . it's so frustrating how fast it goes on but how slowly (and with much effort) it comes off. Sarah, I guess what I do is struggle along like everyone. My body does not like to reduce weight or fat, and what works for me one month seems to stop working the next, LOL! And even harder, I like food. My hubby is a bit of a fussy eater, and gets more so as time goes on. I was joking with him that I wish there were foods I don't like, but I couldn't think of a single food when we were talking about it.

    Lois, Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a really great day!! I'm so happy you got to spend time with family in Cali and get away. The heat is bad here also, as it looks like it is across the country. My trainer's AC went out, and they couldn't get it fixed. The replacement couldn't be done right away, so they are staying at a hotel. It's hard to cope with this kind of heat. I'm glad my workout room is in a basement room.

    Sarah, I'm glad you get to go out for dinner as a late Birthday celebration. Enjoy, and don't count calories or worry. You deserve a nice celebration for at least one meal, lol!! Have a good time. A rainy drive is not a Birthday celebration. .

    Kelly, I haven't seen your lake photos because I'm not on Facebook, but it sounds like you had a great time. Sorry about the fridge/freezer and all the food loss. . it should have lasted longer that it did. I know it's frustrating to deal with warranties on appliances, but the company should replace it. What brand is it? If they have defective products and won't honor warranties, you should tell us and everyone you know what brand it is! Anyway, good luck with that.

    Well, I have much to do still today.

  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,312 Member
    Thank you ladies for the bday wishes. It's been a busy work day, but not horrible so I won't complain. Daughter and dear friend both sent choc covered strawberries from Edible so we're having strawberries for dessert. Sheesh - I'm kind of like your hubby where I am a bit picky with what I eat, but it hasn't helped me keep the weight off - so unsure that's a real trade off. The only benefit I believe I have is that I feel ill if I eat too many sweets in one siting, whereas hubby and kids can eat the entire thing in one sitting. Sometimes I envy them and feel like I'm missing out, but they wish I had my stop control. I will pick at stuff all day long.

    Kelly - I'm with Sheesh - share that brand so that we can be aware. I've had great luck with Maytag.
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,312 Member
    Happy Monday.

    My upper back continued to be an issue on Saturday. So much so, that I was crabby, cranky and bickering with hubby. I finally took a muscle relaxer and went to bed to lay down on an ice pack. I woke up a couple of hours later and my back was feeling a bit better. I took another when I went to bed Saturday night along with a pain pill that I have for my lower back and I woke up like a new person on Sunday. Sooooo happy that pain was gone. It had been here all week since coming home from San Diego. I did two chiro treatments, that hurt like the dickens - and not in a good way. So I'm so super happy that the muscle relaxer and Tramadol did the job. Rhea and her parents came up yesterday to celebrate my birthday. Rhea is becoming quite the water bug. She was so much fun. She started to jump into the pool from the edge to her daddy. He let her go underwater and then she popped up. She had so much fun. She will be continuing her swim lessons in a couple of weeks. I can't wait to see her progress. We played her favorite game, cootie... and i bought some wooden animal/plant beads to thread. We had a great visit. While I showered off the pool water, Rhea and her parents went to buy a bday cake at Dairy Queen. Ugh. I could have done without it...actually Rhea is the only one who can really intake those calories...haha. Anyhow, she sang and then blew out the candles for me. We had a fantastic day.

    Monsoon storms are headed this way, so my head is feeling the pressure. Another couple of weeks of this...ugh.

    Hoping everyone had a great weekend.
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 676 Member
    Quick post. Our fridge is an LG. Repair guy told us stay away from LG and Samsung.
    So we had 2 options. We could pay for the repair out of pocket and hire someone ourselves to fix the fridge, then submit the receipt to the warranty place to get reimbursed (this would mean it would have got fixed sooner) or we could wait until August 17 and have the warranty place send a tech to troubleshoot then fix, but we wouldn't have to pay anything. With how our dealings with the warranty place have gone, we didn't feel comfortable paying out of pocket, as there is no guarantee we would get that money back, so we're waiting until Aug 17. We went out and bought a $1000 Whirlpool fridge (recommended by repair guy) and we'll use that temporarily, then it'll become our basement extra fridge after our LG one is repaired. PAIN IN THE BUM.