75 Hard Challenge

Has anyone on this forum gone through the 75 Hard challenge? I'm in the middle of moving across town (cheaper than moving across North America but pretty much the same hassle) so I'm not going to start until the day after Thanksgiving. If you're not familiar with 75 Hard, it's 75 days of following seven strict rules that are supposed to improve your mental as well as your physical well being. You have to promise yourself that if you break any rule, you go back to Day one. You can find lots of details on Pinterest.

If you've done this program, I'd be very interested in hearing how it went for you. If you're in the middle of the program or thinking about it, perhaps we can cheer each other on.


  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,366 Member
    Hmmm. I thought about it but once I saw TWO 45 minute workouts, i knew I wouldn’t last!