This January I Will....



  • snowshoe072
    snowshoe072 Posts: 4,759 Member
    My January was a successful month for me I have been able to incorporate more meatless meals and come away with a feeling a fullness. My meditation has a firm place in my daily routine and my water consumption has increased dramatically. I hope my February is as good if not better.
  • KacyCarpe
    KacyCarpe Posts: 495 Member
    @TerriRichardson112 I had never heard of Raptitude, but the site looks interesting. I will be checking it out in more detail. Thanks for sharing this resource!

    I can't remember who said it, but I often think of the line that "one great thing about being human is that you never have to wait until you feel like doing something." You can not feel like it... and do it anyway. How lucky for us that this is the case! I catch myself now: If I say, "I don't feel like [doing whatever I ought to be doing]," I'll hear how irrelevant that sounds. Then I can say, "But I'll get started anyway." As you've found, once I've started, I can usually get it done.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,470 Member
    🍎🍇🫐 January 2023 🫐🍇🍎

    I am a person who values the health and fitness of body mind and soul

    January was a good month overall. Looking forward to February.

    Thinking ahead to February, I plan to work on being more proactive.
    A recent email from David at ‘Raptitude’ suggests using Right This Minute as a spur to encourage us not to procrastinate.
    I’ve been trying it out, and it certainly creates great positive feelings to be able to get started on a task. And once I start, I find that I usually complete the task.
    He advocates writing RTM on a few post-it notes and sticking them around the place to remind you.
    📍Think of one task that I have been putting off
    📍What small thing can I do RIGHT THIS MINUTE to achieve it?

    In January I am focused on recovering from the dreaded lurgy.
    I am concentrating on re-establishing my strength and flex workouts, and consolidation of Solid Habits.

    📍cardio/strength >5 minutes as soon as my alarm goes off. I already do a short walk each morning, so will add the workout to that.
    Reward: based on the first 2 mornings:-
    the adrenaline rush that the exercise gave me.

    📍Avoid foods with added sugar
    Reward: reduction in pain and associated inflammation

    Daily Solid Habits:
    Solid Habits
    💎Daily Meditation
    💎CleanToilets/Walk/Make beds
    💎Post Sole Mates steps
    💎Weigh < 140/log
    💎Monitor %age Fat/Muscle
    💎Log CI<CO/Balance macros
    💎Herbal tea/supplements
    💎Self care
    💎Quality time with DH
    💎Ablutions/dress/Shiny sinks
    💎Intentional exercise > 60 minutes
    💎Cardio > 6000 steps
    💎Strength > 15 minutes
    💎Flex > 15 minutes
    💎Active hours > 6
    💎Declutter > 15 minutes
    💎jigsaw/puzzles/TV favourites
    💎Meet with friends
    💎Quality family time
    💎Sole Mates evening reminder
    💎Close Apple rings
    💎Building Better Habits
    💎Duolingo Latin
    💎Update Women over 50
    💎Daily chores
    I’m concentrating on getting a healthy, balanced diet. Weight has stayed lower than expected.

    YOU are worth the effort!