Our day 1 weigh ins......



  • Jcsmith5210
    Jcsmith5210 Posts: 150 Member
    Starting weight. 175
    Goal for end of September 167
    I don't think that i will be able not to
    Get on the scales for a month.
    I can't go cold turkey.
  • amcsouth
    amcsouth Posts: 283 Member
    Starting weight is 72.3kg (159.4lb) and I want to get to 155/156lb :)
  • I was 200, currently 198 today! Lost 2 pounds. Looking to be in the 180s by the end of September! I can do it!
  • LauraJean7619
    LauraJean7619 Posts: 74 Member
    CW 186 would like to lose 5 or more lbs.
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    Happy Day 1, ladies!!!!!

    Weighed in at 145.6 this morning. Would like to get to 141 by the end of the month.
  • NiceSpydr
    NiceSpydr Posts: 47 Member
    Hello September!
    I weighed in at 197. I hope to make it to 192 by the end of the month.
    I have several work trips planned for this month. Trips include long days and limited food options (clients always bring in lunch, the team is expected to go to dinner together, etc.) I'm hoping to keep on track, be active where I can and stay focused this month.

    Good luck to everyone involved in the 30 Day Fresh Start! :happy:
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Happy September all!

    SW (7/6/2013) 167lbs
    CW (9/1) 151lbs
    GW (9/30) 146lbs
    UGW (12/31) 132lbs

    I've lost 8lbs in July & 8 more in august, but I know my weight loss will probably be slowing down so I'm hoping to lose 5lbs this month.

    My goals:
    1. to make better food choices, not just staying under calorie consumption.
    2. Workout 4-5 days a week.

    I hope we all reach our goals! Good luck!
  • SummerSmiles07
    SummerSmiles07 Posts: 23 Member
    Weight today: 150lbs
    GW for the end of Sept: 145
  • Obi_47
    Obi_47 Posts: 11 Member
    I am at 171 and hope to lose 5 pounds this month.
  • simsburyjet
    simsburyjet Posts: 999 Member
    I currently weigh 172 and want to get to 168 by the end of summer.. Starting insanity 2 days a week at my gym
    while dropping 2 spin classes..
  • WandaBgood
    WandaBgood Posts: 8 Member
    Day two. Raining today so I'm doing to do a few hours of house work and hopefully get in a walk between the rain drops. I'm hoping to drop five pounds this month which will get my BMI out of the 'obese' category. Best wishes everyone.
  • Recording my weight today, because I forgot to yesterday (though I DID weigh in yesterday!).

    Start weight: 198.8lbs

    I would be happy with losing 5lbs for the month.
  • jrortega1912
    jrortega1912 Posts: 315 Member
    I weighted 157.5 yesterday. My goal is two pounds per week. My goal is to hit 149lbs.
  • ampherz
    ampherz Posts: 55 Member
    SW: 155 lbs
    CW: 150.6 lbs (Sept. 1)
    GW: 144 lbs
    UGW: 130 lbs

    I've yo-yo-ed up and down from my ultimate high weight of 150. In February I was feeling amazing at 137 lbs.

    I plan to eat as clean as possible (veggies, fruits, beans, half of any hamburgers I give in to) and keep on track with Insanity (currently week 2). I skip more workouts than Shaun T says to because life gets in the way, but I'm still doing great at 3-4 workouts a week.

    Working out really gives me power to keep going. After a workout, I'm jazzed to sort through my junkmail, pick up a project, and make some hummus to eat as a snack the next day. Without a workout, I'm parked in front of the TV.

    Get it!
  • Good morning,
    Current weight is 182-184 (it said 182 yesterday, but is hovering closer to 184 this morning.
    Goal weight for the end of September is 176. I'm trying to get my bmi under 30 before the health screening at work
    That would be 174 by the height to weight calculations, but it's not until mid-October.

    I'm also trying to stay on track with the c25k program. I'm lucky to live close to a school with a track that is open to the public. I just don't want to be on it when any of the high school kids are on it.

    Will there be a weekly check in post? Happy to have found this group.
  • Hi Everyone! My weight was 222 on Sunday. I have been out of town so sorry for the late post. Super excited about this group :)
  • RunMamaMaya
    RunMamaMaya Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm desperate to get out of the 150's! I'm presently at 154 and would be thrilled to be in the 140's at the end of the month.
  • Hi Everyone,
    I am 141 today, hoping to be 135 by the month end
  • Hello everyone,
    Starting up at 210 here. Not happy but ready!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Great idea... I'm starting at 151lbs - I hope to be down to 145lbs by the end of Sept. but I'd be happy with a pound a week so that would be 146lbs. :flowerforyou: