
I have lost 1/2 inch in my waist, however I have gained 1 1/2 pounds. my hips,neck,and upper legs have stayed the same. You can find me in my corner or on the time out chair. Looking at the charts I have increased my calorie intake, and increased the weight training. I am not happy with me. :angry:


  • californiagirl1950
    Awe, don't focus on that scale, look at that waist! 1/2 inch loss is good. And if the rest is the same, I think you are doing fine. Scales tend to tell tales and we can't trust them. Go by inches lost and clothes falling off!
  • dot1212
    dot1212 Posts: 74 Member
    I agree with Californiagirl. The scales can really sabotage your motivation and progress. My scales go up and down and I am to the point I only weigh about once every month or more. Keep up the good work and you will see success.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    I agree......... I am very tempted sometimes to jump on the scales every morning....I have to really stop myself.......it can be very discouraging after a really good day to see no change on the scales.......overall feeling of well being and knowing that you are doing well is more important! :flowerforyou:

  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I agree, too, even though I'm one of those people on the scale every day. (LOL) I love it when my body shape changes for the better because it makes me feel like I'm losing weight even when I'm not.

    Keep watching those calories and exercising! It really does help.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    When did you do the changes, other threads here are filled with I upped cals, went up X lbs. but in a few days, a week, etc. I went back down.

    That half in off the waist is a healthy thing, a NSV. Savor it.

    Keep logging, exercising and eating right, you'll get there.