August 9-15, 2023

SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
LW: 129.2
TW: 128.8

Well happy hump day. Thought I'd start the thread and weigh in before the day gets away from me. I'm pretty happy with my weight today because it's more or less stable in spite of the fact that we've had brownies and lemon bars in the house for the past couple of days. I made them for hubby to take to a gathering on Monday evening that was cancelled due to the heavy thunderstorms and tornado warning. That was quite a late afternoon, early evening around here. We had to hustle and get everything that might go airborne off the patios, front and back, and into the garage. Thankfully, the worst of that storm went around us.

I'm in kind of an odd space today. I just feel down for some reason and little anxious. I used to blame these periods on hormones, but I don't think I have any left! LOL I think I'm realizing that summer is passing and the days are getting shorter. And because of the extreme heat/humidity and non-ending thunderstorms, we have not been going to the pool like we usually do, so I'm missing some of our camraderie with neighbors. I also think some of my mood may be attributed to dealing with my throat and tongue issues, which do seem to be resolving somewhat, and hubby's resurgence of neck and back pain.

Mentioning hubby, he announced a little while ago that he has been able to clear his work calendar for this afternoon so we can go to the pool. I think he feels bad about not being able to do a lot lately between work, work travel, and being in pain. But--he forgot that the pool that we usually go to is closed on Wednesdays. However, we have access to four other pools, so maybe we'll bite the bullet and check out one of the two quieter ones. We just want plain swimming without slides and water spouts or a lazy river--just somewhere to take a dip and then read (me) or listen to music via ear pods (hubby).

I think I told you that the instructor of my Bone Builders class has resigned and so I'm weighing out how much I want to commit to being an instructor myself (as opposed to just being a certified person to assist). Part of me wants to step up and part of me wants to find some different classes as this routine is getting a bit boring for me. Plus, the county has also instigated a new rule about absenses. If you miss more than two classes--out you go. (It used to be five.) They say it's because of the long waiting lists. But I think that's far too strict. Almost anyone will have more than two days over a 6-month period when they have an appointment, are on travel, or just don't feel well. Our current instructor counted you absent only if you just did not show up and did not let her know ahead of time. I think that is one fight she was having with the county.

Here are my seven-day averages. I've allowed myself a little more leeway and on some days have not hit 10K steps. However, this week I ended up okay because of a couple of days when the combination of class, what walking I did, and just doing other things took me over that mark. I'm still thinking ahead about the hit I will take when go to check on my sister. Lots of car and stuck-in-the-house time.

Steps = 10,909
Stairs = 22 floors (think some hills got counted as stairs)
Kcals burned = 1,704 (This was up a little--maybe those hills :smile: )

As always, looking forward to hearing from everyone. I did, by the way, check in on Kelly who said everything is good with her. She has just been super busy with work and the kids.


  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,312 Member
    Happy Wednesday. I woke up, went to the scale and it was dead. Unfortunately, I overslept and had to get ready super quick to get out of the office and to Scottsdale for a meeting, so no weigh in this morning. I put the batteries on the stairs, so I will take them up when I go upstairs and weight in tomorrow. I'm not feeling the love of the program and really having a struggle to stay on the plan. I spoke to my "coach" and I think I'm going to wean myself off of this stuff and figure out how to do it with real food or just be what I am is what I am. I don't have the mindset for this right now. We're still settling on a couple of mom's things, work is insane and interfering with my physical therapy so I'm down to one day a week. Next week I have to go into the office every day for a new software training and launch as well. I was successful on Monday at walking the block. I actually got in a full mile plus before work. It was 89 at 615am and 60% humidity, but I got it done. Tuesday I overslept and this morning as mentioned above, I didn't wake early enough to do anything. Hubby was in the pool when I got home. I am visiting my elderly neighbor tonight - possibly ordering dinner for her (the one who's hubby passed away a couple of months ago). She's still staying in her house and currently her granddaughter and great granddaughter are staying with her, but they are looking for their own home. So, no walking tonight either. I have PT tomorrow morning, so strengthening and flexibility exercises plus the PT will scrape my incision areas to help break up the scar tissue. I did have this weird ache in my foot Friday, Sat and Sun - even into Monday. I don't feel it today, but I am going to bring it to my PT's attention.

    We are just over 100 days to the trip of the year and yes, I am concerned about me being able to walk the parks three days in a row. So I need to get my bum in gear and focused on the mileage!! Hubby wants to start walking in the mall on the weekends and Tues when we don't have PT. I'm hoping I can join him once the new software launches as my lunch hour. At least it is air conditioned. Oh and our custom t-shirts have been arriving - so that is getting us more and more excited as well as motivated. I still may need to rent a scooter for the last day of our trip.

    Sarah good reduction! and i hope you have fun at the pool. I can't give direction on you leading the class as I'm like you, I didn't mind assisting, but certainly never wanted to lead it alone. So good luck with your decision. I hope all goes well with your visit to your sister.

    I chatted with my sister the other day. My SIL is being promoted over labor day weekend. Because we wouldn't get there until Saturday, they scheduled the pinning ceremony for Sunday morning. My sister was upset with me when I told her it was moved from Saturday morning to Sunday morning because hubby works Friday night and we wouldn't be able to get there on time. You would have thought it was her son being promoted. Anyhow, I think she'll figure out how to be there still, but she was upset. She's coming to AZ to help a friend move to northern California. Then I mentioned I could drop her off at her friend's house as it is on our way home near me in AZ, but then she wants to bring her dog. I had such a bad allergic reaction being in her car last week with her dog for four hours - there is no way I can do it for six and then have dog hair in my own vehicle. She doesn't quite understand my reluctance. We all forget that I did grow up with dogs, and was very sick - a lot. And as an adult we had four - yes FOUR cocker spaniels. And guess who was on 6 asthma medications and tons of sterioids??? ME!!! and I didn't get tested until AFTER the dogs had been gone. Once we removed all of the carpeting, oh my goodness - I could breathe. So no, I don't want to take the chance of having those types of reactions again. Am I the *kitten*? :) And no, we don't have any pets anymore. How can our family make us feel like turds or just miserable? I love her and want to spend time with her, but not with her dog and she's offended.
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
    edited August 2023
    LW: 133.8
    TW: 133.4

    Sorry to have missed posting this yesterday. We have family in town, and yesterday we went to FatCats (a huge indoor arcade, theaters, bowling, mini golf, and food venue) with our 12 and 14 year old granddaughters while their Mom and Dad went to Park City to celebrate their 20th Anniversary. It just so happens that President Biden will be in Park City as well, so maybe they'll see the motorcade. Today we're going to a water park with them :) I cancelled my trainer for today, so no workout other than activity with the girls. I was able to work out with her Monday, and my weight as of yesterday was down a little. I feel like I eat less when I have house guests, lol.

    Sarah, great reduction! I'm so impressed with your continued activity and focus even with hit and miss class and pool activity, hubby's pain, your throat and tongue issue, and an upcoming trip to see your sister. Good job. . I hope to join you in the 120's soon! As you said, it feels like summer is going by so fast. I've only played golf a few times, but we've gone to more baseball games and had family visits. Hubby and I plan to go somewhere after school starts again and places are less crowded.

    Lois, the hot weather in northern Utah has abated, and I'm hoping it has for you as well, so maybe we'll be able to do more outdoor activity. Is your big trip in 100 days to Disneyland? I may have missed you saying where you're going. Even though you're planning to wean off your diet program, I hope you'll keep after your health being a priority. Your hubby and family want and need you to be around and able to be active with them. Don't give up.

    My yearly physical coming in October is looming in my mind, so I plan to pay more attention in the coming days and weeks.

    I'm off to have a great day with my grands and hubby at a water park. Wish me luck, lol.

  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 677 Member
    Hey!! I'm here! lol

    I'm so sorry I have been away for so long. Life, I tell ya. I find that when I start to get overwhelmed with everything I have to do or everything we have going on, I look to drop things off my To Do list and unfortunately, this time, posting on here was one of them.

    So what's been happening. Well, work has been pretty nuts. We actually went on strike again for a month, which was insanely stressful. Luckily it actually didn't end up affecting me money wise, before it got resolved. There was a loss of overtime and call outs, which I don't get anyway, so that's ok. Now we have a contracted signed until the end of this year and then our union starts the negotiating all over again *slap hand to forehead* It's pretty frustrating that we have to go through this every couple of years. Our last contract expired Feb 2022 and we've been working without one since then. At least they got the 2 year deal finalized without affecting my pay. My staff changed a bit this year too, as I have a summer student to manage, as well my worker took the whole month of August off, so I'm trying to fill in for her, while doing my own job.

    Kids are good. Our daughter has been in hockey 4 times a week all summer, which means a lot of driving - dropping off and picking up. Our son just got his beginners drivers licence :o It's so different here now to go through the graduated licensing program. I never had to do all of that back in the day. He had a month of virtual classes, which we 2 times a week for 2 hours each and he has to complete a minimum of 45 hours of verified driving. In order to verify the driving, we had to each take a 3 hour online course to become a "copilot" . Seriously.. homework for parents?! That was hard to find that time, never mind trying to find the time to do the actually hours for driving.
    The kids also went to week on-week off schedule with us and their Mom. It has it's pros and cons for sure, but we're all really liking it and are hoping to keep it that way going forward. It will depend on what happens with transportation for school and such. Both kids start a new school this upcoming school year.

    Our summer has been good, but fairly uneventful. We didn't have any trips or cabins booked this year, as Ella was busy with hockey. Shawn and I have gone golfing a few times, but that's pretty much it. I am looking forward to going to Mexico in February for my Brother's wedding though!

    Other than that, everything is ok. I'm in a bit of a lull lately with focusing on me and worried too much about everyone else that I have to take care of. I need to get back to me. My eating habits have slid over the past month, but I have still been doing my daily workouts and closing my apple watch rings daily. I'm just missing that motivation I once had. On a positive note, I was able to get my blood sugar back down to normal levels, so I'm no longer pre-diabetic! That made me very happy and I need to remember that and keep it going. I think what I'm struggling with the most, is that I don't have any big passions or hobbies. I'm sure many women go through this. Now that the kids are getting older, they don't need me as much, so I'm finding my own time to be a bit lonely. I just need to find something I really enjoy doing for me.

    Anywho, I'm sure I'm missing a ton, but that's all I have time for right now as I'm at work. I'll find some time to read what's happening with everyone and I'll look at updating my weight next week.. yikes.

    I hope everyone is well ! Thank you Sarah for checking on me and making me feel wanted. <3
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
    edited August 2023
    So happy to see your post, Kelly. You are very much wanted, and I wish I had checked in sooner. Just knew you were very busy. When I think about it, the last four of us SNSers have been in touch with each other for more than a decade. I have friends who live in the same area as me that I don't stay in touch with as well. And so we've shared a lot of life's ups and downs. I was thinking the other day about how you had broken up with someone before you met Shawn and were a bit down, and then we were all excited when he came on the scene. Sheesh, I think you only had two grandkids when we first connected; Lois, you were the meal planning queen; and I was a workaholic, struggling at my desk for 10 hours a day! (Someone had to run that big agency LOL!!) We've lost parents, married off kids or have gotten married ourselves, welcomed new family members, sold and bought homes, gone through job changes, faced health challenges, and shared lots of good, fun stuff, too. I feel blessed to know each of you.

    Today will be a different kind of day for me. Hubby is in Detriot again and will get home around 2 a.m. tomorrow morning (taking an 11:30 p.m. flight out). Before we knew he'd be away, we agreed to pet sit a neighbor's aging doggie that is half Jack Russell and half Chihuahua. (Can you say nervous dog that can jump very high? :D ) Because of his age, he also has meds to take and needs to go out a bit more often. So I should certainly get my steps in walking him and walking back and forth between the houses today. I also want to get some cleaning done here that is easier to accomplish when no one else is around.

    Lois, I echo Sheesh's hope that you keep working on your health, even if you feel like you've not made a lot of progress in recent months. Don't forget that you have been dealing with a serious injury on top of some big life changes. I have faith in you, my friend. As time has gone on, I've amended my own goals. In fact, I no longer want to weigh 122, which was my original weight goal. I think that at that weight, my arms would look more wrinkly than they already do. (I unfortunately inherited my Mom's arms!) Right now, I just want to stay in the high 120's. And since I know that my weight always sways back and forth in a 3-pound range, I think 126 to 127 is the right goal for me. That will probably put me between sizes, but hey--the alterations lady at the cleaners needs the business!

    Sheesh, we are waiting for fall for fun travel also. The trip to NC just doesn't count in that way, although my sister sounded a lot better when I talked to her a few days ago and she actually asked what we wanted to do while there. The problem is that I know she's not physically up to much and often will be doing pretty good one day and then be in serious pain the next. But we'll see. :smile:

    So now before I lose internet connections (Xfinity sent a text about working in the area) I will sign off. And as a last thought--Kelly, I also need a hobby. Hubby has quite a few and I--well, I don't!
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
    edited August 2023
    Kelly, it's good to see your post and read about your summer. No need to apologize for missing time here . . I know how demanding family life (especially with kids and teens) is. I can't believe how demanding the driving education is now for parents and new drivers. I know they've added steps here as well. It's probably a good idea though to prevent accidents.

    Sarah, when I read what you said about the time we've been on here together, I was thinking about all the time and changes we've been though on this site. I don't remember if I started posting on BodyBugg in 2009 or 2010, but I started with it after I'd had heart surgery, which was in 2009, the same year my first grandchild was born. I also remember a bit about Kelly as she went through a breakup with the "former guy", and then finding Shawn. :) Yeah, we've been sharing for a long time now.

    I'm also thinking that my goal will no longer be 120, which I haven't been serious about for a while now, lol. I think I'll make it 125, and maybe even reassess after I'm under 130. I agree that the wrinkling and just being older is a consideration.

    Well, I'm off to do some school shopping with my daughter and grands today after daughter and I go out for the long walk together she wanted to do. It's cooler today as we had overnight rain, so that's good. The water park was super fun, although I didn't venture down the crazier slides with them. I was more "lazy river" speed, but hubby did a couple with them. He's crazy. Yesterday we all went to see "Barbie", and out for dinner. I enjoyed it, but was surprised that it made me cry some. *shrug*.

    Have a good weekend.

  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
    Well, here we are at Monday again. :) I'm still dealing with some low-level anxiety that seems to have no logical cause. It is certainly making me more emphathetic with my neighbor/friend who has dealt with anxiety and depression for most of her life. The past 5 days or so have been different. I started to say hectic, but that's no actually true. With hubby in Detriot for a few days for the second week in a row, I had things to take care of that normally he does and we took care of our neighbor's dog Friday through Sunday. I thought a good thing would be knowing that I would walk the dog 4 times a day, but honestly, walking a small dog is not walking as I usually define it because he stops to sniff every blade of grass!

    We are trying to get a lot of things off our plate this week so our week in the Carolinas will be more relaxing. Hubby's work is exceptionally busy, so a lot of chores will be on my list. And somehow, I agreed to do some volunteer work one evening, I have a haircut another evening, I have class on two days and will be the co-leader, and as always happens, the wheels start falling off when you're trying to get away, i.e., when I opened the dishwasher this morning there was a tremendous bang, and now the door is not opening normally. So I think a spring broke, which means trying to get a Bosch repair person out here quickly. Things usually go in threes, so I'm wondering what is next.

    Sheesh, your activities with your family always sound like so much fun. You are fortunate to have such great kids and grands. And regarding the SNS histry, I bought my first Bodybugg in January of 2010 and joined SNS on that site in either February or March. You were there at that time. I was always amazed at how our group of short people (mostly women) could win so many challenges. I was trying to find something about that group and googled my MFP name thinking an old post might show up, and oh my god!!! Someone who also uses my MFP name posts tons of porno!! I assure you, that is not me. I would kind of like to check to make sure someone is not using anything they've found on a public site about me, but I don't want to even click on any of those links. There are just sick people out there.

    Well, I paid some bills, caught up on my food diary, posted here, and I am feeling a little less jumpy (despite that find), so I think I'll get up from this desk, get in some steps, and mark a couple of items off the old to-do list. Hope everyone has a good week.