Week long Challenge Sept 2- Sept 8 Give 110%

m23prime Posts: 358 Member
This week's challenge is really straightforward-- a little MORE exercise.

Whatever your current daily targets are set at--first off--get that done. Then do an extra 10%. Easy peasy.

My current setting is 30 minutes every day--so all I have to do is an extra three minutes of something, and I am golden.

This is the challenge at it's most literal and basic.

The point of this challenge is slightly different depending on where you are on your journey.

A LOT of you already blow your basic targets out of the water! You have developed an exercise habit. Your job will be to do a little soul searching while you make the fat cry this week. Are you enjoying yourself? Do you have enough variety to keep you interested for a while longer? Are you pushing yourself too hard? Are you not pushing yourself hard enough? Do you need to aim for harder targets?

Do a bit of an existential examination of your exercise habit and make sure it is fun and sustainable.

But that is not an issue for ALL of us YET...

...some of us are still working on the basic mindset of an exercise habit.

We dread the exercise part of the weight loss equation and are capable of some fairly impressive intellectual dance moves to rationalize our inactivity. (Or it might just be me...I don't know for sure.)

A calorie deficit can only take you so far. An increase in activity is a vital component to any long term weight loss strategy.

So...EVEN if you were two twinkies and a bag of BBQ chips shy of being featured on the Discovery Channel or a very special episode of Dr. Phil when you made the decision to make a change--and you just want to wait a few more pounds before you get moving--this is YOUR challenge.

Go into your goal settings and commit to ten minutes of exercise EVERYDAY this week. Then take it to 11!

Even if you are just sitting upright in a chair and doing soup can arm curls for eleven minutes to the disco hits of the 70s--that is eleven minutes better spent than doing fridge door pulls, looking for nibbles.

This week you are going to START moving. You are going to develop an exercise habit from scratch. (And you will be grumpy with me for awhile because of it--but in a couple of weeks...)

AND the usual provisos and disclaimers about consulting with your physician apply in this as in all things...


NEXT WEEK--we are doing the pantry challenge.

You will be looking at rotating your stock of frozen and leftover food.

While at the same time being asked to examine the nutrition labels on the canned and processed food that can pile up in a family cupboard.

Will YOUR version of a pantry challenge include dropping off unwanted stock at the food bank?

We'll find out next week. But I wanted to give you the heads up so you can start planning.

Exercise well. Log diligently.

Have a wonderful week.



  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Ahh, Mark. It's like you knew I set myself up for a REALLY active month exercise-wise and you just want to get the ball rolling for me...

    My challenge doesn't fall within the time guidelines necessarily, but I WILL be giving 110% when it comes to effort, and by following through with this week, I will set myself up for a month of success.

    I commit to being active every day for the next week, in a combination of ways:

    10-20 minutes of yoga every day.
    At least 30 minutes of walking 5 days.
    20-30 minutes of Zumba on the days I do not walk.

    This will add up to almost an hour of activity every day for the next week, which will blow my 30 mins/5 days a week goal out of the water!!

    Good luck getting active this week, everyone!!
  • slh0307
    slh0307 Posts: 50 Member
    Yet another great challenge!

    My daily goal for the month will be:

    45+ minutes of cardio/strength training
    15 minutes of stretching
    15-30 minutes of walking

    This is my pledge for each day. I will have to start on September 3rd. Yesterday and today I have heavy duty yard work to do. It must be burning calories because I am sweating buckets, my heart rate is up, and I am sore all over. My front yard looks good though! The chores kept me from indulging in any "holiday" festivities. Perhaps I am taking "Labor Day" too literally Ha Ha!:glasses: :ohwell:
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    OK Mark,

    Day one. Lifting: Increased sets of 10 to sets of 11. Found out exactly how much ground I've lost since being injured. Starting back a ways again.
  • This sounds good, I am on the mend and managed to mop my floors today without stopping to catch my breath! I am going to start my strength training again today I am going to move down a weight set so I don't hurt my self and I am also going to try and pick up the pace of my walk hoping to get back to my precious speed by the end of the week! That's my 110% It may be 50% of my usual but based on my health it's so much more!

    Thanks for another great challange and for thinking about us!!
  • Good deal! I like giving myself a challenge!

    Day 1: 1 hour P90X + 15 min walking/jogging slow pace - Done!

    Day 2:

    Day 3:

    Day 4:

    Day 5:

    Day 6:

    Day 7:
  • MommyLouLous
    MommyLouLous Posts: 25 Member
    I'm just now looking at the week challenge, but I did push harder today and walk 4 miles. I usually shoot for 2, but 3 on a good day. Yesterday I did 4, so I wanted to step it up again. Unfortunately, today produced some new, painful blisters. I won't be able to do my usual walking for a bit, but I'll come up with something else. My husband ordered me some new walking shoes online that should better fit my feet (double wide instead of wide!).
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    Hey MLL,

    Check out a brand of walking shoes called New Balance...they do a variety of widths and fits--darn fine walking shoes for people of size (in my opinion).
  • I believe that I have heard of those though I have not tried them! Before i had stride and fit dress shoes and sandles and they encourage a more natural stride! I loves them except for the first few weeks my legs ached! I will check these out Mark thanks!!

    Yesterday my 110% quit after cleaning up from dinner I couldn't walk to, but today is feeling even stronger and it's almost time for my morning break and my morning walk! I am looking forward to getting some more distance! Today I also brought a big water bottle to work so i can drink more water and I have no soda at work at all!

    Looking forward to today's efforts!
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    Challenge accepted.

    I usually train 6 days per week (3 strength, 3 conditioning). From now on, every day is a training day. I won't be going at the same intensity level as the rest of the week, but every day is a training day.

    Thanks Mark!
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    Hey MLL,

    Check out a brand of walking shoes called New Balance...they do a variety of widths and fits--darn fine walking shoes for people of size (in my opinion).

    Quoted For Truth.

    New Balance make great shoes for wide feet. I wear a size 14 2E, and I can always find a pair of New Balance to keep me moving. Can't say the same for Nike, Reebok, Adidas, etc.
  • cc11395
    cc11395 Posts: 121 Member
    Great challenge (as always)!

    Yesterday was a wash for me, I wasn't feeling well.

    Today is a new day and a new challenge! I look forward to everyone's results!!

  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Yesterday ended up well for me, I got my yoga in early in the day and then ended up over at a close friend's and instead of just walking the neighborhood we went to a local park and "chased ghosts" through an app on her phone for 45 minutes. It was pretty fantastic and didn't even feel like we were working out until we got back in the car!

    Today I'm still hanging out with her, so we are planning on doing a Zumba routine together which should be both entertaining and exhausting!

    I hope everyone is having a great day today :-)
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    It warms my heart to see this particular challenge embraced so enthusiastically!

    AND--you've made it to the halfway point!

    Also--there is no reason why you can't just start today, if you haven't been playing along all week!
  • I did walk today a fair bit almost 2 miles though I was still a bit slower! I also drank some water, I water bottle full which is 4 cups :) I am pleased and tomorrow I will get the whole way back to the 2 miles
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    40 minutes of Zumba and almost 20 minutes of yoga today.

    My body is starting to feel sore, but not the painful soreness - it's the kind of soreness that lets me know that what I'm doing is working.
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    I did walk today a fair bit almost 2 miles though I was still a bit slower! I also drank some water, I water bottle full which is 4 cups :) I am pleased and tomorrow I will get the whole way back to the 2 miles

    Awesome job pushing through! Are you feeling any better?
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Day one (9/2.) Lifting: Increased sets of 10 to sets of 11. Found out exactly how much ground I've lost since being injured. Starting back a ways again.

    Day two (9/3.) Started well, doubled walking at work. Due to long day and a longer commute with the wife getting ill, I didn't make it to the gym. In training the rest of this work week, so I'll have to improvise. Have to put day two into the "not quite" column. :ohwell:

    Day three. (9/4.)
  • Thanks Jess I am starting to feel a lot better! It's back to school time here I should have expected that ;)

    Dward I wouldn't call it a not quite you did well with what time you had, you work hard and you have to consider that! Way to keep trying it isn't easy with an injury and a wife who got ill!! Some of the work improvising I do is walking during break time even if its 10 minutes, you can do heel stretches while standing and talking ( I tell people I got a cramp in my leg if Asked cause in to chicken to say im trying to lose weight at work). Or hey be brave and lead the whole training team in some stretching I would never do that but you can get creative at work.

    Today my day includes getting to the full 2 miles again and increasing my weight set back up a bit! Also I brought my water bottle again!
  • cc11395
    cc11395 Posts: 121 Member
    Jess, Holly and Dan - Great job!! I think awareness is a HUGE key to success...so Dan, just being aware of your limitations with schedule and an ill wife (hope she feels better soon!) makes you a winner!! Holly, yahoodles on the water...I am so proud of you!! Jess, I love to see your Zumba resolve...I may have to take a page from your book and shake that thang one of these days!!

    For me:

    9/2: Total wash...kicked booty on Sunday and then worked around the house on Monday (holiday).
    9/3: Great "and then some" day...thanks to my husband, I pushed harder on the cardio than I have in a while. We were side-by-side on the stair climber and he challenged me to do "fat burner" mode (never done before) and at a higher level than I ever have! Needless to say, I was a hot mess when I left the gym...but it was awesome!

    Here's to a great 9/4 all!

  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Holly - So glad you're feeling better! Good luck reaching your goals today.

    Dan - I'm with CC and Holly on this. I think you should count yesterday as a success. Especially being aware of your limitations and not pushing yourself and risking further injury. Smart man.

    CC - Thanks! I love Zumba so far. It definitely kicks my butt. There are some things that I just can't do yet or can't do as fast as they do but I modify it a bit and just keep moving no matter what. Good job yesterday!! Fat burner mode on the stair climber... Man, just walking up a flight of stairs feels like fat burner mode to me! Proud of you for pushing yourself.

    9/4 for me - 1.25 29 minute walk in the books, as well as day 3 of yoga, which was only a 15 minute video today. Going bowling tonight, which I'm sure will burn a few more calories!

    Good luck and best wishes to everyone today!!