
JCFan3 Posts: 146 Member
Increased my dosage last week and am struggling with nausea. Second week not any better. I want to make this work. Any suggestions to help would be appreciated.


  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 288 Member
    For me, the key to getting past my nausea has been to eat SMALL frequent amounts. Also, in the beginning I had some really bad days. On those days, I found a spoonful of peanut butter every so often helped immensely. I think it was because it had a combination of protein/fat/carb in it, but I could be wrong about that part.

    If the nausea is really bad, talk to your doctor about zofran. A lot of people say that this can works wonders for them. Another suggestion is to wear sea sickness bands...I wore those when I was dealing with morning sickness years ago, and it worked then.

    I hope these suggestions help! Good luck to you!
  • JCFan3
    JCFan3 Posts: 146 Member
    Thank you so much for your suggestions. I will give them a try.
  • RunningMama32
    RunningMama32 Posts: 71 Member
    I too have been struggling with nausea. I have been having ginger gravel in the morning and i also just found gin gins (ginger candy) at superstore. It helps.
  • JCFan3
    JCFan3 Posts: 146 Member
    What is ginger gravel? I have never heard of it.