Mistakes in Keto

Shokhzod22 Posts: 1 Member
Here we discuss things that starters do incorrectly or some difficulties that we face while starting keto diet


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,139 Member
    I have heard this from those who say they get tired of such limited food in keto, so I think one issue is developing an extensive list of meal ideas that fit with the keto macros. I know that at times I struggle with this not because there are not options, but because I am either too tired after work to cook anything or the ingredients are all frozen. I think most people think keto is beef, bacon, butter, and eggs forgetting it includes all meats, all green leafy veggies, and the low carb veggies in moderation. I am still working on an extensive meal selection, but if I plan ahead I find I am eating more nutritious veggies than I would normally. Keto while restrictive in terms of macros is not that restrictive in terms of foods.