Introduce yourself, and your goals!



  • 4men1lady79
    4men1lady79 Posts: 112 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Zina or just ZZ. I'm a 33yr old SAHM to 3 boys and married 12yrs now to an amazing man! My oldest just started kindergarten so I am trying to balance that into my life now. My weight gain actually started after I joined the Air Force 13yrs ago and unfortunately also kept me from reenlisting...Since then it's been up and down and of course with my pregnancies it didn't come off. Now I am at a point that I want to be healthy for my family (an extra hotter for my hubby) and no more laziness because I have no energy for anything. I have home equipment so I don't REALLY have any excuses just need that push to get up and use it! I love the Weight Loss show and love this group!...Can't wait for the Biggest Loser to start now!

    HW: 205
    GW: 140

    Phase 1: Sept 15-Dec 15 - Lose 15% body weight (28lbs) GW:159

    Phase 2: Dec 15-Mar 15 - Lose 10% body weight (16lbs) GW:143

    Phase 3: Mar 15-Jun 15 - Lose 5% body weight (7lbs) GW:136

    Phase 4: Maintain weight, build & tone up

    Ok after writing all that I am extra excited! Good going everyone :-)
  • michellenichole83
    michellenichole83 Posts: 119 Member
    So happy to see all the new joiners!! Monday is our next weigh in, and I'm going to post a GROUP weight loss, so even if you're only down a couple of ounces, please chime in!! I'd love to see what our group is doing together!!
  • cindyb1984
    cindyb1984 Posts: 203 Member
    Hi everyone...late joiner here:smile:

    HW: 345
    CW: 333.8

    Phase 1 - September 9 - December 9 - 35lbs (299lbs)

    Phase 2 - December 10 - March 10 - 35lbs (264lbs)

    Phase 3 - March 11 - June 11 - 35lbs (229lbs)

    Phase 4 - June 12 - September 12 - 30lbs (199lbs)
  • 4men1lady79
    4men1lady79 Posts: 112 Member
    I posted I'm starting on the 15th but I meant the 8th!! oops
  • 4men1lady79
    4men1lady79 Posts: 112 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Zina or just ZZ. I'm a 33yr old SAHM to 3 boys and married 12yrs now to an amazing man! My oldest just started kindergarten so I am trying to balance that into my life now. My weight gain actually started after I joined the Air Force 13yrs ago and unfortunately also kept me from reenlisting...Since then it's been up and down and of course with my pregnancies it didn't come off. Now I am at a point that I want to be healthy for my family (an extra hotter for my hubby) and no more laziness because I have no energy for anything. I have home equipment so I don't REALLY have any excuses just need that push to get up and use it! I love the Weight Loss show and love this group!...Can't wait for the Biggest Loser to start now!

    HW: 205
    GW: 140

    Phase 1: Sept 15-Dec 15 - Lose 15% body weight (28lbs) GW:159

    Phase 2: Dec 15-Mar 15 - Lose 10% body weight (16lbs) GW:143

    Phase 3: Mar 15-Jun 15 - Lose 5% body weight (7lbs) GW:136

    Phase 4: Maintain weight, build & tone up

    Ok after writing all that I am extra excited! Good going everyone :-)

    I meant the 8th! oops
  • jodyblanchard
    jodyblanchard Posts: 99 Member
    Hi I'm Jody, a 64 year old special education teacher from Texas. I'm tired of it. Period. This time. This time.

    90-day Phase Goals
    Highest Weight: 348
    Starting Weight: 329
    Current Weight: 316
    Goal Weight: 180

    Phase 1: 09/01/13-10/01/13 15lb (329---->314)
    Phase 2: 10/02/13-11/01/13 12lb (314---->302)
    Phase 3: 11/02/13-12/01/13 10lb (302---->290)
  • jodyblanchard
    jodyblanchard Posts: 99 Member
    My loss for 9/16 was 3.4lbs.

    90-day Phase Goals
    Highest Weight: 348
    Starting Weight: 329
    Current Weight: 316
    Goal Weight: 180

    Phase 1: 09/01/13-10/01/13 15lb (329---->314)
    Phase 2: 10/02/13-11/01/13 12lb (314---->302)
    Phase 3: 11/02/13-12/01/13 10lb (302---->290)
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    Hello! My name is Melissa and I am happy to be in this group. I have about 150+ to lose.

    Phase 1 (8/1/13-10/31/13): 297-->272 -25 lbs

    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 272-->247 -25 lbs

    Phase 3 (2/1/14-4/30/14): 247--> 222 -25 lbs

    Phase 4 (5/1/14-8/1/14): 222-->197 -25 lbs

    **After phase 4 I will reset and do it again. I will have about 50-70 lbs to go after that.

    **Just got internet after moving from my home state of Michigan to North Dakota. I did gain weight on the 2 day move but I am almost at my pre moving weight of 297. I weigh 299 as of today. I hope I can lose 25 lbs in a month (doubtful) so I may have to start over!
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Hey all, I'm Heni. I'm new to the group and Chris Powell's plan/carb cycling.

    I'm a 33 year old mother of 4. I started my original journey towards health back in 2011/12. Through a low carb lifestyle (model Atkins) I lost 50lbs in about 7 months. I was well on my way ... until I found out I was pregnant and also had a fibroid growing along with the baby. I was immediately put on bed rest and pumped full of meds. I gained half the weight back I lost, which was devastating to me and my health. After having the baby, I found through breastfeeding I was losing weight steadily. My daughter is now 1yr old and not needing that much milk, I'm seeing the difference in my hunger, weight and body. I've gotten the OK from my doctor so I think it's about time to get back on the wagon.

    I was watching TV one day and I saw Chris Powell's work - very impressive indeed! I lost weight before with low carb (even though it was very hard for me to sustain eating lot of proteins) I have the book and read through it last night. But probably need to reread it. I'm determined to make it this time.

    I'm 5'6 woman with current weight of 233lbs (down from my highest and original starting weight of 280lbs) My goal is 165lbs.

    I have some questions ... maybe some of you can help me with?

    -I've read many places that carb cycling is an advanced frorm of dieting mainly done by bodybuilders only. And isn't suggested for overweight or obese people? True?

    -Chris Powell talks about attainable goals ... How do I know which goals are attainable? On the show, the people have about 100lb more weight then me - and I know more overweight you are, more wieght you can lose. Is losing 72lbs in a year attainable for me? Is losing 8-10lbs monthly attainable? How to set up my goals?

    - Which plan is best for a person, like me overweight, out of shape, insulin resistence, high blood pressure and almost sedentry lifestyle as I work from home.

    - I understand the whole calorie cycling thing, but how do I know the carb cycling? What are the grams? macros amounts? Do I need to worry about them?

    - On other carb cycling sites, mainly for body building they have low carb, med carb and high carb days? Do any of you do this? Or only LC and HC? How do I figure out my low and high days?

    - Do my 5 meals have to be about the same amount in calories? Working it out for me, average about 260cal per meal OR can I have lesser cal meals (later in the day) then bigger calories let's say for breakfast and lunch?

    - Reading about the shedders and things. I def need reread this part, but question how much excerise do we need, or calories burned per day on the plan? I work from home + have my 4kids to care for, I don't think I can commit to working out for 4hrs a day like they do on the show? I have an ellipitical trainer, I walk and I'm thinking to start Zumba.

    My goal is to lose 72lbs ... in a year? I'm not sure about phase goals ... maybe you all can help me figure that out.

    Please feel free to add me, if you like!
    Thank you everyone!
  • michellenichole83
    michellenichole83 Posts: 119 Member
    Hey all, I'm Heni. I'm new to the group and Chris Powell's plan/carb cycling.

    I'm a 33 year old mother of 4. I started my original journey towards health back in 2011/12. Through a low carb lifestyle (model Atkins) I lost 50lbs in about 7 months. I was well on my way ... until I found out I was pregnant and also had a fibroid growing along with the baby. I was immediately put on bed rest and pumped full of meds. I gained half the weight back I lost, which was devastating to me and my health. After having the baby, I found through breastfeeding I was losing weight steadily. My daughter is now 1yr old and not needing that much milk, I'm seeing the difference in my hunger, weight and body. I've gotten the OK from my doctor so I think it's about time to get back on the wagon.

    I was watching TV one day and I saw Chris Powell's work - very impressive indeed! I lost weight before with low carb (even though it was very hard for me to sustain eating lot of proteins) I have the book and read through it last night. But probably need to reread it. I'm determined to make it this time.

    I'm 5'6 woman with current weight of 233lbs (down from my highest and original starting weight of 280lbs) My goal is 165lbs.

    I have some questions ... maybe some of you can help me with?

    -I've read many places that carb cycling is an advanced frorm of dieting mainly done by bodybuilders only. And isn't suggested for overweight or obese people? True?

    -Chris Powell talks about attainable goals ... How do I know which goals are attainable? On the show, the people have about 100lb more weight then me - and I know more overweight you are, more wieght you can lose. Is losing 72lbs in a year attainable for me? Is losing 8-10lbs monthly attainable? How to set up my goals?

    - Which plan is best for a person, like me overweight, out of shape, insulin resistence, high blood pressure and almost sedentry lifestyle as I work from home.

    - I understand the whole calorie cycling thing, but how do I know the carb cycling? What are the grams? macros amounts? Do I need to worry about them?

    - On other carb cycling sites, mainly for body building they have low carb, med carb and high carb days? Do any of you do this? Or only LC and HC? How do I figure out my low and high days?

    - Do my 5 meals have to be about the same amount in calories? Working it out for me, average about 260cal per meal OR can I have lesser cal meals (later in the day) then bigger calories let's say for breakfast and lunch?

    - Reading about the shedders and things. I def need reread this part, but question how much excerise do we need, or calories burned per day on the plan? I work from home + have my 4kids to care for, I don't think I can commit to working out for 4hrs a day like they do on the show? I have an ellipitical trainer, I walk and I'm thinking to start Zumba.

    My goal is to lose 72lbs ... in a year? I'm not sure about phase goals ... maybe you all can help me figure that out.

    Please feel free to add me, if you like!
    Thank you everyone!

    Welcome to the group!! I no nothing about carb cycling, but your goal of 72 lbs in a year is definitely attainable! You seem (according to your ticker) to already have made some FANTASTIC progress in your weight loss, so WAY TO GO with that! 72 lbs averages out to just 6 lbs a month, or a little less than a pound and a half per week. That is VERY attainable!

    Phase goals are just quarterly break downs that make your BIG goal seem not so big. I'd recommend something like:

    Phase 1 10/01/13-12/31/13 -- 25lbs
    Phase 2 1/01/14-3/31/14 -- 20 lbs
    Phase 3 4/01/14-6/30/14 -- 15 lbs
    Phase 4 7/01/14-9/30/14 -- 12 lbs/maintainence

    Weight comes off much slower the closer you get to goal, so setting your mini goals up like that will give you more chance of success, rather than just setting it at 18 lbs every phase.

    As for finding your TDEE (total calories burned throughout the day), I highly recommend reading and following this thread:

    It explains how to find your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and how to calculate your necessary calorie intake. I believe it also recommends setting your macros at 1g protein per lb of lean body mass (LBM), which it will help you calculate, and .35g fat per lb of lbm, then letting your carbs fall where they may, as long as you hit or exceed your fat and protein requirements daily. It equates to a low carb diet for most people, just in order to stay under your calories, but isn't a strict low carb diet like Atkins.

    NO ONE has time to work out 4 hours a day, especially us moms! I also have a 1 year old toddler, still breastfeeding, and am home all day (though I have the luxury of not working and get to go to the gym every day, thanks to a wonderful playcenter program). Make it a goal to move to the point of breathlessness 30 minutes a day, be it in one block (workout videos are great), or 3 10 minute blocks (dance with the kids!) or however you have to incorporate it! Cardio exercise is great for high blood pressure, just don't overdo it!

    As for your meal timing/breakdown: Your body can't tell time. Nor does it count the calories in your meals. If you eat under your TDEE, you will lose weight. If you want to break your intake into 5 equal calorie meals, that will help stabilize your bloodsugar and stave off hunger, but it won't make you lose weight any faster or slower. If you want to eat a small breakfast and a big lunch, and a small dinner, go for it! If you want to save all your calories for dinner, sure! (I'd be a hangry b*tch if I did that, but to each their own.) The point is, do what works for YOU. Especially with 4 kids at home, you don't have the luxury of planning your day around your meals, so find something that works, do it for 6 weeks, and see how it goes!

    OK, I think that's all the knowledge I have to share! I will friend you so I can msg you and let you know I replied!! =)