Step Into September 2022



  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    CeeBeeSlim wrote: »

    Any way to break this up (and add in hip thrusts and lunges)? I could lift 3-4 days a week if I my routine was 45 minutes max.

    The first thing that comes to mind is an Upper/Lower split, done 2x per week, preferably with a day off between?
    Mon - Upper
    Tues - Lower
    Wed - Off
    Thurs - Upper
    Fri - Lower
    Sat/Sun - Off

  • mandycat_florida
    mandycat_florida Posts: 60 Member
    For folks who are struggling to stick to a consistent at-home workout plan, I think I've posted in the past how much I like the Jessica Smith You Tube videos. She's my favorite: a variety of home workouts at a variety of levels, nothing crazy. Oh, and she's actually pleasant to listen to, no screaming or screeching. I have a weekly schedule set up with a mix of cardio (walking and rowing machine) and resistance. I don't always adhere to the plan but at least I have it on my bathroom mirror, so it can gently remind me what's on the agenda. If Jessica isn't your choice, there are MANY other workout options on You Tube. Find a set that meets your needs and draw up a realistic schedule. With the emphasis on "realistic." I've come up with ambitious plans that would have required a team of drill sergeants to show up every day.

  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited September 2022
    @HoneyBadger302: stick with the plan, you'll see that in the end, you'll get where you want to be or at least you've tried your best and that's the only thing you can do in this case.

    As for me, this workweek has been good foodwise, I've been sticking to my cals and my workout schedule so far and my weight is finally going down. I've had some mental food struggles though... When at the petrol station, I really wanted to buy a cookie "like any normal person would be able to". And when eating lunch with a friend, I felt so torn to order desert "like any normal person would do". And then just yesterday, hubby asked me to run an errand for cat food, and the m&m's were staring right at me, with their jolly little red and yellow faces: "pick meeeee, pick meeeeee". I often have this feeling that "IT IS SO UNFAIR" popping up, and then very quickly I feel like a little spoiled brat and I tell myself that there are worse things in life than not being able to pick up a baggie of sweets or ordering for ice cream.
    And then I move on. So yes, all in all, big little victories here.

    You all have a nice weekend ladies, and go for the big little victories. They are worth it :blush:
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @HoneyBadger302 you have a lot of challenges. I know what it's like to feel really powerless in that kind of situation.

    I think sometimes we don't see that there are alternatives available that would work. Or the trade-offs seem too difficult to absorb. Can you get a roommate temporarily, for example? Might help you to get better set up with the next situation. I feel like there should be a professional that could help you. We saw a free credit counselor once and she helped us look at our budget and see where changes might be possible that we did not think of.

    Good luck with the analysis of your budget and moving forward with your goals. You've got the analytical ability to solve this problem!!!

    Thank you for the information about the chicken and vegetables!!! This is what I need to be doing

    I'm also suffering from the mood problems. The doctor gave me an antibiotic although I don't remember a diagnosis. I think we are trying to ward off possible pneumonia. So I haven't been able to go work out in almost 2 weeks.

    Trying to work on positive thoughts and sending positive energy out into the world!!!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,000 Member
    edited September 2022
    The mood will pass - but yes, I've looked into a number of options such as a roommate, but just not in a great area to find a good roommate (had one for a few months until she moved in with her aging father - rent free, so can't blame her). Few other things I've explored, it's just a recovery process after getting laid off that I'll have to work through. I let myself fall for the comfort trap at that job, and am paying dearly for that oversight. Is what it is, moaning about it won't change things, just learn the lessons and move forward with a better vision.
    Very glad it's Friday though - work has been pretty slow this week, but I still have to be "available" which has not helped with my ambition levels - but still getting my task list done every day, so I know I'm doing the most important things!
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    Just keep swimming....

    I am going to vealk the dogs early. Going to the farmer's market. A good diversion!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,302 Member
    Happy Saturday. @zenobia9777 Miss my old farmers market! How early do you rise? Im thinking I just need to get up much earlier to fit in my workouts uninterrupted.

    @HoneyBadger302 Hope you are in a better mood today!
  • mandycat_florida
    mandycat_florida Posts: 60 Member
    I try to remember that doing things "Like a normal person would do" these days is downright crazy. In the U.S. (and increasingly in Europe, from what I've read) normal people are either overweight or morbidly obese, are inactive and are in the habit of eating processed foods that a fastidious wharf rat would shy away from. "Normal" has turned into a synonym for "self destructive."

    Let's stand tall and be proudly abnormal.

  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    49yo 5'3
    GW 125 and strong!

    Sept 3 - 131lbs
    Sept 11 - 132lbs

    So much to love on this thread! Everyones spport and wisdom is so great. I've had an ok week but I'm not getting ahead on the scale or NSVs. I've done some lifting sessions but get bad doms or I irritate old injuries, plus I have been sloppy in my logging and eating. Need to reevaluate my plan and reset, darn it. Again. Did have a great run with the dog yesterday. Running is always my default exercise and makes me feel good even when ive set other fitness goals for myself.

    But it's been busy with back to school (3 kids in 3 different schols OMG), start of kids hockey etc so we haven't got the family routine down yet. I foresee great things once the dust settles!

    My 14yr old daughter plays competitive hockey and I plan to be the team conditioning coach again, running their off-ice workout programs (warmups, strength, flexibility etc). I do it for the kids but it is also selfish - it is VERY motivating to lead young elite athletes through workouts! Teenage girls can be very judgy 😁 LOL, so I have to be in shape too!
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited September 2022
    @CeeBeeSlim I seem to be doing something like 9:00 to 4:45. But I really need 8 hours and the napping isn't working. I keep finding things to do instead. I was going to stop getting up early and going to the 5:30, but now I'm trained to get up early!!! I think the 7:30 class might be more reasonable.

    I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks because I've been fighting off this cold, but I hope to go Monday.

    The doctor gave me 5 days of antibiotics because he didn't know what to do with me. It seems to be working because the congestion is almost gone. I've never had a cold that lasted so long. I've been taking allergy tablets.

    @mandycat_florida thanks for the good laugh. I'm proud to be abnormal.

    Yesterday's big win was that I did not buy any wine. But I did eat some chocolate. Just enough to not feel like a wharf rat!

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,302 Member
    @mandycat_florida You’re so right! I’m doing better on my intake of processed foods but I could do better.

    @zenobia9777 Glad to hear some of your symptoms are finally going away. Don’t rush going back to the gym though. Take it easy!

    @k8richer Busy schedule! Once your routine settles down, you think your logging etc will improve?

    I’ve come to realize the scale goes up and down for me because I’m also sloppy with logging but telling myself that it’s ok because the sloppiness coincides with “healthier” foods. As in “ it’s only hummus, it’s really just a protein tortilla, or just an extra egg, or a handful more cherries”. And before you know it - that could be an extra 200-300 calories. Silly me.

    It’s still early September so still enough time to conquer!!💪💪

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 883 Member
    Well I'm a bit late to this September thread, but here goes:

    Early 60s, 5'-8" (ish)
    SW (02.10.22) - 150
    CW - 153. (09.11.22)
    Sept GW - 148.0
    Final GW - 125lbs
    I can't commit to much exercise until my back heals up. It's getting better day by day and I've been doing some walking, light stretching and arm ST with only 5 pounds. Once the back pain's gone I'll be able to get back into a regular routine.
    So for now I'm focusing on food: Limiting processed foods and staying as close to vegan as possible.
    Also, staying in my calorie range - soooo important for me.

    Hi to everyone, and nice to meet the new and returning folks!
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited September 2022
    A new week, new opportunities and almost halfway through September already.

    About the stats:

    Sept 1st W: 78
    GW: 70
    September GW: 75
    Current: 76,8

    Yes, finally the scale is moving in the right direction. I am at the lowest weight for this year and I think my September goal is feasable.
    Last week, I did: two heavy PT sessions, two workout sessions including both cardio and weights, one open water swim (20° / 68fht still) and one dive and finally yesterday 35km / 21,5 mls bikeride. Hubby and I have also done a deep clean of the house on Saturday, which was way overdue.

    This coming week will be challenging on Wednesday where I have an out of office meeting, followed by a diner, a night at the hotel and an all you can eat breakfast bar. I'll have to restrain myself, but I know that a breakfast buffet will be a real big temptation. Not sure how I will deal with this one...

  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @Antiopelle congratulations on your progress and all that exercise!
    Just remember that the food usually isn't worth the calories. Just admire and move on ..!

    @CeeBeeSlim sloppiness is my issue, too. This week it is because I am traveling.

    I did make it to circuit training and paced myself. The instructor said that jumping jacks are good for your lymphatic system and actually helps clear out symptoms, we hope. I bought some herbal tea at the farmer's market that's supposed to be good for immunity and infection.

    @SparkSpringtime69 you really did a number on your back. You are smart to focus on what you can control right now and ease back into things.

    So my challenge for the end of the week will be not to eat too much during our get together. We should be doing a fair amount of walking and sightseeing in the DC area.

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 883 Member
    edited September 2022
    @Antiopelle, great work on the exercise, and a deep clean of the house is a workout in itself. Breakfast bars can be overwhelming and full of temptation. I try look over the breakfast bar and just focus on the one, two or three things I know I would enjoy the most, maybe something that I don't usually get to have or never make for myself at home. And, then once they're on my plate, I try to eat mindfully and savor every bite.
    @zenobia9777, glad to hear you're starting to feel better. Jumping jacks being good for the lymphatic system, who knew. I hope you have a great time in DC, when are you going?
    I've been adding in little bits of stretching and it seems to be helping the back. I don't have to sit on the donut anymore, yay, and turning over in bed is no longer a painful experience, so things seem to be healing up ok. I can't wait to get back to my exercise routine, but I know I can't overdo it too soon.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Hey all. Back again. Last few weeks saw lots of work, my birthday (so avoided the scales :#), a work trip to Poland (with pizza lunch and steak dinner). In Poland I developed a (luckily mild) UTI, then on the way home AF joined the pressure party on my pelvic area. But I have been continuing with the gym on the days I am not travelling.

    Dunno about weight, but don't see the point weighing in during shark week. I don't fancy discouraging myself when I don't have to. It's been a bad one as well. Once in a blue moon I get awful cramps, and this week clearly is blue moon, so I am being a bit kinder to myself with some comfort foods.

    Hope everyone is doing well. I have had a quick read through the thread so far but will dip in an out as the next two days are in the office (away from home), then Mon/Tue are going to be gruelingly long days with another trip to Poland: leave the house at 3:30am to get to the airport, and then don't land until about 10pm the following night after which I have an at least 1.5hr drive home. Grab & go food will be my most likely sustenance.

    (This is not a pity party, just my temporary reality!)

    Have a good second half of September everyone!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 883 Member
    Dunno about weight, but don't see the point weighing in during shark week. I don't fancy discouraging myself when I don't have to.
    I'm with you on this, if I know the scale will be off for a particular reason, I just decide to be kind to myself and wait a day or two. Happy belated Birthday!!

  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @SparkSpringtime69 I am leaving on Thursday and returning on Monday. I guess I won't post. I'm so into a routine now it will be hard not to. I'm glad you are healing up. Having issues like that is so discouraging.

    I think it is hard to honor where we are and just try to maintain or make some improvement. Most of us try to compare ourselves to others and get into that trap of "what's the use?". If you don't do anything you will definitely deteriorate fast! Food choices that encourage activity are your best bet.

    Today I did yoga and I was pleased to see I haven't lost a lot of ground. If I would only work on my balance for 5 minutes a day!!!!

    I'm going to do a painting project today if I can sleep a little while first, since last night was a difficult time. One of the dogs kept wanting to go outside and afraid he's got some kind of a health problem.

    I did not do great with the eating yesterday, but at least I have not been tempted to snack..

    @rianneonamission Wow, that is some schedule!!! Happy late birthday and hang in there with all those challenges.

  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,000 Member
    Kind of crazy week thus far.
    Got a text yesterday that my M-F barn gig can't afford to keep me anymore (which I am not surprised by, and kind of saw coming after a couple boarders left and the spots have remained unfilled, and the owner's health has declined, so his teaching is non-existent).
    I can just barely afford to live on my main job, but it's tight - really tight - but do-able. Not having the barn frees up time to focus on my business and finding some freelance/part-time/contract work that would be more related to what I want to move into and build more relevant experience. Only issue is there is nothing in the pipeline yet, so still would have to land something.
    Right now my plan starting next week (barn wants me to finish out this week), move my lifting workouts to the morning before work (like I used to do) and use the evening for business stuff and finding/landing some work in alignment with that and/or education for those things plus meal prep/cooking/cardio/etc.
    I'm less upset than I thought I would be, part of me is almost relieved even though any fun this year just flew out the window - might just be getting used to getting kicked when I'm down so it's not as big of a deal as it would have been a year ago LOL.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,000 Member
    5'7", 44 years old
    Starting Weight 1/3/22: 155.8
    GW: ~128-132ish
    2/23/22: 150; 3/30/22: 147; 4/22: Missed; 5/31/22: 149.4; 6/29/22: 152.4; 7/27/22:150.6; 8/31/22: 151.4
    Measurements Start 8/10/22: Waist 31 5/8; BellyButton 36 5/8; Butt 38 3/4; Hips 39

    9/7/22: 151.0 lbs; W 30 3/4; BB 36; Bt 38 1/2; H 39 3/8
    9/14/22: 150.2 lbs; W 30 1/2; BB 35 1/2; Bt 38 3/4; 38 3/4