Week long Challenge Sept 2- Sept 8 Give 110%



  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Day one (9/2.) Lifting: Increased sets of 10 to sets of 11. Found out exactly how much ground I've lost since being injured. Starting back a ways again.

    Day two (9/3.) Started well, doubled walking at work. Due to long day and a longer commute with the wife getting ill, I didn't make it to the gym. In training the rest of this work week, so I'll have to improvise. Have to put day two into the "not quite" column.

    Day three. (9/4.) Walked for ten minutes during lunch. Because the training started so early and let out same, I packed for the gym and went straight there. Usually spend under an hour there, actually spent 30 minutes lifting and 41 minutes at a 2.8 mph average. (MFP put the calories for that much higher than the machine did, even with varied elevations, so I trimmed back time until I was below what the treadmill showed.). I call today a win!
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    I am so exhausted. Bless and curse this challenge!
  • hollyla9905
    I didn't do the walking, I can't seem to gain back energy with this plague. I started so strong today, I even got in some circuit training, however I had my son at work so when I went to do my break walk he wanted to go upstairs for a snack, and then by the time I got home I was licked. I still gave a lot today, and I think I did great!
  • Carysta
    Carysta Posts: 152 Member
    I like this challenge but I only saw it today so today is my Day 1 :P I did my full 20 today (yay, me!) and an extra 4 minutes on my lunch at work. :)
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    It's A-OKAY to join a challenge WHENEVER! Play along for a day, play along for a week, play along for a lifetime. It's entirely up to you.

    Everybody is welcome to play as much or as little as they want.

    We'll cheer for you either way!
  • cc11395
    cc11395 Posts: 121 Member
    I love hearing the perseverance in these posts...you all should be truly proud of yourselves. It takes a lot to give the "and then some," especially when "life" happens. But I think you are all doing such a great job of realizing that THIS is now what LIFE is...and you are GREAT at it!!

    For me:

    9/2: Total wash...kicked booty on Sunday and then worked around the house on Monday (holiday).

    9/3: Great "and then some" day...thanks to my husband, I pushed harder on the cardio than I have in a while. We were side-by-side on the stair climber and he challenged me to do "fat burner" mode (never done before) and at a higher level than I ever have! Needless to say, I was a hot mess when I left the gym...but it was awesome!

    9/4: Whew - I was a gym rat again! 60 minutes of strength training/lifting and 30 minutes on INTERVALS on the Stair-climber...I was again a hot mess...but the more of a hot mess I am now, the more of a HOT mess I'll be later. LOL!

    Happy 9/5 my friends! I am looking forward to the start of the regular NFL season with my Denver Broncos tonight...so I think it's going to be a stretching and commercial exercise evening!!

  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    I am looking forward to the start of the regular NFL season with my Denver Broncos tonight...so I think it's going to be a stretching and commercial exercise evening!!


    I'll be on the other side of the field, cheering on my Baltimore Ravens. Pushups during commercials, and pacing during the game. Let's go!
  • cc11395
    cc11395 Posts: 121 Member
  • hollyla9905
    So I had to take my son to work today again, totally ruined my walk! Then it was race home cook dinner in 20 minutes stuff food in run to parent teacher run to cheer meeting run to home toss kid in bed, somewhere in the evening daughter gets hand slammed in van door, first aid to hand! Commit to spend 1000 of bucks at cheer! Sign life away for school for kids, find more money ( that should be an Olympic sport) pack bag for kid for tomorrow, talk to husband who is in Hope BC (hate him driving in mountains) talk to husbands ex wife (grrrr) talk to daughter about hand and cheer daughter cries, son finally sleeping, wallet is empty, phone battery is dead! That's 110% today!
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Dang, Holly!! Sounds like you've had a productive day, for sure. Whew!! It made me exhausted just reading it!

    CC - AWESOME job at the gym again yesterday!! Have fun with your commercial exercises tonight :-)

    09/05 - I did not want to do anything today. I feel like crud and ended up napping for 2 hours this afternoon. However, I DID finally get my butt up and moving, got my yoga done (only 10 minutes - thank God, because it was abs day and killed me.) Also got my walk in, ended up doing 1.5 miles in 31 minutes. Would have gone longer but there was lightning on the horizon and I wanted to get home before it moved my way.

    Happy Thursday, everyone!
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    I am looking forward to the start of the regular NFL season with my Denver Broncos tonight...so I think it's going to be a stretching and commercial exercise evening!!


    I'll be on the other side of the field, cheering on my Baltimore Ravens. Pushups during commercials, and pacing during the game. Let's go!

    Did my pushups and my pacing. Didn't seem to help the defense much though.

    *lightbulb* New-found inspiration for getting fit: the Ravens need a shut-down corner.
  • hollyla9905
    Kids gone to school, got 2 walks in today! Feels great to finally have the strength to do it again! Tomorrow a bit further bit harder! I am looking forward to it!!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Day one (9/2.) Lifting: Increased sets of 10 to sets of 11. Found out exactly how much ground I've lost since being injured. Starting back a ways again.

    Day two (9/3.) Started well, doubled walking at work. Due to long day and a longer commute with the wife getting ill, I didn't make it to the gym. In training the rest of this work week, so I'll have to improvise. Have to put day two into the "not quite" column.

    Day three. (9/4.) Lifting sets of 11 minimum on machines I generally use. Added two Machines I have been avoiding. Treadmill finish.

    Day four (9/5.) vocalizations of anguish and cheer following rain delay. (Day off except walking during breaks.)

    Day five (9/6.) Longer walk at lunch, lifting this evening at gym, added two new devices. 45 minutes lifting, 25 min treadmill.
  • hollyla9905
    I need to find some of what you got dward!!!! You are super!
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    I have had a great week! I have a new walking partner PLUS her big ol' dog to accompany me! Totally inspired.

    PLUS I finally started the gym today. (I had a quick, unofficial boo at their scale by the door on my way out--even though I do not weigh in formally until next week--but let me say the trend is positive:bigsmile: )

    I can't wait for Monday to try the gym again...or even tomorrow to be taken for a drag by Satan's own Pound Puppy. Nor can I wait for next Thursday for my first official September weigh in...I am optimistic.
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Everyone is doing so great this week!! How awesome for all of us :-D

    09/06 - 40 minutes of Zumba and 10 of core-based yoga. My core and thighs hate me right now.
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Great Job Jess. Sorry about the pain though.

    Mark, I hope you come to enjoy the gym as much as I do (at least once i get in the door and start the workout.) Can you bottle some of that enthusiasm and ship it south? lol

    Holly, you will find my secret in about 15 years by my estimation of the age of your kids. Mine are all grown up, physically at least, and my wife and I can concentrate on us.

    Gearing up to walk/hike Piedras Marcadas Canyon today. DW tells me there is a trail there I haven't gone on. Let's see the mileage she sneaks in on me this time. Just checked the map. How many times will she get me to walk the loops before I catch on??? PM.JPG

    You all have a great and active (FUN) day!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Day one (9/2.) Lifting: Increased sets of 10 to sets of 11. Found out exactly how much ground I've lost since being injured. Starting back a ways again.

    Day two (9/3.) Started well, doubled walking at work. Due to long day and a longer commute with the wife getting ill, I didn't make it to the gym. In training the rest of this work week, so I'll have to improvise. Have to put day two into the "not quite" column.

    Day three. (9/4.) Lifting sets of 11 minimum on machines I generally use. Added two Machines I have been avoiding. Treadmill finish.

    Day four (9/5.) vocalizations of anguish and cheer following rain delay. (Day off except walking during breaks.)

    Day five (9/6.) Longer walk at lunch, lifting this evening at gym, added two new devices. 45 minutes lifting, 25 min treadmill.

    Day six (9/7) Early morning walk, beautiful, easy to moderate walk in sand. Some cardio, but a lot of stopping for photography. Enjoyed petroglyphs, wildlife, hot air balloons; Beautiful sights all. On the map above, we parked in the red parking area at top of map. Going down we did both the loops along the cliff sides where the petroglyphs are. I followed another set of tracks I thought were indicating the trail, but not so much. In attempting to climb back up out of the wash, I had a rock roll out from under my foot and I went wrong side up. Sprained ankle, wrenched knee, and abrasions on the arm. But walked back out more worried about my camera than myself. I'm sore, but it was FUN!
  • hollyla9905
    Oh dward! I'm sorry you got hurt I understand the concern for the camera I have a special camera I baby! And yes Jason's youngest is 4 so we have 14 years of childhood but our full time youngest is 8 so in a few years I will be able to be less concerned about beating the bus home and easier to plan some gym time!

    Today I did a 30 minute mod pace walk and a 20 min slower walk!
    I have a set of weights to do again - finally got back into it last night- and I am looking forward to it! I love weight training again! I used to do it all the time when I was a medic then I stopped!
    I also pre planned my dinner and I am 5 calories under goal before exercise!
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Dan, I'm sorry you got hurt! So glad that it wasn't worse and that the camera made it out unscathed. Also, kudos on the walk! I bet it was a gorgeous one.

    WTG on getting your walk in today, Holly! Good luck with getting back into weight training!

    09/07 - 15 minutes of yoga and 30 of Zumba. Might do the yoga routine again later because it was excellent.