Over 50 is for the birds

I am 51 and continuing to work on my weight lost journey. I’ve been at it since October and have lost 30 lbs, 70 to go. I’ve been stalled for the last 8 weeks so I decided to try this. My first week I’m down 2lbs which is more than. I have in 8 weeks. Looking for a community that is non judgemental and has great ideas to share.without posts from creepy guys. I commented on another group and right away for a message from someone that was wildly inappropriate. I’m happily married, empty nester just looking to talk with people in the same boat as me.


  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 632 Member
    Welcome, petekimclaire!
  • spencedawn2015
    spencedawn2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I’m 57 an this November will be 6 years since I lost my husband! After his death I suffered severe depression an it’s taken me over 5 years to finally come to grips with reality! I am now technically a 150 pounds overweight, completely out of shape, muscle, tendons, an all body parts hurt! I had knee replacement surgery in July of 2022 an in some ways it helped but I still have pain in it. I started going to a weight loss doctor an taking diet pills an still wasn’t losing weight actually I gained. The doctor recommended My FitnessPal an I love it the best money I’ve ever spent! I started Aug 3 an even though I didn’t make my first goal of 20 pounds I did lose 14 pounds an I know inches because I’ve went down a size in my clothes! I’m just looking for another woman for us to encourage each other because when I hit 50 it seemed like it went downhill an us woman need to stick together an support each other instead of tearing each other apart!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 632 Member
    First off, congratulations on the 14 pounds loss. Any weight loss is a win! I'm over weight and out of shape. I have hypothyroidism, and autoimmune disease. I hurt all over. I'm only 49 and when I walk my ankles give out sometimes, my hand and arms ache from doing lite activity such as, dishes or driving. And my hand and feet tingle and go numb. I've talked to my doctor about it and we're still figuring out the reasons. I believe most my health problems are based on my eating habits. That's why I'm here. I've been here before so I am confident that I know what I need to do. However, I need inspiration to keep believing it's worth it, tips and advice too. And that's why I need people like you.
  • petekimclaire
    petekimclaire Posts: 9 Member
    Spencedawn2015- I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. That would be horrible. Losing 14lbs is amazing. I think of how much weight I’ve lost in lbs of actual items. A gallon of milk is about 5lbs and would you want to lug that around all day. My daughter has lost 50lbs and she said she didn’t really notice any difference, (she’s 24 with a horrible autoimmune disease). My husband told her to go pick up the 50lb bag of dog food we have and see what that feels like. It changed her perspective. So celebrate your 14lbs. It’s better to lose nothing than to gain 1.
  • petekimclaire
    petekimclaire Posts: 9 Member
    Veta2018- I’m premenopausal and am amazed how hard it’s been to lose weight. As an adult I’ve always been on the heavier side and I’m feeling it in my hips and knees. I’ve found a water aerobics class and it is amazing. I don’t hurt during the work out and according to my Apple Watch, burn a lot more calories than walking for the same time.
  • petekimclaire
    petekimclaire Posts: 9 Member
    edited September 2023
    I’ve been making a small change every few days, whether it’s increasing my water, increasing my time on the treadmill by a few minutes, or eating a little less sugar and a little more veggies. Don’t set a lot of long term goals. Set small ones and celebrate those when you reach them. My love language is taking care of others and I’ve always done that with food. That has been a huge obstacle to overcome. I’m figuring out ways to celebrate successes without food.
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 632 Member
    My husband spoils me with food a lot. When we go to the grocery store, I look at the cookies and put them back. He puts them in the cart. He also, takes me out to eat all the time, and it's not always easy to find healthy options. But it's nice not having to cook. It's not necessarily the cooking I don't want to do, it's deciding what to make.

    I sometimes sit in a jacuzzi to relax my aching body. Water aerobics sounds nice!
  • petekimclaire
    petekimclaire Posts: 9 Member
    I despise the meal planning. We are simple eaters and most healthy recipes I find on Pinterest or here have a lot of things either myself or my husband doesn’t like. That is my biggest obstacle.