Yoga for seizures/epilepsy

I never did practiced yoga regularly, but have gone a few times at my local gym, and practiced on free work out videos on tv, and on my wii.. I'm thinking of trying it out more often to decrease my seizures. Have you tried this and does it work? If so, is there a type you recommend?


  • agdyl
    agdyl Posts: 246 Member
    I know that there are a few studies out there, but it's very hard to prove a benefit because you can't do a blind clinical trial - hah, you'd know if you're doing yoga or not...

    I see a few that show that "yoga" can potentially help, but they really don't specify a certain style. I would think that just selecting whatever classes and styles appeal to you and the level of intensity or challenge that feels right for you is going to be the best way to go... and obviously avoiding anything contraindicated by your doctor. But that's just my thought.

    I also think that unless you live in a place with just a ton of options, it's better not to get hung up on one particular style and find the local teacher who suits you the best. You can't find every type of class everywhere and some teachers will resonate better with you than others regardless of style. I'd suggest finding local recommendations and just checking out a few places to see what you like and what feels right.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    i have epilepsy and been seizure free almost a year. I have been doing yoga almost daily. but it's hard to tell if it's related or not. I would keep i journal of the yoga and what you are feeling if you are going to experiment. I know what plays a roll for my seizures is stress and lack of sleep.