
I’m 44 and decided at 43 that I was done dying my hair. I have had a lot of people ask who does my hair and I just tell them God. I let that go. Next let’s tackle weight….with hypothyroidism, hysterectomy (due to cervical cancer but kept ovaries), and I want to be healthy. Married. Anyone else trying to get their life together????


  • shyne952
    shyne952 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! I think we have the same hairdresser! I'm 44 and I stopped dying my hair last year too. I'm looking to get healthy and gain some of the confidence I've lost throughout the years. I've tried just about every diet there is. Decided to go back to counting calories. Time to get focused and get this weight off
  • Travisr81
    Travisr81 Posts: 2 Member
    I understand what you are saying, I looked at myself and said enough is enough. I want to eat more whole food and lose this belly of mine and be the best that I can be. One other main goal is to teach my son's that there are other ways to eat and do things. I want to be a role model and not one teaching bad habits.