Friday weigh-in thread, 3-17-2023

steve0mania Posts: 3,088 Member
Yo. How'd you do?


  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 3,088 Member
    I'm up 0.2 pounds this week. It was a surprisingly steady week, weigh-wise. Still maintaining, still wanting to drop 10 pounds or so. This week I'm going to try wishing really hard for it, because clearly I haven't been wishing hard enough so far! :-)

  • ClayandRocks
    ClayandRocks Posts: 69 Member
    Up 1 lb after three weeks of vacation/not tracking. Not the greatest result, but certainly one I can live with. Back to tracking, almost back to my body recognizing that a little calorie deficit is not agony.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,486 Member
    Down 3.0 since last Friday. Still need to
    train the ice cream cravings.
  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 4,305 Member
    Steve - here’s wishin' and hopin' that plan works for you. 😊

    Al - congrats on the three pounds. I’ve got four words for you - Halo Top Mint Chip. (A pint is eleven pints.)

    What can I say about my results for the week? I’m in my Green Zone, and my 14 day daily average is in a good place, so that’s good. I’m eating my feelings right now* about losing my weekly meeting and my coach, and the shift from a meeting that works for me to making me work into a meeting. I’ve always said it was better to fit WW into your life than to try to fit your life into WW, but going from seven available weekly meetings at a Studio to three at less convenient times means I have to fit my life into WW if I want to attend a weekly meeting.

    I did try a virtual meeting this week. Let’s just say I did not feel a strong sense of connection to any of the other 104 one-inch squares displayed on my computer screen. It’s hard to feel you are valued when the meeting required an admin person to select who gets called on.

    I do not believe I am prepared to bite off my nose to spite my face - but I am one unhappy customer of the brand formerly known as WeightWatchers. (Oh, wait, the name is still the same; it’s the brand that changed.)

    * They taste a lot like guacamole prepared tableside with Cholula Green Pepper Hot Sauce, served with a side of bile.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,166 Member
    Up 3.8 lbs this week. So I have up my complete loss from last week.Possibly lots of reasons but to cut it short I plain ate too much I'm sure. Still have fluid issues with my legs so I just work with it best I can.