Tying to bounce back after a transplant surgery.

pcw65 Posts: 31 Member
So gaining weight was never an issue for me until my kidney disease progressed to the point I was on dialysis. Then I developed a cough and daily nausea. That caused my weight to plummet. I am a 6'2" guy that weighed 230 pounds which was probably 20-30 pounds too heavy. 200 pounds felt about right.

I was lucky enough to get a kidney transplant on August 19th and the combination of two years of dialysis and the trauma of surgery caused my weight to drop to 160 which left me looking how I can only describe as emaciated. Almost no muscle or fat. Wobbly legs every time I stand up, and bad back, both due to the lack of muscle.

I joined MFP again a week ago and am watching certain nutrients closely (protein, potassium, sodium) but what I really need to do now is start to introduce some LIGHT exercise and learn more about how to gain weight and a little muscle. Not looking to bulk up, just have a nice toned appearance. Final target will be the aforementioned 200 pounds, so 40 to go!!

If anyone has found any workouts on MFP that lend themselves to this situation please do recommend them. I am still in post-op recovery stage for the next 1-2months and during that time need to be super careful about stressing the kidney. After that I can ramp up the activity.

I will be working out from home, gyms are not great for someone with little immune system, again especially in the first 1-2 months. Maybe down the line but I am not convinced.

Any input appreciated.