New to Group

njpaula Posts: 3 Member
Good morning! Hope everyone is doing well this morning!! I’m 51 and nearing menopause. My body has been stuck in the low 170’s and weight is staying with me. Rejoined myfitnesss pal. I’m going to stick to my 1300 calories and add 30 min of movement to try to get into the 160’s. Would like to get back to the 140’s eventually. How is everyone doing this week?


  • journey2ahealthierme
    Hey NJPaula. Welcome back to MFP and welcome to this group! We're not terribly active, but hopefully some more peeps checking in will revive this group again.
    I'm 43 (I think...! Don't really keep track of age) and thought I was peri. Turns out I have fibroids to thank for my symptoms instead. I'm currently in the 160 bracket (164 this morning - a loss!!! Finally!!!) but wanting to get back to 140/130 (I'm 5ft 4).
    I eat, on average, 1500 per day. MFP has me at 1260, and then I exercise the rest (walk every day with the dog, kickboxing (just started) twice a week and swimming 4 times a week - hence the water weight plateau!
    Keep in touch!
  • dlrux1031
    dlrux1031 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi NJPaula! I am just starting back also. My name is Debbie, I'm from NY. I went to my nutritionist yesterday and she has me on 1200 calorie, low carb diet. This is super hard for me, not the calories- the low carbs. I am 3 years post gastric sleeve surgery and I've gained back 40 pounds out of 100. I can't go through that mess again so I'm motivated! Message me anytime!