Pre-Challenge Activity #2: SET SOME GOALS!



  • Buckeye5
    Buckeye5 Posts: 219 Member
    Healthier Me -
    Mentally and Physically

    Quantifiable Steps:
    -Track everything I eat
    (Lifesum macros - veggies most)
    -100oz + water/day
    -Lose 5%
    -Exercise at least 10 min a day
    (Goal 30 min 4X week)
    -Keep Fitbit steps going 7000+
  • sophiesdnthl
    sophiesdnthl Posts: 6 Member
    I want to stop snacking after 8:30 pm, eat more greens, gain more muscle, and drink more water.
  • shirleyd155
    shirleyd155 Posts: 9 Member
    My goal is to lose at least 7 lbs. and gain back some energy.
    I have a good lower sodium, lower cholesterol menu plan in place which I will continue to follow.
    My water goal is 6 c daily.
    My cardio goal is 15 minutes daily, outdoors and treadmill.
  • ForeverFitNHealthy
    ForeverFitNHealthy Posts: 1,043 Member
    Overall Challenge Goal:
    Meet my 5% weight goal and normalize blood glucose levels

    Daily Goals:
    - Low glucose eating patterns (meals when hungry and at a predetermined blood glucose level)
    - Low carb for my diabetes
    - Daily step goal
    - Daily Resistance training with either barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, bands, or bodyweight. Strength training isn't just about the iron!
    - 90 minutes of walking and or spin bike (if planter fasciitis flares up)
    - 30 minutes strength training
  • katiecondy1
    katiecondy1 Posts: 3,382 Member
    Primary towards fitness daily.
    Secondary goal, lose weight and arrive in Onederland to stay ..not just visit!!

    Plan..exercise. Eat healthy , measure foods, and be aware of distracted nor mindless eating.
    Keep track of fluids, especially thru the Summer months when we all need to keep our hydration at the top of our minds at all times.

    Set measurable fitness- be able to walk to the gate that ajoins my property to my neighbors with ease. Once obtained, expand goal to finally be able to walk entire property at least every other day..that would be a 5 acre perimeter..not sure how many steps..guess I will find out.
    Goals need to be measurable and I am trying to set goals that are also realistic /obtainable re: age and present physical condition.
    Mini goal..get a good pair of walking shoes ASAP!!
  • 15Katharina06
    15Katharina06 Posts: 139 Member
    1. Focus on Nutrition and Sport.
    2. i want to handle my emotional eating. change what i snack .be consequent.
    3. Start with running. Make a better time on the 5km run in september then last year .
    4. i want to loose 4 kg.
    5. I want to be honest in contact with other people hat this challenge.
    My motivation is to invent me new. after a divorce 2 years ago i want to make the best out of it. I love fashion and how my body feels when i workk out . weight has always been a problem , but after the divorce I have the first time the feeling i can change some thing . I can work on my problems to be a beautiful inner and outside
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,212 Member
    edited June 2023
    So, I did write my Goals and Hopes in Pre-Challenge Activity #1. Copying it here:
    mkksemail wrote: »
    mkksemail wrote: »
    Thanks for posting the history of the challenge, and the link to the SparkTeams blog article. Interesting reading!

    (I also signed up at one of the other challenges mentioned, that also migrated from SparkPeople 😎)

    Stopping at that point for now. I'll be back for the actual Pre-Challenge Activity #1 👏

    - mk :) (Maine 🌧️☔)

    I am back to finish.

    (I really did enjoy reading that history, ty for posting it!)

    I have been in an 18-mos 10k/day steps goal since Dec 4, 2021 thanks to a really great bunch of people I was lucky enough to stumble upon at Fitbit. We had a daily goal day challenge every day until the day Fitbit killed their challenges and open groups in March 2023 😩😡.

    I am here at MFP for the food logging tools (which are vastly better than Fitbit's, btw!). I joined some challenges hoping to reinforce that, bc I need it. While I did manage to lose 30 lbs over about 18 mos at Fitbit (started 6 mos before steps goal streak started), I regained it all plus 5+ lbs more this fall and winter 😬.

    My goals and hopes for the challenge are:

    1.) To maintain/reinforce food logging habit that I restarted on Apr 30 (May 1?) of this year

    2.) To add strength training and or stretching/yoga to my daily exercise. I really need to do more than walking.

    - mk :)

    To zoom in on that further, the logging is sticking this time (yay!), so I'll sharpen that goal by stating:

    1.) I will strive to come in under my calories budget for the week (average).

    And I'll really put myself on the spot with the second goal/hope of adding strength training and/or stretching (or yoga) to my cardio 10k/day (& 20-min+ daily) of tracked exercise per day. I've mumbled for over a year about adding those elements, so I'll drill down on that, and hopefully bring it to reality, by stating that:

    2.) I will strive to add 1 strength training session, and 1 stretching or yoga session, to my weekly exercise diet. Any length of time! Just beginning and maintaining something regular will be a good launching place to be at, for the next Seasonal 5% jaunt around the world! 🤗🌍🌎🌏🌐🗺️

    - mk :) (Maine)
  • DeborahAnnCan
    DeborahAnnCan Posts: 56 Member
    My goal: Make a plan and follow it through for the duration of the challenge

    My plan will include:
    Tracking food daily on MFP
    Exercising daily daily
    Increasing water intake
    Being kind to myself when/if I stumble
  • ThursLins
    ThursLins Posts: 1,588 Member
    My goal is to comfortably fit into my clothes, again. I gained 9 lbs in a year and want to lost that!
    I will continue with the exercises mentioned in my previous posting,
    Line Dance, Water Aerobics, Walking.
  • amberlinamk1
    amberlinamk1 Posts: 371 Member
    My specific goals would be to lose about 2 inches off my hips, anything off my arms, feel more energy, and wake up happy without headaches everyday.
  • ForLangston
    ForLangston Posts: 951 Member
    1. Track, track, and track on mfp
    2. Continue exercising (mix of yoga, weights, walking)
    3. Re-connect to my IF, starting with 16:8
  • Chubbynomore10
    Chubbynomore10 Posts: 1,013 Member
    My Goals this challenge.

    I am still in maintenance, as I am in my weight range but I want to

    Lose 5 lbs fat
    Gain 5 lb muscle
    lose 1" in my waist (at least)
  • JesusGirl62
    JesusGirl62 Posts: 10,021 Member
    My goals are:
    1. Fully participate in the challenge.
    2. No LNS after 9 p.m. at least 5 days.
    3. Start outdoor walking at least 5 minutes 5 days a week.
    4. Continue habit of waiting 30 minutes after eating for any snacks or sweets.
  • sunrisedancer1
    sunrisedancer1 Posts: 1,427 Member
    My goals are:
    1. Track daily even when out of town (estimate as necessary)
    2. Keep a regular sleep schedule.
    3. Daily workout plus a daily walk
    4. Track water/calorie free liquid
  • persistant123
    persistant123 Posts: 114 Member
    In July I will begin another elimination diet. After 30 days I will begin adding foods, one at a time, to check for additional food sensitivities. The last time I did this I discovered that I cannot handle most grains and soy.

    I will be doing strength training six days a week, alternating between upper body and lower body. I will also commit to walking at least 20 minutes per day in a cool place and not let the extremely hot temperatures be an excuse not to walk.

    Since the indoor pool is closed and I will be unable to do my aquacize class, I am going to attend a yoga class two days a week to help maintain my flexability.
  • bbonet3
    bbonet3 Posts: 2,393 Member
    My goals:
    Track my food everyday
    Increase my walking
    Do more strength exercise as per my therapist
  • azhkrgrl
    azhkrgrl Posts: 478 Member
    My Goals are:
    Overall Challenge Goal: Meet my 5% weight goal
    Quantifiable Steps:
    -Track everything I eat in MFP
    -Practice mindful eating by taking at least 20 minutes to eat each meal without any distraction
    -Stay within my calorie range
    -Meet my daily protein intake goal
    -Eat 3-5 servings of fruit & vegetables every day
    -100oz + water/day
    -Intermittent Fasting
    Increase my fitness, strength, & flexibility (Goal 30 min 4X week):
    -30 minutes of walking every day - divide it into 3 10 minute sessions to start with, until I can do 30 minutes straight.
    -Exercise at least 10 min a day & build up to 20 minutes, then 30 minutes. Classes to include HIIT twice a week & weight resistance 3 times a week.
    -Keep Garmin steps going 5000+ everyday
    -Walking/cycling on the weekends. I am learning to ride a bicycle (yes, you read it right) & I hope to be able to ride it soon.
  • tech_hunter
    tech_hunter Posts: 350 Member
    Summer 5% challenge goals:

    Goal: To actually have a true 5% loss. That is 10.5 pounds for me. I think that this would be a huge benefit because it would put me under 200 pounds.

    1. Weights, full body, 3X a week (M-W-F). I already do this.
    2. Yoga T-Th. So I am doing something good on my off days. It helps with my balance.
    3. I want to add walking to my daily routine. I am inside at home working, and I need to take breaks to get exercise, but also to rest my brain. I will aim for 30 minutes a day.

    Nutrition: I count calories, stay away from as much grain as possible, and limit my sugar. Logging should keep me in check.
  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 5,766 Member