Friday weigh-in thread, 1-27-2023

steve0mania Posts: 3,088 Member
Yo. How'd you do?


  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 3,088 Member
    I'm up 1 pound. Up one, down one, up one, down one. It's a pretty lame roller-coaster.

    I have been taking some of your suggestions from last Friday's LTL, and have specifically planned to have a bowl of air-popped popcorn (with some butter-flavored Pam and a bit of salt) in the evening. That has certainly helped me avoid the feeling of having to white-knuckle deprive myself. I figure I'll give it a couple of weeks and see how the weight is doing. If things don't start moving in the right direction, I'll probably have to actually track (<<GASP>>) my intake to get a better understanding of how many calories I'm taking in. I sure hope it doesn't come to that!!! Ha ha!

  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,486 Member
    No WW weigh-ins the last 2 weeks. Weight up, but also on the roller coaster. Today's weight was down 10.4 from last week.
    Evening snacking the worst. Had a goodly 1 cup of good ice cream each of the last 3-4 nights. Blows the WW points out of the water (sugar), but calories not that bad.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,166 Member
    I'm down 8.4 lbs from last week but the interesting fact is I gained up to 354 or about 6 lbs up through Wednesday of this week. Saw my electrophysiologist Wednesday afternoon an he put me on 40 mg of Lasix twice daily with instructions not to drink fluids and take my meds with a sip of water. So in the last 48 hours two weigh ins I'm down 14 lbs. He told me I had 30 lbs of fluid in my right leg alone and in my tissues and body everywhere. So I'm on this journey of almost no water and no sodium to hopefully get rid of this fluid.

    I'm making major corrections on diet menu items. Congestive Heart failure since 2020 so not much choice.
  • ClayandRocks
    ClayandRocks Posts: 69 Member
    Down 1
  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 4,305 Member
    imastar2 wrote: »
    So in the last 48 hours two weigh ins I'm down 14 lbs.

    That’s a pretty brutal way to lose weight, Derrick. Wow.
  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 4,305 Member
    Al_Howard wrote: »
    Blows the WW points out of the water (sugar), but calories not that bad.

    There have been some interesting discussions on the WW Connect site about zero point foods. WW incentivizes you to eat healthier choices (fruits and veggies, for example) by making them zero points. On the flip side, anything with fat or sugar - like Ben & Jerry's - gets whacked to push you away. A pint of Ben & Jerry’s is around 55-60 points, which is twice what I’m allocated for daily points.

    I’ve referred to it as the WW equivalent of a “sin tax”. Governments tax things that are unhealthy like cigarettes and liquor to push people away from those choices. They generally say they spend those sin taxes on things to offset the societal costs of drinking and smoking. Similarly,WW hitting fats and sugars gives them the flexibility to reallocate those potential points and make healthier choices free.
  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 4,305 Member
    . . . I'll probably have to actually track (<<GASP>>) my intake to get a better understanding of how many calories I'm taking in.

    LOL, Steve - I was 98% joking when I suggested it might come to that. Hopefully it doesn’t drive you back to counting points! (But I’ll bet you’d have a blast with zero points foods.)
  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 4,305 Member
    If my weight didn’t change this week and I’m under goal, this must be maintenance, right?

    I weighed in Thursday night at 177.2 again against a goal of 180. The idea that two weeks in a row means I’m maintaining at that level, of course, was a bit of a joke. I am, however, at a point where I’m ready to take the first of two major steps - putting myself in Maintenance mode and getting a few extra points for that. I’ve been still losing, but I’m about at a point where I was when I was maintaining back in 2013.

    If I get to a point where I’m stable in my weight, I’ll take the next step and establish my Green/Yellow/Red zones.
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 3,088 Member
    crewahl wrote: »
    . . . I'll probably have to actually track (<<GASP>>) my intake to get a better understanding of how many calories I'm taking in.

    LOL, Steve - I was 98% joking when I suggested it might come to that. Hopefully it doesn’t drive you back to counting points! (But I’ll bet you’d have a blast with zero points foods.)

    I am not planning on rejoining WW to go with points, etc. I'd probably just count calories on the MFP app at this point.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,486 Member
    crewahl wrote: »
    . . . I'll probably have to actually track (<<GASP>>) my intake to get a better understanding of how many calories I'm taking in.

    LOL, Steve - I was 98% joking when I suggested it might come to that. Hopefully it doesn’t drive you back to counting points! (But I’ll bet you’d have a blast with zero points foods.)

    I am not planning on rejoining WW to go with points, etc. I'd probably just count calories on the MFP app at this point.

    I track both.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,166 Member
    steve0mania wrote: »
    » show previous quotes

    I am not planning on rejoining WW to go with points, etc. I'd probably just count calories on the MFP app at this point

    I also tracked both pts and calories for awhile. I ran out of steam trying to do both. However I didn't have time to eat because I was tracking all the time. "lol"