Ignoring measuring myself weekly...

John1610 Posts: 31 Member
I'm on week 5 of c25k, and have been weighing myself weekly. I'm a 5"6 22 year old male, and when I started c25k I was about 154lbs. After the first week of running and sticking strictly to 1610 calories a day, I was down to 152lbs. Since week 2 I have been yoyo-ing from 150-152lbs, never going below that, still sticking to my calorie allowance.

One thing though, I have been taking fortnightly photo's of my stomach and have noticed there has been reduction in my belly fat since I have started. As my main priority was to lose my stomach fat, I am still happy with the progress, and happy that my running has improved so much.

Is this normal? Not losing weight but losing fat? I've been doing a bit of weights now and again, but not a lot.


  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I would say that's pretty normal. I haven't lost any weight in the last 3 months running but I have got slimmer and my clothes are much looser. I do weights twice a week so I guess we're burning fat and building muscle.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Honestly, if you are looking for more of a cut, then I would focus more on the weights and less on the cardio. From what it sounds like, you are looking to bulk, basically define your muscles. The cardio will work to create the deficit you need to drop the body fat, but the lifting is where you are going to need to focus your attention.

    And also, not sure why you want to drop more weight, you are in your healthy body weight range....just so you know.
  • John1610
    John1610 Posts: 31 Member
    No I definitely want to lose weight. I've got a bit of a fat belly/moobs so I'm looking to slim. I'm enjoying the program so I am liking the idea of losing further weight though improving my running. Because I am small I think I would look ridiculous if I was bulky lol.

    I'll just continue eating properly and exercising, guess I can't go wrong with that!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You'd look like a really fit short person. It's not a bad look. And it's not that easy to get bulky even for men. Not that I'm discouraging running at all :). Have you read The Oatmeal''s instant classic "the terrible and wonderful reasons I run"?