
How do I go from 380 pounds to 260?


  • DJ_Hex
    DJ_Hex Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2023
    Assuming the natural route (not the enhanced route, for example using semaglutide)..

    The key is to consume less calories vs. what you expend. If you eat 5000 cals. but only burn 2500, you are in a 2500 calorie surplus.

    Your body will burn cals as a byproduct of functioning- and will also burn cals through excercise. You'll need to calculate your TDEE (calculator online) and eat less than this (do not starve yourself, simply reduce slightly and go from there). Use this app to religiously track your calories.

    If my TDEE is 3000 cals, I would aim to eat slightly less than this, say 2800 calories. From there depending on how I feel and look, I could taper a little more.

    Of your cals, you should aim to increase your total protein intake, reduce your carbs some (carbs creates water retention, which equals weight). Fats should be healthy and kept to about 20 percent of your intake.

    To drop that kind of weight it will require dedication, consistency, and the drive to see results. You will need to spend 4-5 days in the gym, where you should do moderate weight training (muscle mass requires more maintenance, and so you burn more cals by adding muscle) and definitely cardio. Conume a lot of water. Stay hydrated. Eat whole foods and some that are fiber rich. The biggest thing that I see with those who are attempting to drop a lot of weight is that the person will default back to poor eating habits. To get to where you want to be, you have to stick to the plan.