Daily allowance

mims138 Posts: 1 Member
How do I know what my daily allowance is for sugar, carbs and or net carbs, protein for Keto?


  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    @mims138 It depends on your reasons.
    Is it a medically therapeutic keto? If so you have specifics and recs given by your doc. If it's just for weightloss, then we recommend less than 50g total carbs, though some folk choose lower because they find their cravings are less at as low as 20g.

    As far as other macros, if your carbs are on point, and you prioritize mod-fatty meats and sauces/condiments and low-carb dairy as garnish, your protein and fat will fall in a good place regardless.
    • Stay under your determined calorie deficit.
    • Carbs are a ceiling.
    • Protein is a range that should be prioritized and should fall at between .6g-1g per lb of lean body mass (google and compare results from a couple keto calculators.) But really, eat mostly meat and low-carb dairy and you're good.
    • Fat is a lever. Fill the rest of your calories with fat. (Sauces or fat to cook with)

    So if you follow my prioritization recs, everything else should fall fine. Obsessing with percentages isn't productive.
