June 28 - July 4

Lastchancelj Posts: 1,340 Member
LW 224.9.TW 222.2

This week was TOUGH!! There were a couple of days I was beyond ravenous. I finally just ate a couple of eggs to slow my roll...even a krispie treat (AFTER eating, celery, lettuce and cucumber). I could not be satiated on Sat and` Sun. Mon and Tues were a bit better. I keep saying I'm going to quit this program, but I'm just about ready to hit the "order" button again. I don't "like" this program and really wish I could find someone like Lance again. Super busy week with work so gotta keep it short. And heading to Cali for the holiday to visit mom's graves and then see my daughter's new place - maybe have some friends meet us there as well. So I''ll check in on my phone when I can. Today and tomorrow are NUTS! Oh and I think my right toe may be infected so I've got a call into the doc as I don't see him until next week. It's me so who is really surprised that something isn't going smooth??? Not me...sadly.

Be safe, Be smart and Enjoy!!!


  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,971 Member
    LW: 130.4
    TW: 131.6

    Never happy to log a gain, but I always promised to log every week and log accurately, so there you go! It has really been a roller coaster week. I actually saw 129.8 for the second time in two weeks, so was happy about that. But the past few days, I've struggled with energy (have none) and part of that is probably my not eating as healthy as I should. It's not the kcals consumed as much as it is what I've consumed, i.e., too much fat and sugar. For some reason, I decided to make a large peach crisp, and I failed to give most of it away. So hubby and I have gone through it. And last Friday night, our neighbors brought us a wonderful dinner as a thank you for some things we've done them, and I know that it was a calorie-laden meal. So even though my net kcals were in plus range on only one day, my actual calories were high on several days.

    A good thing is that my first walking buddy sent me a text saying she really misses our walk/talk sessions and so we are meeting soon (maybe tomorrow morning) to walk before the day gets hot. I am also attending my class on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and co-leading some days.

    Not so good things include that hubby saw the doc this week for the new pain he is having in his lower back and leg and was told that he most likely has disc issues at L5 and L6 that is similar to the herniated discs he has had in his neck. Dealing with a person in pain can be a pain. When he hurts a lot, he gets crabby. I know he's not upset with me; he's just upset at being in pain. But it still puts me on edge and makes me want to be crabby right back, which certainly will not help the situation. One of the things that gets to me (and frankly makes me cranky) is his pain keeps us from doing some things we'd both enjoy. Wish I had a magic wand. I don't know how my brother-in-law has dealt with my sister's disability and chronic pain for so many years now.

    But back to good things, I made it to the dentist and my new implant and adjoining tooth looked just fine in the x-rays. She did a little bite adjustment, gave me a special head for my electric tooth brush to use in that area, and it's feeling a lot better. Whew!

    Lois, you are doing really good, so give yourself some credit. If you decide that this plan is not for you, I know you'll find another that will be a better fit. And I hope the toe gets better quick. You have just had too many leg and foot issues and deserve a long break from those. I know when my foot hurts, my entire body goes out of whack, so make sure you get it looked at.

    Sheesh, you also did great getting in activity every day. And I bet just getting the house back in order after your company left burned a lot of calories! And to answer your question about the Nats, they are doing terrible, but since we're in rebuild we expected that they'd lose a lot more games than they win. Sometimes, they look really good and we enjoy seeing these new, young guys. Other times, they will get a nice lead and then just blow it! But one issue that all the ballteams are having this year is bad calls from homeplate umpires. One game we played was just ridiculous. Not only was the ump calling obvious balls as strikes and vice versa, but he wasn't even being consistent. So the players couldn't make an adjustment. And one game, it was like the ump was favoring the other team by calling the same pitch differently depending on which team was at bat. There's an article about the bad umpiring this year in Sports Illustrated. Once an umpire, you're an umpire for life, but I think that should be "life as long as you're reasonably accurate in your calls."

    Before I take off, here are my 7 day averages:

    Steps = 11,217
    Kcals burned = 1,723
    Stairs = 14 floors

    Steps and kcals burned were both a little better this week, despite the extra pound. Goes to show, as Sheesh recently mentioned, that intake is the key. And since my net kcals were not too bad, I'm also concluding that the composition of the food matters a whole lot, too.

    So my goal for next week is to try to break 1,725 for average kcals burned and be sure that the kcals are healthier, i.e., less fat and sugar.

    Kelly and Katie, hope you will be able to pop in soon to let us know how you're doing.

  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,127 Member
    LW: 133.6
    TW: 133.6

    Argh. I was sure I would have a reduction today. :/ Weight training - check. Cardio - check. Stretching - check. Water - check. Food intake - Hmmmmm. I know what I have to do. And, Sarah, you're right about where the calories come from is also key. So, I know what my goal has to be.

    Lois, my gosh, your toe giving you grief again?! Glad you're getting into the doctor again right away. Your holiday plans sound fun, and I know how you enjoy catching up with your Cali family and friends. Enjoy that. I know you don't care for the program you're on, but you've had great results. . Congratulations on another good reduction. Sometimes I think about doing something similar to your program to lose some pounds, but my hubby would probably starve, lol. He doesn't cook. Or if he "cooks" it's a sandwich, canned soup, or McDonald's, ha ha.

    Sarah, I'm not getting anywhere near your activity with steps and calorie burn. . Good job! I understand your feelings about hubby's pain. My hubby has pain from cervical spine surgery as well. He occasionally is grumpy and I ask him if it's his pain . . he usually says yes. I can only imagine living with chronic pain. My right hand has started to have joint pain a lot, and that alone makes me grumpy!

    I hadn't realized that the umpires have been having a bad year! What the heck? Are they conducting some kind of weird protest or strike? That is strange. We plan to go see another ballgame here next week. I love going to the games, even though it is just AAA league.

    Have a safe and fun weekend and holiday.

  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,340 Member
    Well, antibiotic for the infected toe. No beach time this weekend. (Bbooooo). I was doing well and yesterday again got hit with ravenous hunger. I added another salad and a baby bell but dang I’m up 3lbs today. I dunno. But I’m just going to enjoy myself this weekend and relax. No work laptop will be joining me. We’ll be driving too much to truly be helpful. I’m bringing my personal laptop but I can’t do everything for work on it.

    I did do physical therapy yesterday. Dang I can feel not being there for one week. And the right toe did limit a couple of exercises and my range of motion (bike killed me on that toe) I go again next Thursday.

    It’s tough when our man children don’t feel well. Or when we do. I know I get crabby when I hurt as does hubby. Hopefully you guys don’t get it too bad. Clothes are packed in their cubes waiting for hubby to decide which suitcase we’re bringing.

    Enjoy the holiday and be safe.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,971 Member
    I hear you with the hunger and frustration, Lois. I'm dealing with some of this myself. I was up two pounds this morning and not really sure why. I went to my class yesterday and got an hour in on the treadmill. I was supposed to walk outside with my first walking buddy, but she called in the morning and suggested that we not walk outside with code red air quality, so we may take a drive to mall that is about a half hour from here and do lunch and a walk next week. The air quality is once again due to smoke from Canada. I truly feel for folks up there.

    Lois, enjoy your Cali visit. Hope you can kick back and just rest your foot (and whole body). Forget work for a few days. :smile:

    We are going to a town nearby to have ribs on the grill and then watch the fireworks from the roof of a big parking garage. Our friend works part-time in retirement for the city and has keys to the rooftop! I just hope the air quality is okay by then and it's not super hot and humid. But who am I kidding? It's almost always hot and humid here in July!

    Hope everyone has a fun and safe July 4.