August 2-8, 2023

SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
LW: 129.6
TW: 129.2

Weight-wise this week went okay. I credit some of that to still having tongue and throat issues. But then I'm also still not feeling up to par in general, so I took a break again on one day. Break for me is defined as not doing anything purposeful to get in activity. Here are my 7-day averages, which includes that break day so are a bit low.

Steps = 9,800
Kcals burned = 1,633
Stairs = 14 floors

If things don't get back to normal, I think my doc will send me to an ENT, but for now, I'm trying not to obsess. Denial is sometimes the easiest route!

We have finally decided on some dates to go check on my sister and have a pet sitter lined up and a neighbor who has offered to water the plants in the back. I am not really looking forward to the trip, though. I hate to say this, but it's not a lot of fun being shut in with an invalid and we hate to go down and then be out and about too much since she can't join us. But we always find a way to do something enjoyable on the way down or back.

Well, a neighbor just called and asked if she could come over and get some help with her new cell phone, so I'm going to cut this short. I hope to get out for a walk later when the sun goes down, so will probably check back tomorrow. We're enjoying a couple of days break from the super heat. I was able to go out for a short walk this morning, but I got started later than I had planned and had to stop sooner than I would have liked because I was meeting a friend at noon.

Oops, there's my doorbell. Looking forward to hearing from everyone.


  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,312 Member

    EEK. Not on plan - AT ALL over the weekend. Flew home on Sunday, so breakfast with sis in San Diego. Kids picked me up at airport and off to Red Robin for burgers - and I was famished from no snack/fuelings all day. Groceries didn't get delivered until 7pm last night (my fault - didn't realize I never press the button to actually order/schedule) so Chipotle bowl yesterday. Lots of sodium the days prior. I anticipate it will settle down in a few days as I get back to "normal".

    Had a great time in San Diego. Didn't really escape the heat as it was in the 80's with 80+% humidity. Saturday morning we had errands to run for the party supplies. I ordered Chipotle tacos to the hotel as we were getting ready to head to the venue because we were hot, stinky and sweating. What a waste of water that was. Got to the venue (Japanese Friendship Garden in Balboa Park). NO SHADE where we were setting up.... so once the tables were set up, we were in the sun setting up the centerpieces, lanterns, balloon arch, and banners. It was all beautiful and Auntie was happy, but I was SOAKED through when it was time to change into dressy clothes in the restroom. It was HOT and I felt like I was a stinky mess. Filipinos are huggers so I had to apologize to everyone for We had over 100 guests....and a lot of fun seeing them all. Rhea had a great time and did great interacting with everyone - even visiting with Lola (she sometimes avoids her as she and my MIL look so much alike and it sometimes causes Rhea confusion). She even helped her Lola "blow out the candles" hahaha. I stayed a couple of extra days to visit with my cousin - really rested at the condo on Sunday. Had breakfast and ran errands with my sister before heading to the airport. Had a lovely (snarkily said) interaction with TSA - quick but they were GROUCHY and YELLY. That's why I hate to fly. Bumpy hour flight home, but happy to see my Little Rhea when I got in. Limiting PT to Thursdays with work schedule. Had to go to Scottsdale early this am so I'll be back in the pool walking tomorrow.

    Sarah - good reduction. Take care of yourself.
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
    edited August 2023
    LW: 133.6
    TW: 133.8

    I'm just bumping around in this range. I plan to really get down to it after daughter's family visits next week. Sorry about not posting yesterday. . my day got away from me, and after zoom I was exhausted. I had my trainer Monday, and then we watched our 21 month old granddaughter while mommy and daddy went to a work function/dinner. She is as riot, and so much fun. But after dinner, playing, running races, changing into jammies, etc. I was worn out! Tuesday hubby and I played golf. I played pretty well despite having only played a few times so far this summer. I was so tired by Wednesday though. Trainer again this morning. No rest for the wicked, lol.

    Great reduction Sarah! I'm so jealous of you being under 130! That seems to be my stubborn set point. I'm sorry you're still dealing with something that's causing you low energy. I say, see the ENT sooner rather than later. I was also wondering how your hubby is feeling? Has his pain settled down? And, I hope your sister appreciates how you check on her and take the time to go visit. Whenever I talk to my sister or go out to lunch with her, it seems like all we talk about is her ailments. I am sympathetic as she has had more health issues than I have, being 5-1/2 years older. I hope I feel better when I get there.

    It sounds like a good visit for you in San Diego, Lois. Although hot, the party sounds very nice. 100 people! Wow! She must have a large family and lots of friends. How nice.

    Enjoy the rest of your week and weekend.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
    Hi, all. I had planned to get back here yesterday, but Xfinity had other plans! Our internet and cable were out for most of the day and early evening. I suspect it was from all the tree limbs that fell during the storms.

    Sheesh, my weight is bouncing around. I weighed 128.6 yesterday morning and then this morning, I had bounced back up to 130.2, which seems to be my primary spot these days. Hubby went to Detroit Wednesday morning and got back this afternoon. So since it was only me, I decided to stop into Panera on my way home from some volunteer work last night and pick up a Mediterranean grain bowl with chicken. I had no idea how high in calories that meal was until I logged it into my food diary today. :s And today for lunch, I grabbed a frozen Cuban style citrus garlic bowl, thinking it was low in calories, but guess what--it was not! So tomorrow I may be above the 130.2!

    And although you may weigh a few pounds more than me right now, I still bet that you look more fit with all your work with your trainer. And mentioning training, the Bone Builders class here in our community is not listed on the county's fall class list. I think I mentioned that the instructor had a run in with the county recreation department and decided to resign. So I'm not sure what is going on. I told them I'd be happy to help, but I did not want to take the lead roll. I thought another trainer had said she would like be the main instructor, but we're not on the list that I received by email today. If I don't do that class, I will be looking at others to take its place.

    Well, hubby just came into the office and asked me if I could come downstairs to see something he wants me to see, so I will sign off.

    Lois, it sounds like you had fun at the party despite the heat and lots of good Rhea time, which I know makes you happy. :) Hope the weather and your foot are allowing you to do some pool walking.

    BTW, I sent a quick message to Kelly to let her know she's missed.