Owner of the Group

Hi All,

I created this group back in 2016 and have been in and out of it over the years to see how things are going. I'm happy to see people are still participating and losing weight. Congratulations to all of you on your hard work and dedication!!

Although I'm very pleased to see new moderators and leaders have stepped up to keep things going I am very disappointed to see someone felt the need to remove me as a moderator. Actually I'm surprised that was even something someone could, or more importantly would do. After all this group wouldn't exist if I hadn't created it.

I have also been removed as a manager of the google doc which houses the stats. Again, I'm surprised this was done.

Can I ask that whomever removed me from both moderator and editor of the google doc please return it as it was when you joined.

Thank you,

Serendipity <3


    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @Serendipity0913 Hi, there. I was a team captain on here for a few years, but now I am just a very bad team mate. :# I do not know who removed you as a moderator or as the owner. There are three mods listed, but only one has been running the show. Until recently, that is. Ashley has had some real life issues to deal with, and she has not been on MFP since early March. The Challenge is in a holding pattern. Team mates are still posting in their threads, and even weighing in, put there is no place to record any weights. We do not fault Ashley at all. She has done an amazing job for a handful of years moderating this challenge and if her time has come to step away, she owes us nothing and we wish her the very best. That being said, there is no one lurking in the shadows that has volunteered to step forward and take over. The people that are here will continue to post and support each other in their threads, but it will no longer be a team weight loss challenge group.
  • MotivatedM3
    MotivatedM3 Posts: 105 Member